The Role and Function of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (English)

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In general, an Extraordinary Minister
of Holy communion is a liturgical
minister who assists the priest at Mass
WHAT IS and who renders specific supportive
functions during liturgical services in
HOLY In particular, an Extraordinary
Minister of Holy Communion is a lay
COMMUNION? person, a man or woman, who has
been deputed (authorized) to assist the
priest in giving communion during the
Mass and other liturgical ceremonies.
According to the GIRM - the EMHC is a liturgical
They are liturgical ministers with special authorization
from the Bishop and parish Priest of the Diocese/parish
Their service adds to the orderly and prayerful nature of

They enhance solemnity, grace and reverence in the
They model good liturgical participation to the
assembly through actions, prayers, hymns, and
Their service is voluntary and gratuitous

Duties and Functions of Extraordinary Ministers of

Holy Communion
To report at least 15 minutes
before Mass
To attend meetings called by
the parish priest
DUTIES To know his/her scheduled
assignment and note them
To look for replacement if
he/she would be absent
To help give out holy
communion to the people at

FUNCTIONS To get the vessels of consecrated

host in the tabernacle before
communion and put them back
(repose) after communion.
To shower proper respect and
reverence to the Eucharist
To work in coordination with the
Bishop and the priests
RESPONSIBILITI To give witness and set good
ES example of good behavior to others
To shower charity and concern for
Selection of Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
Witnessing Catholic with pleasing personality

Physically, intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally fit

Must be at least be thirty to sixty five years of age

Be a resident of the parish he/she intends to serve

Has ability to read, write and communicate

Approved by the parish priest and the PPC

Possesses basic knowledge of the Creed, Code and Cult

Understands and accepts the principles and processes of BEC

Has satisfactorily fulfilled the required training/seminars

• Commissioned extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion shall renew their
commitment every years or defend the
Parish Priest Commissioned
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion shall submit in the
requirements needed for renewal to the
parish priest before the renewal started.
This renewal shall be preceded by a
recollection or a retreat
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
are forbidden to join religious fanatical
group/s disapproved by local church

PROHIBITIONS They are also forbidden to advocate violence

SANCTIONS Those who violate these provisions shall be
dismissed after due process Cessation

Habitual absence from scheduled meetings

and neglect of duties
Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion shall serve
only in the diocese and in their
own parishes
To serve in another diocese or
parish, they should have the
permission of the bishop or of
their parish priest
Be neatly groomed and dressed.
Wear appropriate clothes and
shoes for Mass. Avoid using
heavy perfumed or cologne.
For women - avoid wearing
heavy makeup and distracting
Always 'look alert' at all times during the Mass.

Do not slouch when sitting and do not look around


Participate in the prayers, responses, and songs at Mass

BEHAVIOR Avoid talking to one another

Avoid going in and out except in cases of necessity only

Be an example of active participation in the liturgy.
Know and join in the prayers, singing and responses in
the Mass.
Wear the prescribed uniform for
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy

Proper uniform for Men -polo barong with

UNIFORM a distinctive cross for men. For Women -
white dress also with a distinctive cross.

Be sure that the uniform you wear is neat,

clean and fits you properly.
Be seated in a place specially designated area
for you

Your seats in the designated area must be
arranged so that they are clearly distinguished
from those of the clergy and other ministers.

Do not seat beside the priest for such place is

normally reserved for the priest concelebrant
or deacon.

1. Attend the Mass for which you have been scheduled to serve. Do not come in only when its time to give
2. You may receive communion at every Mass you fully attended. Otherwise, you may not receive communion
if you were not present the whole time
3. Approach the altar only at designated time, that is, during the singing of the "Lamb of God" which is done
before communion.
4. Wait for the priest to give you the host for communion. Do not take the host by yourself unless the priest
allows you to do so.
5. Hold the sacred host in your hand and wait until the priest has taken his communion. Only after the priest
has taken communion that you may take your own communion.
6. Wait for the priest to give you the vessel with consecrated hosts for communion. Do not get the vessel by
yourself unless you are allowed to do so by the priest.
7. Avoid actions that may look like you are a concelebrant in the Mass like, standing near the priest in the altar
or receiving communion with him.

The following functions are allowed

• Opening and closing of the tabernacle
• Getting sacred vessels with consecrated hosts and
putting the vessels back in the tabernacle
• Transferring and distribution of consecrated hosts into
other vessels before and after communion
• Cleansing or purification of sacred vessels after
communion or after the Mass

1. You need to complete the orientation

program for Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion in order to be admitted to

2. When you are ready, you may undergo a

simply Rite of Commissioning or Blessing
from the priest delegated by the Bishop.

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