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Ocean Pollution

Alexander Kisimov, Kaloyan Milushev, Stefan Chalakov, Nickolay Valkov

Ocean pollution

Although they cover over 70% of

the Earth, our oceans are under
serious danger. Each year, billions
of pounds of trash enter the ocean.
Some of the debris ends up on our
beaches, some sinks and some is
eaten by marine animals.

The ocean is increasingly

becoming a 'plastic soup' that is
killing hundreds of marine
animals, which mistake it for food.
One day the millions of plastic
pieces, swollen by them will end
up in our stomachs.
Point source pollution

Pollution that comes from a single

source, like an oil or chemical
spill, is known as point source
pollution. These chemicals cause
irreversible and fatal changes to
the oceanic life, for example
affecting the reproductive process.
Great Pacific garbage patch

The Great Pacific garbage patch is

a patch of microplastics, floating
in the Pacific ocean. Its size is
estimated at around 1.2 million
km2 and it is one of the main
symbols of ocean pollution.

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