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Kelompok 6
Infinitive is a basic verb that has not undergone a
change in form, either because of changes in time (tenses)
or the addition of the suffix -s / es / is. This verb in some
references is often referred to as the abbreviated first verb
Infinitive is verbal. Verbal is a word formed from verbs or
verbs that function for other part of speech
1. Infinitive is not Verb but Verbal
2. Infinitive is usually formed from "To + Verb" (not all)
3. No need to add additions like -s or -es to the infinitive
4. Basic Verb is bare infinitive or infinitive without
additions "to"
5. Infinitive can function as noun, adverb, and adjective
1. Infinitive with "to" (Full Infinitive)
" Infinitive to / To infinitive is a basic verb that starts with the word "to" and
usually functions as a noun or ordinary verb followed by objects, such as to
see, to hear, etc.
Full Infinitive = To + Verb

Function To Infinitive:
 Subject of sentence

Example : To swim is a good exercise. (Berenang itu sebuah latihan yang

 Subjective complement
In this case the infinitive is often used with to be, such as: are, am, is,
was, which functions to express an order, desire or necessity. Example :
I am to clean my room now. ( Aku ingin membersihkan kamarku
 Complement to verb
Example : Promise to see him at the cafeteria. (Aku berjanji menemuinya
di cafeteria)
 Objective Complement
Example : He wants you to help him. (Dia menginginkan kamu
 Object to preposition
Example : He is about to go to New Zealand. (Dia baru saja mau pergi ke
Selandia Baru)
 Adjective
1.) In passive sentences, it means: to ... And in the active sentence
interpreted: for. Example: He bought magazine to read. (He bought
a magazine to read)
2.) Give the nature of the verb in terms of purpose (purpose), cause, or
result. Example: I wept to see that accident. (I cried seeing the
 Form of exclamation or appeal
Example : Foolish fellow ! To suppose that he could be pardoned !
(Orang bodoh! Siapa kira dia dapat diampuni !)
 To Infinitive is used together with the word to which means: Too, so /
Too + Adjective + To Infinitive
Example : He is too sleepy to study in the afternoon. (Dia terlalu
mengantuk sehingga ia tidak dapat belajar disiang hari)
 To infinitive often used together with the word enough

Enough +
Example : Noun
They +worked
To Infinitive
hard enough to build the building. (Mereka
bekerja cukup giat untuk membangun gedung itu)
 Behind the question word
Example : We don’t know what to do. (Kita tidak tahu yang akan
 Behind some verbs with sentence patterns.
Subject + Verb + Pronoun/Noun + To Infinitive
Example : I want you to call me up tomorrow. (Aku ingin kamu
menelponku besok)
2. Infinitive without "to“ Bare Infinitive
Bare infinitive is a basic verb that does not begin with the word "to".
This word is called the original verb. For example: See, hear, go, read, etc.
Bare Infinitive function :
 After the verb helps except to be. Such as: Can / could, shall /
should, will / would, may / might, etc.
Example : She can speak Mandarin and Japanese. (Dia bisa berbicara
bahasa Mandarin dan Jepang).
 After several groups of certain words. Like watch, see, hear,
observe, fill, listen, and please.
Example : Please come here quickly. (Silahkan kemari dengan cepat).
If the words above are used in passive sentences, then they must be
full infinitive or infinitive with to. Example:
He was seen to leave his apartment. (Dia terlihat meninggalkan
 Having said had better (better), had rather (preferred) would
rather (prefer).
Example: They need not stay at your house (Mereka tidak perlu
tinggal di rumahmu).
 Starting with the words need and dare in negative sentences and
question sentences.
Example: They need not stay at your home (Mereka tidak perlu
tinggal di rumahmu).

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