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Define a drug as an externally

administered substance which modifies
or affects chemical reaction in the body
• You will be given 15 minutes to complete both
worksheet and workbook by referring to
• After 15 minutes, students will be selected to
present on given topics.
What is a drug?
• Any substance, apart from food
substance, which when taken into the
living body changes the chemical
reactions in the body.
• A drug may be beneficial to body or harmful
to it depending on how we use it.

• However, any drug taken in large doses again

and again will damage the body also known as
Drug Abuse.
Drug Abuse
• Drug tolerance
– A condition in which the users have to take more
and more of a drug to get the same initial effects
from the drug

• Example: Cough Syrup

Drug Abuse
• Drug Addiction
– A condition in which the users cannot do without
a drugs. If the drug withheld from them, they
suffer from emotional symptoms and physical

• Examples: Heroin
Types of drug
• Stimulants
– Activate the nervous system
– Cause similar effect with adrenaline
– Increase the heartbeat, breathing rate, blood
pressure and blood sugar level.
Types of drug
• Depressants
– Slow down the nerve impulses
– Make user sleepy and less anxious
– Overcome insomnia

• Example: Heroin, alcohol

Types of drug
• Hallucinogens
– Alter the passage of impulses through the brain
– Cause hallucinations
– Distort perceptions
• A drug that is derived from the fruit of poppy
• A powerful depressant.
• Slows down the working of the nervous and
respiratory system.
• Usually inhaled or injected into the body
• Highly addicted.
What is
Effects on
Social nervous system
Effects on
Addiction nutrition

Effects on
respiratory system
Effects on brain and nervous system

• First taken, vomit and uncomfortable

• After that, relaxed and contented.
• Followed by drowsiness
• If taken in large doses will damage our brain
Effects on body
• Loss of appetite
• Severe loss weight
• Constipation
• Highly addicted
• Withdrawal symptoms
– Eyes water
– Noses run
– Yawn
– Sweating
– Cramps
– Vomiting
Social Problems
• Addicts crave for heroin will neglect
themselves, works, friends and family
• Pay huge amount of money to get heroin
• May turn to crime to get money
• Dirty needles used will cause diseases
trasmission (AIDS )

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