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How does the brain of a

Strategist work?
Guillermo Villacrés Cárdenas M.Sc.

The answer could be sort of simplistic, but
to begin with, let’s consider four factors:
1. Knowledge.
2. Intelligence.
3. Cleverness.
4. Intuition.
But before those four factors, let’s
consider the role of a strategist:

A strategist is a person whose responsibility is

formulation and implementation of a strategy.
Strategy generally involves setting goals,
determining actions to achieve the goals, and
mobilizing resources to execute the actions.

How about personality and character:
Strategists are intuitive people that are always
thinking and analyzing. Strategists are very
deep and abstract. They are complex on the
inside and see endless possibilities. Strategists
are thinkers that make decisions with their
head. They are objective and logical.

Strategic thinkers have five (5) attributes:
They include understanding his place in the
market; focusing on the goal; understanding
past, present, and future events; asking the
right questions; and identifying opportunities.
These skills support innovative thinking and
lead to business growth.

But how does his or her brain operate?

1. Knowledge = academic preparation?

2. Intelligence = problem solving?
3. Cleverness = “nose”?
4. Intuition = insight?
Let’s take a brief look of what some authors say:

1. Competition : Michael Porter

2. Blue or Red Oceans : Chan Kim & RM
3. Managing: Henry Mintzberg
4. “Strategic intent”: Hamel & Prahalad
There is a fifth point of view worth studying:

Provides the focus that allows

individuals within an
organization to marshal and
leverage their energy, to focus
attention, to resist distraction,
and to concentrate for as long
as it takes to achieve a goal.

Source: A discussion Paper,

Darden University, 1999 by Jeanne Liedtka:
Mental model of the  Sense of direction
complete system of  Sense of discovery
value creation from  Sense of destiny
beginning to end.

Linking the gap

between the current
Making strategists reality and the intent
more responsive for the future..
to local opportunities.
generation and
testing will
both creative
and critical
thinking into
Thank you very much


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