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Dr. Anil Anand Pathak
Associate Professor
MDI Gurgaon
Relation between OT, OD, OB and

Macro Micro


Relation between OT, OD, OB and
(Theory (Theory
Macro) Micro)

(Applied (Applied
Macro) Micro)
Dimensions of Organization



Some important aspects of
 Management Skills

 Management Tasks

 Management (Managerial) Roles

Management Skills

1. Technical Skills
2. Conceptual Skills
3. Human Skills (People Skills)
What Managers do?

1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Leading
4. Controlling
5. Evaluating
Managerial Roles by Mintzberg

 Interpersonal
› Figurehead
› Leader
› Liaison
 Informational
› Monitor
› Disseminator
› Spokesperson
Managerial roles ...

 Decisional
› Entrepreneur
› Disturbance handler
› Resource allocator
› Negotiator
Differentiating Average, Successful and
Effective Managers

Average Managers Successful Managers

Traditional Com-
Mgmt. munica-
32% gion Networking
29% 48%
HRM 20% Network-
ing 19%

Effective Managers
Com- HRM 26%
Effective versus Average versus
Successful Managerial Activities
Average Managers

Traditional Mgmt. 32%

Communication 29%
HRM 20%
Networking 19%
Effective versus Average versus
Successful Managerial Activities
Successful Managers

Traditional Mgmt. 13%

Communicagion 28%
HRM 11%
Networking 48%
Effective versus Average versus
Successful Managerial Activities
Effective Managers

Traditional Mgmt. 19%

Communicagion 44%
HRM 26%
Networking 11%
What is Organizational
Behaviour… Definition
 OB is a field of study that investigates the impact
that individuals, groups and structures have on
behaviour in order to increase or enhance
Organizational Effectiveness (OE)
 OE as measured through
› Increased Productivity, Satisfaction, & Organizational
Citizenship Behaviour (OCB)
› Decreased Absenteeism, Turnover, & Deviant
Workplace Behaviour
Complementing Intuition with
Systematic Study
 Systematic Study
› Looking at Relationships
› Attempting to attribute Cause and Effect
› Variables: Independent, Dependent, and Contingency
› Evidence Based Management (EBM)
 Systematic study and EBM add to Intuition
 At times intuition can be grossly incorrect
› E.g. At Harley Davidson, the 86% of the managers
thought that their organization was treating employees
well, where as only 55% of the employees thought so.
Contributing Disciplines to OB

 Psychology
› Learning, Motivation, Personality, Emotions,
Perceptions, Training, Leadership, Attitude
Measurement etc.
 Social Psychology
› Behavioural change, Attitude change,
Communication, Group Processes, Conflict etc.
 Sociology
 Anthropology
Contributing disciplines ...

 Sociology
› Conflict, Intergroup Behaviour, Organizational
technology, Orgl. Change, Orgl. Culture, Org. Theory
 Anthropology
› Comparative values, comparative attitudes, Cross-
cultural analysis, Org. Culture, Org. Environment,
There are few absolutes in OB

 Difference between natural and human sciences

 Difficult to establish cause and effect relationship
 Role of contingency variables in OB
Challenges & Opportunities before
 Responding to Economic Pressures
 Responding to Globalization
› Increased foreign assignments
› Working with people from different cultures
› Overseeing jobs moving to countries with low-cost
 Managing Workforce Diversity
 Improving Customer Service
 Improving People Skills
Challenges and Opportunities ...
 Stimulating Innovation & Change
 Coping with Temporariness
 Working in Networked Organizations
 Helping Employees balance work-life demands
 Creating a Positive Work Environment
› Positive Organizational Scholarship or +ve OB that
studies how orgs. dev. Strength, foster vitality and
resilience, and unlock potential (Engagement, Hope,
Optimism, and Resilience are some key independent
Challenges and opportunities ...

 Improving Ethical Behaviour

› Should you blow the whistle on discovering any
illegal activity in your company?
› Should you follow orders that you do not agree with
› Should you give inflated performance rating of your
employee if that saved his job?
› Should you play politics to advance your career?
Developing a basic OB Model
 A model is an abstraction of reality or simplified
representation of some real world phenomenon
 Three levels in OB
› Individual
› Group
› Organizational
 Using Systems theory lens
› Input
› Processes
› Outcome
Systems theory lens at Individual
 Input at Individual Level
› Diversity
› Personality
› Values
 Processes at Individual level
› Emotions
› Motivation
› Perception & Decision Making
 Outcome at Individual Level
› Attitudes and Stress
› Task Performance
› Citizenship Behaviour
› Withdrawal Behaviour
At Group Level
 Input at Group Level
› Group Structure
› Group Role
› Team responsibilities
 Processes at Group Level
› Communication
› Leadership
› Power and Politics
› Conflict and Negotiation
 Outcome at Group Level
› Group Cohesion
› Group Functioning
At Structure/Organizational level

 Input at Organizational level

› Structure
› Culture
 Processes at Organizational level
› Human Resource Management
› Change Practices
 Outcome at Organizational level
› Productivity
› Survival
Some research based info.

 “ a survey of hundreds of workplaces, and more

than 200, 000 respondents showed that social
relationships among co-workers and
supervisors were strongly related to overall job
 +ve social relationships also were associated
with lower stress at work and lower intentions
to quit.¹
Some research based info.

 Creating a pleasant workplace also appears to

make good economic sense
 Great places to work survey shows that high
ranking (that are mostly reputed) companies have
been found to generate superior financial
 Gallup poll of 30 countries has rated India as
most hardworking nations with an average work
week of 50 hours.³
Thank You

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