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Development of



What is Democracy?
The word democracy comes
from the Greek words
“demos”, meaning people,
and “kratos” meaning power.
Democracy In Education
1. Universal and Compulsory Education – it
is reckoned in democracy that education
is the birth of every individual.

2. Free Education – In democracy every boy

and girls has the equal opportunities for
progress and development.
Democracy In Education
3. Provision of Adult and Woman Education –
Professor S. N. Mukherjee has written, “If the
child education is essential for the bright future,
adult education is also essential for present
existence of the democracy.

4. Child Centered Education – In democratic

ideology, child is being regarded as the Centre of
the education which is given according to his
interests, qualification and ability.
Democracy In Education

5. Curriculum According to the Needs of Person

and Society – In a democracy, curriculum for
education is being organized in accordance with
the society.

6. Method of Teaching – Such teaching methods

are being emphasized in the democratic
countries which do not pressurize the student.
Democracy In Education
7. Importance of teacher - Due to democratic
ideology, teachers are being their due respect
and they are being given more freedom in their

8. Emphasis on Self Discipline - Enhancing self

perception of self worth.
Democracy In Education
9. Organization of Co Curricular Activities – To
express the thoughts and writing and to also develop
a sense of responsibility in the students, various co
curricular activities like sports, debates, music
concerts and tours are being organized in the
democratic countries.

10. Relation Between Various Agencies of Education

– Due to effect of democratic spirit, efforts are being
made to establish a sense of cooperation among
various agencies like school, family, community,
religion and the state, so that the students are
Democracy and Curriculum

 The curriculum should be flexible, detailed, and versatile and it

should comprise all subjects and activities which are helpful in the
all-round development of the student and can give them the
education to spend a successful life.

 The curriculum should be so flexible and detailed, that students

should be able to capability, wisdom, and needs.

 The curriculum should be made on the basis of local resources and

Democracy and Curriculum

 It should comprise such subjects and activities which can provide

education at the time of vacations.

 The democratic curriculum should emphasize specially on social

activities. It should also develop.

 Social spirit in the students and should also be helpful in the

fulfilment of social needs.

 The curriculum should be made on the basis on the basis of financial

needs of the students.
Democracy and Methods of Teaching
Through the democratic method of teaching the student should be taught through
learning by doing.

The students should be given opportunity to learn through experience and the student
should not be pressurized.

In the democratic education, the process of education should go on the basis of

In the democratic methods of teaching, main emphasis should be given on the
development of mental abilities like thinking, logic and imagination and its inspection
approach should be followed.
Democracy and Discipline
School’s environment should be calm, effective and fearless so that the students
could get better opportunities for development.
Such functions should be held in the schools so that the sense of responsibility
should be developed in them. Total freedom should also be given to them to
organize students and sports unions so that the spirit to follow their own rules can
be developed in them.
Such social activities should also be developed in the schools through which the
spirit of social control can be developed in them.
Students should also be given the opportunity to understand their duties and rights.
Teachers should behave lovingly and warm-hearted with the students. They should
help their students at every step.
Democracy and Teacher
Teacher should possess great characteristic virtues.

Teacher’s point of view should be vast.

The teacher should be aware of his duties and rights.

Teacher should possess virtues like love, sympathy, cooperation, tolerance, mercy,
religion and dutifulness.

The teacher should also be just and should not biased so that the students can gave faith
in him.
Democracy and School Administration
• In democracy, the school is established on the democratic principles and ideals.

• In democracy, school’s administration is run in a democratic manner with the

help of students, teachers and Principals.

• They all together make policies, curriculum and determine the teaching methods.

• They also select textbooks, prepare the class works plans and do others works.

• In a democracy principals do not impose their policies on the teachers and

students but work with their consent and cooperation.

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