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by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

By Hal Krause Leadership knows no age, Nor is it limited by rank. It is conspicuous... In its presence or absence... From nations capitols to neighborhood playgrounds. Leadership can be an hour of triumph... Or a moment of prayer.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

It is saying yes to the right kind of responsibility... And saying no to the wrong kind of temptation. Leadership does not gloat in victory Nor can it ever be vanquished. For it is an elegance of conduct Which transcends either.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

What you need to be a Good Leader?

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Know Yourself
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

A value is a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristics of a group, of the desirable, which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of actions.

-Clyde Kluckhohn ( Anthropologist)-

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Tagalog term for values: Pamantayan

As a value system, pamantayan has three core elements:
Halaga ( evaluative core)
Represents the first level of the pamantayan system Functions as the cognitive-evaluative core of the system

Asal ( expressive core)

Reperesents the second level of the pamantayan system A behavior concept refers to the intrinsic quality and meaning of actions

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Diwa ( spiritual core)

Represents the deepest level of the pamantayan system Spiritual core of traditional values

Goals help transform values into specific action

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

12 Life Values
1. The Value of Time 2. The Success of Perseverance 3. The Pleasure of working 4. The Dignity of Simplicity 5. The Worth of Character 6. The Power of Kindness 7. The Influence of Example 8. The Obligation of Duty 9. The Wisdom of Economy 10. The Virtue of Patience 11. The Improvement of Talent 12. The Joy of Origination
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Be Good to Yourself

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Model Appropriate Behavior

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Life Management
Manage yourself better before you manage others Four Steps in Managing life effectively
Plan Purposely Prepare Prayerfully Proceed Positively Pursue Persistently
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Staying Ahead
Visit your counterparts regularly DO YOUR swot Analysis Set your goals Apply the miser way to whatever you are doing Dont make BEST the enemy of BETTER

Better Habits for Results

Maintain diary-cum checklist Manage your time as manage your money Manage your people imaginatively Take and Make decisions quickly Admit your mistakes gracefully Stick your neck out Keep your mind 6% to 9% empty Positive attitude pays Health is happiness
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Ways to Improve Oneself

Speak Well of yourself and others Look for the positive in all circumstances and situations Separate your behavior from yourself. That is, if you make a mistake, it doesnt mean youre bad person. Learn from your mistakes. Be responsible and dont feel guilty. Treat yourself well: physically, mentally, and spirituality.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Always picture in your mind how you want to be, and now how you think you are. Observe yourself with attention and love, and create happy habits. Rewrite your old patterns to become what you want to be. Slow down. Give your new patterns a chance. Dont say I havent got time. Practice and create the habit of taking time to relax, reflex, and meditate.

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I


by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I


by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Have a Personal Vision

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Convey Meaning
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Create Visions

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Set Clear Goals

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Man is created to praise, reverence, and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save his soul. All other thing on the face of the earth are created for man to help him fulfill the end for which he is created.

If you do not know where you are going, youll most likely end up no where.
Thus Dr. Peter of Peter Principle points out the importance of planning ones work and the work of those for whom one is responsible.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Our vision shapes our future. Our own principle and foundation defines what we believe in and value. Values
Are our beliefs and principles about what is really important or worthwhile Guide our behaviors and the choices we make throughout life

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Priorities we live our lives by Basic things in our lives that underpin our entire behavior. That which is desirable or worthy of esteem for its own sake Things or quality having intrinsic worth; degree of excellence

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Be Credible

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Get Out and About

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Know your Employees

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Listen, Listen and Listen

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

There are two sides to every issue, so make certain you keep both your ears open and listening.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

A process by which something is made common or shared. Requires more than grammar and vocabulary Trust, openness, respect and empathy accompany the written and spoken message Absolutely needed for working successfully with others Listen before speaking. Proverbs 18:13 If one answers before hearing, it is his folly and shame.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Objectives of Communication
Be understood Get Agreement Get something done Understand others

People communicate their feelings when conversing: 55% body language; 7% words and 38% tone, volume and infection Barriers to communication- INDIVIDUAL
Confidence Level Prejudice Assumptions Technical Jargons Listening Habits Structure Distance Value Difference

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

The Seven Cs
Numbers, dates, periods, commas, parenthesis, paragraphs

Simplify Shorten Purge adjectives and adverbs

Be positive and pleasant

Action livens up the reading so ...... ACTIVATE

Parallelism Tune-up

Tact Avoid you in bad news

Five Ws and one H ( who , what, where, when, why and by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I how?

Anecdote Mixed-up Messages

Recently I heard about a florist who was going out business. Someone said the reason he failed was that he always got his messages mixed up. You see, a terrible thing happened one time. He was told to send flowers for a local funeral. Well, he got the cards mixed up! The people who were getting married got the message: OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY TO BOTH OF YOU At the funeral, they got the message, GOOD LUCK IN YOUR NEW LOCATION!
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Use Positive Feedback

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Effective Feedback Criteria

Describe Specific behavior
Effective feedback describes observable actions, rather than assigning meaning to activities. It is descriptive, not judgemental.

Express Feelings
Good feedback tells someone how you feel about what he or she did. It is okay to say that you are mad, frustrated, confused, or upset- so long as you direct your feelings toward the behavior, not the person

Request Alternatives
Good feedback is proactive in asking for an alternative behavior, rather than just dumping the negative. State what you would like the person to do instead.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Consider everyones needs

Give effective feedback with the needs and feelings of both the sender and the receiver in mind.

Time it well
Choose the time and situation for the feedback strategically. Try to do it as soon as possible after the incident. However, dont do it in the heat of the moment unless you can maintain your composure. Also, avoid a public discussion unless it is an issue for the entire team to address.

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Enable Others

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Foster Collaboration

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I


Team work
No one can operate successfully in isolation. Dare to have the credit and glory with a winning team. History is inveterate in its teaching. Ultimately only teams will succeed. Zig Ziglar once said, If tomorrow you got a call from your boss and he said to you Hey, I have good news for you. I have free tickets for you and your wife to Acapulco. You leave two weeks from today and we will provide full airfare, all your meals, rooms in the best hotel, and a five hundred dollar bonus to make sure you have plenty of tipping money. What would you do?
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

You wouldnt say, Sorry, sir. I wasnt planning on it you know what youd do. Youd get organized in hurry and rearrange your schedule. Youd do everything in your power to make it possible for you to go. YOU WOULD BEGIN TO DELEGATE some jobs that yesterday you thought you and you alone, could do. You would start GIVING SOMEBODY ELSE, SOME OF THE POWER AND GLORY that you possess today. I am a success in my life, my marriage, my family and in my career simply because I am surrounded by better, wiser people than myself.
Be an Extraordinary person in an ordinary world Robert H. Schuller
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Think and Talk We not Me

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

To work with...... A Team

Its WE not I Synergize. Be part of a team. Cooperate! Teamwork requires an understanding and commitment to the group goals Teamwork is achieved when flexibility, sensitivity to needs of others and creativity are encouraged Teamwork requires a group to develop procedures to meet the particular problem or situation.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Teamwork is characterized by the

groups ability to examine its possesses so as to constantly improve itself as a team. Teamwork is characterized by the groups ability to examine its possesses so as to constantly improve itself as a team. Teamwork requires trust and openness in communication and relationships Teamwork is achieved when the group members have a strong sense of belonging.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Solicit Employee Ideas

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

If there is any secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other persons point of view and see things from his angle. - Henry Ford-

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Empower Others

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Empowerment and Delegation

INSIGHTS/LEARNING POINTS Delegation is assigning to another person of authority and responsibility to carry out specific activities Means for increased contribution and service Why delegate?
More time to mange Practice time management Develop subordinates Motivate subordinates Increase commitment
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Results need to be clearly defined. Guidelines are spelled out clearly. Necessary resources to get the job done have to be provided Consequences are defined and agreed to.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Handle Mistakes Quickly and Smoothly

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Address Problems Quickly

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Strategies of Management
Conflict can be healthy when it brings new ideas and deeper relationships. For this to occur, the basis for dealing with conflict has been approached on win-lose basis Steps on negotiation
Describe the conflict as a mutual problem Offer to negotiate differences Brainstorm alternative solutions together Evaluate the brainstormed solutions Decide on the best solution Plan how the solutions will be implemented

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Conflict Management Styles

Aggressive/ Confrontative
Taking the bull by the horn Strong need to control people/ situations Directive and judgemental Winning the conflict at all cost Win-lose style

Assertive / Persuasive
Standing up for oneself without being pushy A proactive approach Willingness to collaborate Finds a solution that meets everyones needs Win-Win style

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Observant/ Introspective
Observing others and examining oneself Conciliatory Giving in to others, sacrificing his own goals Lose-win style

Avoiding/ Reactive
Passivity and withdrawal Accepting and patient, often suppressing their strong feelings Ignore or delay issues Lose-lose style
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Freedom & Responsibility

Insights/Learning Points
God made us free and responsible. Sirach 15:11-14 We are free. We are responsible for the shape and direction of our life. Mans dignity requires him to act out of conscious and free choice What we are and become is our choice The more one does what is good, the freer one becomes There is no true except in the service of what is good and just
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I


Im not OK- Youre OK Im OK- Youre not OK Im Not OK- Youre not OK

Im OK Youre OK

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Celebrate Successes

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Make Teachers Feel Special

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Do to others whatever you would that others do you; there you have the Law and the prophets ( Mt. 7:12). This is the Golden Rule. It is designed to prevent us from doing harm to othersthings which others obviously would not like. Treat the others as they want to be treated. This is the Platinum Rule. We can not assume that others want to be treated exactly the way we do. It gives others permission to be different from us and remind us to honor that differences.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

10 Rules of Human Relations

Speak To People. There is nothing so nice as a cheerful word of greeting. Smile At People. It takes 72 muscles to frown, only 1r4 to smile. Call People By Name. The sweetest music to anyones ears is the sound of his own name. Be Friendly and Helpful. If you would have friends, be a friend. Be Cordial. Speak and act as if everything you do is a genuine pleasure
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Be Genuinely interested in people. You can like most everybody if you try. Be generous with praise. Cautious with criticism Be considerate with feelings of others. There are usually three sides to a controversy: yours, the other persons, and the right side. Be Alert. to give service. What counts most in life is what we do for others. Add to this a good sense of humor, a big doses of patience and dash of humility and you will be rewarded many fold.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

The SIX most important words:

The FIVE most important words:


The FOUR most important words:


The THREE most important words:

The TWO most important words:

The ONE most important word:

The LEAST important word:

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

A Credo
For my Relationships with others
You and I are in a relationship, which I value and want to keep. Yet each of us is a separate person with unique needs and the right to meet those needs. When you are having problems meeting your needs. I will try to listen with genuine acceptance in order to facilitate your finding your own solutions instead of depending on mine. I also try to respect your right to choose your own beliefs and develop your own values, different through they may be from mine.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

However, when your behavior interferes with what I must do to get my own needs met, I will tell you openly and honestly how your behavior affects me, trusting that you respect my needs and feelings enough to try to change the behavior that is unacceptable to me. Also, whenever of mine is a some behavior of mine is unacceptable to you, I hope you will tell me openly and honestly so I can try to change my behavior. At those times when we find that either of us cannot change to meet the others needs, let us acknowledge that we have a conflict without either of us resorting to the use of power or authority to win at the expense of the others losing. by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

I respect your needs, but I also must respect my own. So let us always search for a solution that will be acceptable to both of us. Your needs will be met, and so will mine- neither will lose, both will win. In this way, you can continue to develop as a person through satisfying your needs, and so can I. Thus, ours can be a healthy relationship in which both of us can strive to become what we are capable of doing. And we can continue to relate to each other with mutual respect, love, and peace.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Become a Champion for Service

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I


MANAGING Objectives and goals motivated Give attention to problems Doingness focused Manage things Controls and commands Makes decisions Educates Plans tactically Know how Posture self Temporarily wins LEADING Vision and Mission Gives attention to potential Beingness focused Transforms people Empowers and enables Make choices Enlightens Thinks strategically Knows why Positions others Sustains success

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Trains managers Expertise Psychological Reactive and retroactive Informed Bounded Defensive and aggressive Responsible for results Rule and regulations Influences Communications centered Powers through challenges

Develops leaders Mastery Philosophical Pre and proactive Insightful Boundless Offensive and assertive Accountable for outcomes Value and principle influences Relationship centered Surrenders to possibilities

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Five Key Leadership Traits

Challenging the Process Inspiring a Shared Vision Enabling Others to Act Modelling the Way Encouraging the Heart

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

I am free. I have a choice. I am responsible. I AM P R O A C T I V E !

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. Thats why we call it The Present.
-Babatunde Olatunji-

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I


Its not in the budget Who thought of that? Costs too much Its too small Its too big.

Everybody does it this way Were not ready for that Too hard to administer Too Theoretical The old one will not understand Not enough background Wont work in my area No experience
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Has anyone else tried it before I dont see the connection The union will scream Here we go again We have too many programs/ projects now Doesnt conform to our policy We dont have the manpower Takes too much time Its never been done before- why stick our necks Not profitable; not timely Its a gimmick
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Leadership...Dont Push.... PULL!

General Eisenhower used to teach leadership with a simple piece of string. He would put it on a table and say: PULL it and it follow wherever you wish. PUSH it and it will go nowhere at all. It is just that way when it comes to leading people. Dont push people into doing things. PULL ( motivate) them!
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
- Henry Fordby: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

I will try............. I have to............. I need/ want............. I hope.............

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I



I will ............ I Can............. I am............. I do.............

by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I



I Will develop ways to achieve positive attitude. I will accept what I cannot change. I will keep reviewing my goals. I will think of better ways. I will start living. I will smile. I will relax. I will enjoy. I will be happy. I will remain humble. I will be honest to myself. I will learn from my mistakes. I will put myself in the other persons shoes.
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Closing Prayer
Make me a LEADER, O Lord, who will be strong enough to face myself when I am afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat and humble and gentle in victory. Lead us, i pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenges. Here let us learn to stand up the storm; here let us learn compassion for those who fail Build me as a LEADER whose heart will be clear; whose goal will be high... One who will reach for the future, yet never forget the past. Give us humility, so that we may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom and the meekness of true strength. This we ask in the Almighty name of God, the Father... AMEN
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

Thank You and Good luck Educational Leaders of today and tomorrow!!!!


Education Supervisor I
by: Dr. Maybelle B. Tee - Education Supervisor I

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