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What is
Cooperation ?
Cooperation means the member of a team
have one hearts. The heart is the most
important organ of the body as it sustains
life by pumping blood and supplying the
needed nutrients and oxygen to all other
parts.” In a team, the heart pertains to the
propose why the team is formed.
The purpose determines the kind of members therein,
including their qualification and the characteristics they
should possess. If the propose is not properly
established, the team has no force. In the same manner
if the purpose is not properly birthed in the members
hearts, their commitment to the team would not be
strong. On the contrary, If the purpose is birthed
properly cooperation would not be difficult because the
members, on their own volition, would supply their
quota for the success of the team’s goal.
Cooperation in the team necessitation having the same
voice. In the first EDSA revolution that impressed the
whole world, the Filipino people had one voice. On the
streets of Epifanio de los Santos Avenue, the Filipino
people were shouting the same thing over and over
again. A team having different voices is necessarily a
weak team. With different, opposing instructions or
statements around member will not know who to follow
or what to speak anymore. Worst, members take sides
on what voice to stand for.
When that happens, the team is bound to break for
“every kingdom divided against itself is brought to
desolation, and every city or house divided against itself
will not stand.”
Lastly, having one vision results to strong
cooperation. Just like a traveller, the team is headed to a
particular direction determined by its purpose and
mandate. Members in a team seeing one thing from
different perspectives could be a strength, but members
seeing different things could be dangerous.
With eyes fixed on different directions, the team could
be shattered in pieces. Taking the memebers to
cooperate in order to reach the goal would be a serious
Before it is to late, let us examine our team’s
heart(purpose), voice (what we stand for) and vision
(goal), and establish accordingly. The secret to topping
cooperation from every member lies on how these
things are birthed on everyone’s hearts.
1. As a member of a team, assses how you cooperate
the attainment of your organization’s purpose,
mandate, goals and objectives. Make a lot of the
things you should stop doing, continue doing and
start doing.
2. As a team, assess every member’s cooperation
character. Do not condemn those whose have not
developed the value yet, but guide to cooperate.
Make sure not dismiss even the slightest effort to
avoid discouragement.

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