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Unit 10


It is hard to decide on a career in this point of their live because they don’t have a clear picture of most jobs.
He has done more administrative work than actually taking care of patients.
He wishes he hadn’t wasted so much time.
People who performed great deed are regular people like them.
I wish I had stayed at home.

I wish I had bought another pair.

I wish I had seen the Cup Final.

had known would have sent

had been would have had
had studied would have passed
had gotten up wouldn’t have missed
would have stayed hadn’t rained
would have bought had had
1. If Christopher had listened to his parents, he wouldn’t have been in trouble now.
2. If the passengers hadn’t worn seat belts, they would have been hurt in the crash.
3. If Mr. Jackson hadn’t arrived half an hour late, he wouldn’t have missed his plane to Boston.
4. The team wouldn’t have lost the game if they had played very well.
5. If my mom had known I had to get up early, she would have woken me up.
Roberto wishes he had scored the goal. / If he’d scored the goal, he would
have won the game.
Carol and Ken wish they had bought the tickets before. / If they had bought
the tickets before, they would have entered the rock concert.
1. You might not have moved the furniture, but you did it.
2. You could have told your family, but you didn’t.
3. You might have stayed at your friend’s house, but you didn’t.
4. You could have entered to the contest, but you didn’t.
5. You could have accepted the offer, but you didn’t.
6. You could have gotten early to the school, but you didn’t.

Answers will vary.

regret, worry, die, saddest, burden

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