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How do you change the brand of an entire field ? To what brand does HR need to change to succesfully lead organizations .

A Leadership Story:

A group of workers and their leaders are set a task of clearing a road through a dense jungle on a remote island to get to the coast where an estuary provides a perfect site for a port. The leaders organise the labour into efficient units and monitor the distribution and use of capital assets progress is excellent. The leaders continue to monitor and evaluate progress, making adjustments along the way to ensure the progress is maintained and efficiency increased wherever possible. Then, one day amidst all the hustle and bustle and activity, one person climbs up a nearby tree. The person surveys the scene from the top of the tree

And shouts down to the assembled group below

Wrong Way!

Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things (Warren Bennis and Peter Drucker)

(Story adapted from Stephen Covey (2004) The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Simon & Schuster

Individual Leadership Reflection

Think about a leadership experience that really pleased you, a time when you worked with others and did a good job of helping something positive or effective occur. It can be a work experience or a personal experience.
1. Briefly summarize the situation. 2. What action did you take to make it happen? 3. What three words would you use to describe the situation?

Todays Realities

Global Competition is forcing changes in all aspects of our society - Business - Government - Education

Customers are demanding more

We have to change how we work and manage - All aspects of our organizations - All processes we use to do our work

We Live in a New Era

Old Paradigm - One Job - Go to work, do your job and come home New Paradigm - We Have Two Jobs - Do your work - Improve on how you do your work Key Issue - How to balance the Doing and Improving workloads




Moving Between Paradigms Doing Right Things Creating Improvements Leading & Developing People


Working Within a Paradigm Doing Things Right Managing Processes

What is Leadership

LeadershipLeadership- the ability to create an environment where individuals willingly apply their unique abilities to a common mission. Leadership is about the relationship between leaders and their team. team.

CompetenceCompetence- the knowledge and skill to do the job. job. CommitmentCommitment- the motivation, willingness, and confidence to do the job.

Traits of the Excellent Leader Excellent leaders have:


A vision and purpose. Clear goals. Strong commitment. Flexibility. An understanding of change. Active listening skills. Confidence to take risks.

Traits of the Excellent Leader

Excellent leaders are:



Knowledgeable about the total organization. Able to learn from mistakes. Excellent communicators-able to speak clearly and communicatorseffectively. Resourceful. Realistic.


Concern is about the pipeline of talent that we have created to deal with people issues in our orgn. How to lead complex people in complex systems working in a very complex world.

FOCUS:  Producing large volumes of products


Identifying and picking the right one for the right job Workers where segmented to keep track of them The age of organizational brand and diversity integration integration integrated the workforce around common vision, mission and values

Shift from organization of one to orgn of many who made their own choices and demanded individualized developmental programs, terms such as ownership, being a personal change agent, making decisions at the point of contact with customers, every employee matters came into use Now emerging on the horizon is the period of Strategic Integration for organizations who are figuring out how to pull all pieces together in a global context, between geographically distributed units, within strategic alliances, while bringing diverse units of employees in alignment with diverse segments in customer markets

HR leaders need to be the force for integration or what is called chief integrative leader.

Reasons that we need radically different individuals

HR professionals are simply brought in for reconciliation and compromise and soften high potential executives HR proff do not know the business they support (business leader not understanding accounting) M&A fail at a 60 % and higher rate- role they play rateHR proff not fully suited for leadershipleadershipnot able to align functions strategically not able to integrate different cultures cant integrate work from various countries


Most orgn dont grow well which means they fail to integrate

Characteristics of future leader


Ability to work with diverse cultures Knowledge needs to get to the point where it is needed, I know something which some one doesnt know, does he know that I know it. Ability to understand how to link people across time and distance via advanced IT. Ability to envision where key points of integration will need to emerge and how to lead an orgn to those points


Learning Organization
SystemSystem-wide change program. Emphasizes reduction of organizational layers and involvement of all employees. Continuous self-directed learning that leads to positive selfchange in individual, team, and organization. A learning organization has developed continuing capacity to adapt and change.

Approach to Learning Organization

Brings together key members in collaborative process to discover problems. Leaders are responsible for building orgns where individuals continually expand their capabilities to shape their future Then develops a model of new system. Continuous testing of experience and transformation into knowledge accessible to whole organization is there even a better way .


Core Values of Learning Organizations

Value different kinds of knowledge and learning. Encourage communication between people with different perspectives. Develop creative thinking. Remain nonjudgmental of others and their ideas.


Core Values of Learning Organizations

Break down traditional barriers in organization. Develop leadership throughout organization. Everyone is a leader. Reduce distinctions between organization members.(mgt vs non mgt, proff staff vs non proff) Every member of organization has untapped human potential.

Characteristics of Learning Organizations

Constant readiness-ready to change by questioning readinessits way of doing , ready to take advantage new opportunities. Continuous planning-flexible plans fully known and planningaccepted by the entire orgn. Improvised implementation-tries to experiment. implementationAction learning-constantly reflecting and adjusting. learning20

Leadership Styles

The Directing Leader


Sets goals. Identifies the problems. Comes up with solutions. Decides who does what work. Gives specific directions. Announces decisions. Closely supervises and evaluates employees' work.


Leadership Styles

The Coaching Leader


Sets the goals. Identifies the problems. Develops a plan to solve problems and consults with employees. Makes the final decision about procedures or solutions after hearing employees' ideas, opinions, and feelings. Explains decisions to employees and asks for their ideas. Praises employees' work efforts. Continues to direct employees' work. Evaluates employees' work.


Leadership Styles

The Supporting Leader

Involves employees in problem-solving and goal-setting. problemgoalTakes the lead in defining how to do a job or solve a problem. Provides support, resources, and ideas if requested. Shares responsibility for problem-solving with employees. problemListens to employees and guides them as they make decisions. Evaluates an employees work with that person.



Leadership Styles

The Delegating Leader


Identifies problems with employees. Sets goals with employees. Develops plans and makes decisions with employees. Lets employees decide who does the tasks. Accepts employees' decisions and monitors their performance. Lets employees evaluate their own work. Lets employees take responsibility and credit for their work.


So What Do Leaders Do?

Provide Direction - Where we are headed

Communicate - The Why & Benefits of the direction

Enable, Coach and Counsel

Recognize Results and Reinforce Desired Behavior


Providing Direction - Showing the Way

Vision - What Success Looks Like Objectives - How we will win Goals - How much, by when Strategies - What we will focus on Initiatives - Specific projects we will undertake


Communicate The Direction Provide Understanding and Hope

The direction we are pursuing What benefits we expect to get Progress - Results achieved to date Communication should be clear, concise and continuous Variety of media should be used - People take in and process information in different ways


Enable - Set Up People for Success

Provide resources - people, time, $$$ Provide training - build needed skills Provide methods to accomplish Remove barriers Coach and Counsel assigned tasks


Recognize and Reinforce Catch People Doing Things Right

Recognize accomplishments and results - Psychological rewards - Financial rewards Reinforce desired behavior - Catch people doing things right People want and need feedback - How am I doing? Feedback needed for improvement Key tool - Management reviews


Leaders Lead People

Provide Direction - Leaders show the way Communicate - Leaders develop understanding and hope Enable, Coach, Counsel, Provide Resources - Leaders set people up for success Recognize Results and Reinforce Desired Behavior - Leaders catch people doing things right


Quotes on Leadership

The very essence of leadership is you have to have a vision.

It s got to be a vision you articulate forcefully on every occasion. You trumpet. cant blow an uncertain trumpet.
Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, President Emeritus, Notre Dame University

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.

John F. Kennedy

The speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from their followers.
Warren Bennis and Bert Nanus


Quotes on Leadership

The best coaches know what the end result looks
-If you dont know what the end result is supposed to look like, you cant get there.
Vince Lombardi Hey, Wait a Minute John Madden p224

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail

John Wooden


Quotes on Leadership

Life is like a dog sled team. If youre not the lead dog the view never changes.

Leaders have followers followers

Bill Gore, Founder, W. L. Gore and Associates

You can manage what you cannot understand, but you cannot lead it.
33 Myron Tribus

Myths of Leadership

Leadership is a rare skill Leaders are born not made Leaders are charismatic Leadership exists only at the top of an organization The leader controls, directs, prods, manipulates


Personal Change Is Required

Insanity - Doing the Same Things and Expecting Better Results

The Only Person Who Enjoys a Change is a Wet Baby

If You Cant Change Your Mind You Cant Change Anything-Anything-George B. Shaw

Those Who Fail to Respond to Their Changing World Will Have Less Influence in It

Ways to Develop Leadership Skills


Read books and articles Attend courses Discuss the subject with colleagues Practice, Practice, Practice, ..

Becoming a leader is like learning to play the violin in public


Can I Be Successful?
Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the World. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has


My Message

Place an increased focus on enhancing your leadership skills Be on the lookout for examples - good and bad - of leadership that you can use as a model Best way to learn to lead is to do it opportunity! - Be on the lookout for your opportunity!


Some Basic Leadership Development Concepts & Potential Applications

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Commitment to Development Focusing on Goals, Outcomes, Priorities Incremental Advancement/Development Using Best Practices SelfSelf-Awareness & Self-Reflection SelfSeek Feedback and Support (includes Evaluation of Outcomes) Transfer of Learning (to other situations, levels, etc.) Continuous Learning (Learning Environment/Culture)


Goal Form Timeline for completion: Action Steps: 1. Modifying behavior what will I do differently: 2. Modeling others who I will observe and when I will observe them: 3. Practice how I will use new or modified behaviors on the job: 4. Collecting ongoing feedback how I will monitor any progress through other: 5. Reading/classes how I will add to my knowledge base:


Expected outcomes: 1. When I achieve this goal, I will know I have been successful because: 2. The other people who will notice and be impacted by this are: 3. The difference they will notice is:


Managerial style:Type 1 :TQM Likes specific guidelines and schedules Likes clearly defined roles and responsibility Attention to details Emphasis on ethics Compares own efforts to others Finds it hard to delegate responsibility Risk Averse

To communicate
Neatness important  Be on Time  Use words like thank you, please, etc  Go through proper channels and authority  Admit your mistakes  Be accountable


Type 2 Customer Service

Servant Leadership Power Behind the throne Attracted to potential Talent and Key People Model Charm and enthusiasm

Focus on Client satisfaction  Likes to please authority.  Backs favourites


To communicate
Be generous with your praise,approval and affection  Like to connect to people  Speak from your real needs-they like to needsmeet your needs


Type 3 MBO
I am what I do Prototype of any Profession Efficiency and saving time Seeks respect over Liking Demanding Achiever Shoots for Defined Goals Shirks from failure Impatient

To communicate
Get list of priorities  Get staright to the point  Do what you say you are going to do  Set clear parameters for success


Type 4 Innovative Manager

Seeks genius and creativity Feel respected for vision and ideas Moods take precedence Feels demeaned by ordinary work Emotionally intense Does not work with others who are more valued

To communicate
Enjoy the process of creating something new  Dont offer money or perks  Respect fours depth and insight  Recognize them


5 tr t
Expert power

because of superior knowledge - Most organizations value expert power because it encourages excellence and high performance. performance.

Works to buy autonomy Needs Predictability Avoids conflict Values unemotional decision making Feels invasion of privacy easily Lacks spontaneity

To Communicate
Meetings hard for Fives, so give them max information before hand  Loves insider information-indepth information Dont go beyond agreed area of inquiry  Creat a safe and closed place as you are talking to him  Give them plenty of advance warning





To communicate
Keep your word  Takes time to establish trust  Dont exaggerate  Disclose your self interest  Share your thought process and give reasons  Give back up data


Type 7 Team Player


Dislikes routines. Networks, plans, synthesizes ideas Convincing and persuasive abilities. Enthusiastic, creative and popular. Strong on positive future visioning. visioning. Brings data together in original ways. Planners rather than implementers. Chaotic decision making. Hard to see their own mistakes.

To Communicate
Be prepared for rapid give and take(talk fast)  Align with their dream, and show it can work  Ask lots of questions  Share your problems


Type 8 Authoritarian
Concerned with Fairness and Justice  My way or the high-way high Easy to anger & energy  Direct and assertive leadership style  Dynamic Public figures.  Prefer to centralize than delegate.  Good leaders in times of emergency.  Sparing with compliments or praise


To communicate
Dont let them down  Like news quick and straight  Want respect  Acknowledge their power  Dont tell what he cant do  Be direct when they make mistakes


Type 9 Participatory Manager


Relaxes in the absence of friction Avoids self-promotion. selfFollows routine Cautious with risks Difficulty in setting priorities. Lack specific goals Imprecise in specifying ways to carry out plans. BigBig-picture thinkers Strive for consensus

To communicate
Dont mistake his silence for agreement  Dont pretend  Establish clear performance goals  Let them know their part in a work  Work towards collaboratin and cooperation  Dont pick up calls or interrupt when you are talking with nines


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