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Mental Health In

Group 4 :
- Bima Ariyu Putra A
- Fajrina Salsabilla Z
- Chirana Karsa Medis
- Izza Azainda Zuhri
Table of contents

1. 2. 3.
Definition Case Discussion

4. 5.
How to Overcome Conclusion
- Mental health is a condition or state of a person's mental state.
- A student is someone who is studying in college. The average student is 18-22 years old, which is a
period of transition from adolescence to early adulthood. During this period, many changes occur in a
person, such as changes in mindset and mentality.
Mental health is one of the important issues in the world of education, especially in universities. This
is because mental health plays an important role in the development and achievement of students. Poor
mental health can affect students' concentration, motivation, and social interactions.
Mental Health Cases In College Students

Students, especially new students, have a high potential to experience stress or depression because
they are still in the adjustment phase with the learning process in higher education. This happens because
the task that sometimes exceeds the ability can be a burden for the student. Changes in mindset, adaptation
process, and this burden can be the cause of the emergence of mental health problems in students.
Mental health problems in students can affect emotional, cognitive, physical, and social aspects. In
general, there are three types of mental disorders that often appear among students, namely stress, anxiety
disorder, and depression.
Three Types Of Mental Disorders
Stress is a condition where a person experiences a very heavy emotional and mental pressure. Stress not only has an
impact on a person's psychological condition, but can also affect the way they behave and their physical

Anxiety disorder is a condition in which individuals experience excessive anxiety directly and sometimes difficult to
control. Someone who has an anxiety disorder can feel great anxiety every time so that it can affect their daily
Anxiety Disorder

Depression is a mood disorder that can cause sufferers to feel sad continuously. Depression
can affect the emotions, ways of thinking, and behavior of sufferers.


Unfortunately, mental health problems, especially in students, are still widely underestimated in Indonesia. Many
still think that someone who has mental health problems and visits a psychologist is crazy. Not a few also call mental
health fighters just looking for attention.
One example that often occurs is the case of cyber bullying or bullying from social media. There are many
individuals out there who often make fun of someone just because that person is different from the others or just trying to
be themselves. They dare to do this because their identity will not be known through social media.
And, there are still many parents, especially in Indonesia, who always judge their children without ever hearing
their opinion. When their children complain of stress or depression, they immediately call their children less religious and
far from God. In fact, they are also indirectly one of the factors for the emergence of stress or depression among students.
This is what causes many cases of suicide.
Overcoming Stress in Students
There are two ways that people usually do to deal with stress, namely:
1. Problem focused coping, this method focuses more on solving the problem. Aims to reduce the demands of a
stressful situation or expand the resources that can be utilized to deal with it
2. Emotion-focused coping, this method focuses more on controlling emotional responses when dealing with
Or parents are an important role so they can help children not to stress, In a way:
1. Listen to children's stories completely
2. Asking the child's opinion on the problem
3. Asking the effort that has been done by the child
4. Asking what resources the child needs
5. Re-evaluate
Mental health disorders such as stress, anxiety disorders, and depression
occur on average in students aged 18-22 years, but not a few also view this
problem as one eye in Indonesia. The causes of the emergence of mental
problems in students include changes in mindset, adaptation process, and the
burden they have.
There are two ways that a person can do to deal with stress, namely
Problem focused coping and Emotion-focused coping. In addition, help and
support from parents is also very important to overcome stress on students.
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