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Why Nutrition facts label important ?

• Serving Size
• Calories
• Daily Values (D-V)
Example of Nutritional Labeling & Facts
Serving size

• A “serving size” is a standard amount of a food, such as a cup or an ounce.

to eat.the nutrition facts label tells you what’s in the food you’re eating. It
helps you determine if you have a healthy, balanced diet. Every packaged,
or processed, product should have a label.

• Calories refers to the total number of calories, or “energy” you get from all
sources (carbohydrate, fat, protein, and alcohol) in a serving of a food or

• It shows you some key nutrients that impact your health. You can use the
label to support your personal dietary needs – look for foods that contain
more of the nutrients you want to get more of and less of the nutrients you
may want to limit. Nutrients to get less of: Saturated Fat, Sodium, and
Added Sugars.
Daily Values (D-V)

• 4. Daily values
• The Daily Values are reference amounts (expressed in grams, milligrams, or micrograms) of
nutrients to consume or not to exceed each day. The %DV shows how much a nutrient in a
serving of a food contributes to a total daily diet. The %DV helps you determine if a serving of
food is high or low in a nutrient.
• Use %DV to determine if a serving of the food is high or low in an individual nutrient. As a general
• 5% DV or less of a nutrient per serving is considered low.
• 20% DV or more of a nutrient per serving is considered high.
Why nutrition labelling is important

• Making Healthy Food Decisions

• Maintaining a Healthy Weight
• Nutrient Consumption
• Stop you from wasting food
• Helps to find food allergy

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