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Writing a Resume’

Academic and Professional Writing

At the end of this meeting, I commit to challenging myself in:
1. Verbally introducing oneself in a creative way
2. Familiarizing oneself in the different parts of a resume
3. Appreciating the value of knowing how to make a competitive
resume in my life as a student and in the future

Learning Competency:
• Identifies the unique features of and requirements in composing
professional correspondence: a. Resume
What is a resume’?
A resume’ is a written compilation of your education, work
experience, credentials, and accomplishments.

What is it for?
A resume’ is a “self-advertisement” that sums up your experience on
one page. Your resume’ is one of the most important pieces of your
job application. It gives the hiring manager an overview of the
qualifications you have for the job for which you’re applying.
Parts of a Resume’
The Parts of a Resume’ are quite similar from
one resume’ to another. However, they may be
individualized and personalized to show you at
your best.
Parts of a Resume’
1. Objective
2. Information Section
3. Education
4. Related Work Experience
5. Skills
6. Achievements
7. Volunteer Experiences
8. References
Parts of a Resume’
1. Objective
• The Objective provides a focus for your
document. It is very effective as part of a
• If the Objective is a good one, it will greatly
enhance the document. If the Objective is too
long and complicated - or improperly focused -
it can be detrimental.
Parts of a Resume’
1. Objective

Parts of a Resume’
2. Information Section
• This section tells about your pertinent personal
• The simplest format can be the most
• There is no need to make your
presentation fancy. 
Parts of a Resume’
3. Education
The employer wants to know what level of
education you have achieved. If you omit this
section, the omission may exclude you from any
further consideration.
Parts of a Resume’
3. Education

Parts of a Resume’
4. Related Work Experience
The Work Experience should be presented in
reverse chronological order. The reader wants to
know what you are doing currently, for how long,
and what you have done in the past roughly 10
years. It is not necessary to provide an
employment record further into your past then
about 10 years.
Parts of a Resume’
4. Related Work Experience
Parts of a Resume’
5. Skills
The list of skills you present should clearly
support the objective for your application.
Parts of a Resume’
6. Achievements
This section will allow you the opportunity to tell
briefly - and in point form - what sets you apart from
the competition for this position.
Parts of a Resume’
7. Volunteer Experience
Two candidates who have similar education and
experience might be differentiated by their
Volunteer activities. One who is active in the
community may appear be a more valuable
employee than one who has not given thought to
this worthwhile activity.
Parts of a Resume’
8. References
References section effectively signals the end of
the resume. There's nothing worse for your reader
than wondering if you have the entire document.
Lesson References

- DepEd Senior High School Curriculum Guide


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