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a) Could I have a return ticket to London, please?

b) Can I help you?

FINAL TEST d) You’re welcome.
e) Here you are. Which platform is it?
Name: f) Yes, of course. Here you are.
Last name:

Date: 4 Underline the wrong word in each group.

1 Irish Spain France Mexico
1 Complete the conversations with the correct 2 Britain Thailand German Portugal
form of be. 3 Chinese Polish Italy Malaysian
1 A: Hi, Ben. How 1 are you? 4 Brazil Vietnam Greek the USA
B: I 2 ’m fine, thanks. 5 China Indian British Japanese
2 A: John, this 3 Marta. Russia
6 Japan Argentinian Egypt
B: Hi, Marta. 4 you Italian? 5
C: No, I 5 .I6 from
Germany. 3 A: 7
your friend a teacher?
B: No, she 8 . She 9 a 5 Underline the correct alternatives.
doctor. 4 A: 10
they Mr and Mrs Smith? A: 1 Do you / You like food?
B: No, they 11 . They 12 Mr and B: Yes, I 2do / like.
Mrs Brown. A: Do you eat junk food?
B: No, I 3don’t eat / don’t. I’m in a Good Food group.
2 Put is or possessive ’s in the correct places. We 4eat / don’t eat good food.
1 The teacher name Mike. A: Do the people in your group like 5cooking / cook?
The teacher’s name is Mike . B: Yes, they 6cook / love it. We 7meet / go every week
2 This is Pietro. He Tom friend. and 8drink / make food from different countries.
A: 9Do you / You do lots of exercise?
. B: No, we 10do / don’t. We only 11like / don’t like
3 Peter laptop white. eating!
. 4 My doctor name is Lee. He Japanese.
5 Nick toothbrush in the bag.
6 Complete the text with the correct form of the
. verbs.
Kevin’s 18 and he’s a waiter. He 1 works (work)
a café but he 2 (not / get up) early.
3 Complete the conversations with
He (start) work at 3 o’clock in the afternoon
sentences a)–f). Write the correct letter. and 4 (get) home late. He 5 (go) to
One bed at 1 o’clock in the morning. He 6 (not /
A: 1 like) his job but he 7 (love) junk food.
He (have) dinner at the restaurant every day
B: Yes, and 9 (eat) lots of
can I hamburgers. 8
change 7 Match 1–8 with a)–h).
two 1 read b a) breakfast, lunch
hundre 2 do b) magazines, books
A: 4 3 go c) food, CDs, clothes
euros, 4 eat d) sport, exercise, homework
B: Yes. That’s ninety-five euros.
A: 25
5 buy e) the cinema, bed, work
A: 6 get f) golf, tennis, football
B: Platform 8.
A: 6 7 go to g) shopping, home
you. 8 play h) home, up
A: 3 7
8 Write the times. 3 Is there a / any fruit? I’m hungry.
1 6.30 six thirty 4 I can have a / some chicken and vegetables for
2 5.15 dinner.
3 9.20 5 Have we got a / any milk?
4 12.35 6 There’s some / a pasta in the cupboard.
5 8.50 7 Can I have an / any egg salad and some / a bread,
6 7.10 please?
5 8 There’s a / some banana and some / any milk for
you on the table.
9 Write the questions 1–6. Then match them with 10
the answers a)–f).
1 What time / the film / start? f 13 Complete the sentences with the correct past
What time does the film start? form of be.
2 When / it / finish? 1 When were you born?
2When I young, my favourite
3 How much / it / cost? band Queen.
3 Their parents (not) doctors,
4 you / speak / more slowly / please? they
5 you / take / credit cards? 4We (not) afraid of the dark when
we children.
6 Sorry / you / repeat that / please? 5 your grandparents born in England?
6He a serious child before he went
to school.
a) £7.50. 7Who your favourite actor when
b) Sorry. It’s £7.50. you ten? 10
c) Yes, we do.
d) At 9.25.
e) Sorry. Yes, we do take credit cards. 14 Write the sentences in the past simple with the
f) It starts at 7.30. words in brackets.

1 The shop opens at ten. (Yesterday / nine)

10 Underline the correct alternative.
1 The books are on / in the shelf. Yesterday the shop opened at nine.
2The TV’s in front of / under the sofa. 2 My father plays golf at the weekend. (Last
3 My bag’s above / under the chair. weekend
4 The plants are next to / in the desk.
/ tennis)
5The museum’s on the right of / between the
pharmacy and the bank.
6 My house is near / in front of the school. 3 Francisco works in a bank. (Last year / shop)

11 Match the places with phrases a)–f). 4 The baby cries a lot. (Last night / all night)
1 theatre d a) buy a newspaper
2 supermarket b) buy fruit
3 post office c) play football
S My parents often move home. (In 2009 / to
4 baker’s d) see a play
5 newsagent’s e) buy food
6 sports centre f) buy stamps
7 greengrocer’s g) buy bread
6 6 The train stops for a quarter of an hour.
12 Underline the correct alternative. (Yesterday /half an hour)
1 There isn’t any / a food in the fridge.
2 We’ve got some / any beer but there isn’t some /
any wine.

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