Chapter 12.2 Classification of Leader - Selibio, Heartche L.

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SOCIO 55: Rural Life & Indigenous Communities
To identify the different
Classifications or types of leaders.

learning To define each classification of

objectives leaders.

To know how each classification of

leaders function.
one who leads by initiation of Leader Leadership
social behavior, by directing,
organizing or controlling the
efforts of others, by prestige or
power or position. a person or individual process
There are several classifications of
leaders. The leaders may be classified in
terms of the types of groups they work
with, such as political, military,
business, religious, recreational leaders
Autocratic Leader
Perhaps, these are the most significant
classification from the viewpoint of
modern research as well as practical Democratic Leader
explanation of the results of research :

Laissez-faire Leader

Types of Leaders
according to Kurt Lewin(1939)

Democratic Laissez-faire

photo credits:
Autocratic Leader The results of his leadership are:
a. Most employees develop a sense of frustration, and
Autocratic leader is also known as authoritarian
finally feel insecure in their job
leader. He operates as if he cannot trust people. He
b. Work slows down or stops completely when the
thinks his subordinates are never doing what they
supervisor is away.
should do; that the employee is paid to work and
c. The employee’s needs for a feeling of importance
therefore must work.
and satisfaction are not met
d. Employees are kept dependent on the supervisor;
If he is a benevolent (kind) autocrat he may tend to
thus they have no opportunity to show initiative
view employees as children and encourage them to
e. Employees frequently either become aggressive or
come to him with all their problems, no matter what is
alternatively identify closely with supervisor
the nature or magnitude of the problem.
(submissive yes-men)
Group members are not encouraged to provide input
or their opinion.
Democratic Leader The results of his leadership are:
a. Employees produce a larger quantity and
He shares with the group members the decision
higher quality of work
making and planning of activities. The participation
b. Individual and group morale are high
of all members is encouraged. He works to develop
a feeling of responsibility on the part of every c. Employee’s basic needs to participate and feel
member of the group. He attempts to understand important are met
the position and feelings of the employee. If he d. Employees feel secure
criticizes, he does so in terms of results expected, e. Employees seldom become aggressive
rather than on the basis of personalities. f. The supervisor finds that less supervision is
This type of leader values the input of team
members and peers.
Laissez-faire Leader The results of his leadership are:
a. Low morale and low productivity within the
He believes that if you leave workers alone, the
work group
work will be done. He seems to have no
b. Employees are restless and lack incentive of
confidence in himself. If at all possible he puts
‘team work’
off decision-making. He also tends to withdraw
c. Another leader often an informal leader arises
from the work group.
d. Problems of administration supervision, and
coordination are multiplied and
He is often a rationalizer. symptoms of disorder ‘anarchy’ are seen

Uses hands-off style.

Whyte classified leaders in to 4
categories, the:

> Operational Leader

> Popularity Leader
> Assumed Representative
> Prominent Talent
William Foote Whyte (American Sociologist)
Operational Leaders
Those persons who actually initiate action within
the group, regardless of whether or not they hold
an elected office.
Popularity Leaders
In a group, a popular person will be elected to a
position of leadership because the members like

Sometimes such an individual may or may not be

the actual leader of the group. Such persons holding
elective positions do very little about initiating
action for the group and are mere figureheads or
ornamental leaders. They are also called nominal
Assumed Representative Type
Refers to a person selected to work with a
committee or other leaders because the latter
(Group B) have assumed that he represents
another group (Group A) they desire to work
with; he may or may not be a leader of the

Group Group
Prominent Talent
A person who have exhibited an outstanding
ability and accomplishment in their respective
fields. It may include the experts and intellectual

Artists & Musicians

divides leaders into

two(2) categories: LAY LEADERS
Professional Leaders
One who has received specific Example:
specialized training in the field. He Extension Officer, Agricultural Officer,
works full time as an occupation and is Gram Sevak, and etc.
paid for his work.
Gram Sevak- A man employed to advise
and assist villagers in matters of
community welfare and development.
Lay Leaders
The lay leader may or may not have These local leaders may be either formal
received special training, is not paid for leaders or informal leaders, depending on
his work and usually works part time. whether they are regular office bearers of
organized groups or not.

Lay leaders also called as Volunteer Example:

leaders, or local leaders or natural leaders. Youth Club President, Gram Sahayak
(village assistant), and etc.
Do you have any questions?

Institutional Email:
Personal Email: Presented by:
Heartche L. Selibio
BSPsych 1a

Facebook Account:
Heartche Selibio
LumenLearning. (n.d.). Organizational Behavior and Human Relations.
Retrieved from LumenLearning-Module13-Leadership:

tutorilaspoint. (n.d.). Organizational Behavior- Leadership. Retrieved from



CES/ Prasad, S.V. (n,d.). Fundamentals of Rural Sociology and Educational

Psychology. Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University. Retreived from: :


American Society for Quality. (n.d.). What is Leadership. Retrieved from

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