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HISTORY ::Early in history, gender issues created social gaps between the two genders. Females were regarded as "less privileged" than males in educational and occupational opportunities. Males, on the other hand, were stereotyped as the "stronger" gender. In fact, many of the laws existing today, especially those that involve the family, family, are in favor of women.

Gender issue works as the discrimination & the unfair treatment or judgment of an individual based on his/her gender especially at workplace. gender discrimination also known as sex discrimination.

In business this type of discrimination is in the area of employment, where promotion, job employment, wage and other benefits tend to be gender biased. Gender biased. discrimination has historically been perceived as limiting the opportunities of women, but modern civil rights law also includes the protection of men. men.


For a women it is very difficult to survive, even in the today s era where many laws for women have been made by the govt.. And when we see women in practical working life, there are a lots of example through which it is proved that women are not safe till now. According to Hilary M. Lips in her article titled "The Gender Wage Gap: Debunking the Rationalizations,'' women who work 41 to 44 hours a week earn only 84.6 percent of the what men working in similar hours do.


Religion:Religion:According to Human Rights, Inc., one of the main causes of gender discrimination is religion. religion. Many religions place women below society. men, and create a patriarchal society.

Family law:law:Family laws that force arranged marriages often lead to gender discrimination. The women in these marriages are often abused both physically and sexually



discrimination is caused by the sense that certain occupations are a 'man's job' or a 'woman's job'. While there are laws against this type of discrimination, it is still often a determining factor when hiring someone. Rights Inc. also states that education plays an important role in gender discrimination. In many countries, women are forced to stay home to clean and cook. However, the men are sent to school, furthering inequality.


Physical factors

Often because women are physically weaker than men, they are more easily abused and discriminated against.



sex role stereotyping.  Attitude of male pears towards women.  Women are perceived in clerical role while male are perceived in management role.  Another potential difficulty for women is Being accepted by customer where they are used to seeing a man.  Because of the competition man always in a mindset to spoil the image of women.

Wage discrimination.  Sexual harassment. Workplace harassment (employment discrimination) discrimination) consisting of unwelcome and advances, repeated sexual advances, comments, looks, contact, physical contact, stereotyping, request for sexual favors. Even all the above problem faced by women occur at many times but sexual harassment is one of the biggest problem faced by women at workplace often.

Glass ceiling on women


term glass ceiling is most often applied in business situations in which women feel, either accurately or not, that men are deeply entrenched in the upper echelons of power, and women, try as they might, find it nearly impossible to break through

A take off on the glass ceiling is the celluloid ceiling, ceiling, which refers to the glass ceiling that exists everywhere. While many women insist that the glass ceiling is a real barrier to accessing malemale-dominated positions in business, many challengers say that it exists mostly because women choose to focus more of their time on family and, in the end, cannot dedicate as much time to their career.

Two Types of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

 "quid-pro-quo "quid-pro-

harassment :-when a harassment supervisor demands an employee to submit to sexual advance in order to keep her job or get a promotion, this is called quid-proquid-pro-quo harassment.  Hostile environment:-harassment bu co environment: worker or supervisor can be so severe or pervasive that it creates a hostile environment that interferes with work.


One of the well known cases of a sexual harassed women taking the help of law to teach harasser a lesson. the case was of Rupan Deol Bajaj. Bajaj was slapped on the bottom by the then DGP of Punjab KPS gill. Accusing him of indecent behavior, Bajaj fought an 8 year legal battle. The hard work paid off. Gill was convicted and sentenced to three month rigorous imprisonment.

Shehnez mudbhatkal, worked as a hostess for mudbhatkal, Saudi Arabian Airlines. Her services were terminated because she refused to surrender to sexual demands made by her superior. But she would not give in. filing suit, she fought for 11 year. And she was awarded full wages and continuity of services and sadly, the airlines appealed to Bombay high court, granted a stay. Nutan Sharma, steno in union ministry of Sharma, railways, was transferred following her complaint that P.R.Sharma, secretary of chief operating manager, molested her.

In 1994, Doordarshan ( Hyderabad) producer Sailaja Suman took director P.L.Chawala to court on charge of defamation, criminal intimidation and trying to outrage her modesty. She filled two separate cases. Unfortunately, she was transferred to lukhnow. ALISHA CHINAI S suit against music composer Anu Malik demanding Rs. 26,60,000/- as 26,60,000/damage for sexual harassment met with similar fate, Malik filed a Rs. 2 crore defamation suit.

In California, the average 25-year-old woman California, 25-yearwho works full-time until she retires at age 65 fullwill earn over $500,000 less than the average working man. In one case, Southwest Airlines tried to justify its policy that only attractive women could work as flight attendants and ticket agents The airline argued that sex appeal was a bona fide occupational qualification under Title VII, saying that Southwest wanted to project a sexy image and fulfill its public promise to take passengers skyward with love. However, the federal district court rejected Southwest s defense.


In our society as well as at workplace the issues related with gender are not only happened with women but also with man. This discrimination can be of wage discrimination, sexual harassment, ages issues,etc.

Like if there is a female supervisor at the job she can harass the male employee in order to pay him more or for promotion. In past it was not happened frequently but now a days it happens in many organizations. We have a case of wage discrimination of a male employee:employee:Dr. Helen Smith :- he told about him in a letter that . I work at a fast food restaurant where there are two positions: the boys and the girls. Whenever a new guy is recruited he is given the training. They show him how to do the tasks that the restaurant deems appropriate for the men to do.

This struck me as very sexist from the outset, but I held my tongue because I was just a new guy and obviously needed the job. As time went by, I started noticing the huge differences in workload between the boys and girls. It seemed to me that the men had to do far more work in the restaurant than the women. But the wage given to male employees was less then of female employees. And then told this thing to the other employees and they all were agreed about my opinion. with the help of those employees we were be able to make them understand about the equality.


Lost Productivity:-Victims of gender Productivity: discrimination lose motivation and morale necessary to perform their jobs effectively. So it leads to low productivity in the organization. Feeling of inequality:-the male & female inequality: discrimination creates the feeling of inequalities among workers. Dishonesty :- workers get dishonest toward the organization due to the gender issues.

Other effects are:are: Unemployeement  Insecurity  Low

self esteem  Low wages  Decreases the reputation of the companies  Low morale  Effects on the personal life of the employees


At the end we can conclude that Even with progress in the legislature and in the courts, gender stereotyping and its resulting discrimination is still a significant roadblock to not only man s but also in women s success in the workplace. So gender issues regarding men or women should not be exist in any organization because it leads to many negative effect. So to control on this an org. should take some step:step:-

Suggestions are
The employer should :

equal chance for both genders to qualify in the hiring process provided that qualification for job position is properly administered to both  Give equal chance for both genders to continue employment in the company provided that terms of contract are observed and exercised


proper working condition and fair employment opportunities for both genders. Criteria for promotion and retention should be equal for both genders, working with the same job responsibilities. prevent, or stop any action/ behavior/ condition in the workplace that attacks the gender of any employee, affecting his or her work performance.



WalWal-Mart's treatment of female employees is under fire, both in fire, the courts and in the media. The corporate behemoth has about a billion reasons to closely examine its corporate policies and their store-level storeimplementation.

Give equal salary/ wage or benefit packages to both genders working with the same job responsibilities The employer should not:

Advertise job position with responsibilities that discriminates any of the two genders Specify the gender needed to fit the qualification for a certain position. (One exception is when the role is highly dangerous or specialized for one of the gender. Examples may be construction and shipping work) Ask gender-related questions that would make genderapplicants feel uncomfortable.

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