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Bubble Physics

A deep insight into a beautiful children’s

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Bubbles are generally associated with
playful children blowing bubbles at each
other with their bubble guns or bubble

When you are washing dishes or bathing,

you may only see these colourful bubbles
sometimes form in a tsunami of foam.

Bubbles can also be found in carbonated

drinks such as 100 plus, Coca-cola or
even sparkling water.
There are generally only 2 types of bubbles we encounter
Soap bubbles Underwater bubbles
Formed when soap is Formed when air is
mixed with water and air forced into water
Part 01:

Soap Bubbles
How do soap bubbles form
Part 1:
● Soap bubbles form primarily because of
surface tension and its properties
● The - part of oxygen attaches to the +
part of hydrogen
● However the oxygen part of the molecules
on the top have nowhere to bond to so they
will form an extra strong bond the the
hydrogen beside it, forming a skin
Can u share
some with
me ;-;
O- O- O- O-

H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+
O- O- O- O- O-

H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+
O- O- O- O- O-

H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+
How do soap bubbles form Part 2

● The reason soap bubbles can’t form without soap is

because the surface tension is just too strong. Causing
the bubble to break as soon as the gas bubble rises to the
● When soap is added to water, the surface tension is
reduced and the gas bubble is allowed to exist for a
longer period of time.
Behaviour of Bubble Shape

● Because of surface tension, bubbles

have a property in which they try to
minimise their surface area as much
as possible
● When suspended in air, bubbles are
in a round shape because it has the
lowest surface area
● However, bubbles can be a variety of
shapes when in different conditions
Singularity in Soap Bubbles
Why are soap bubbles
Soap bubbles are only as thin as a single
wavelength of light, so when white light hits
it, it is forced to spread out into the colours
of the rainbow
Fluid Dynamic in soap
Since the colours in soap bubbles are so distinct,
scientists are able to observe the movement of
fluids by studying soap bubbles
Part 02:
Fluid Dynamics
What is fluid dynamics

-is a subtopic of fluid mechanics that describes the

flow of fluid(gases and liquid)

-has a wide range of application, including to

calculate force and moments on aircraft

–solution on fluid dynamics problem involves in the

calculation of the properties of the fluid such as flow
velocity, density, pressure and temperature
function of fluid dynamics

1.calculating force 2.determine the mass 3.predicting

and movement on flow rate of petroleum weather
aircraft through pipelines patterns
Part 03
Property of Underwater

Because gas particles are less dense due to the space between its
particles, it has the ability to lower the density of a liquid when it
is pumped into it

● When learning a new

trick, divers will pump
air into the pool, creating
● These bubbles decrease
the density of the water
and prevent injury if the
athlete fails a trick
Penguin Usage

● Penguins shoot stored air out of

their feathers when diving out
from the water to decrease the
density and make it easier for
them to exit
● This function conserves energy
usage and decreases the time
the penguin takes to get out of
the water
Ship Usage

● Japanese automobile company

“Mitsubishi” built a bubble
lubrication system into the
bottom of their boats
● Movement is made easier and
thus gas is saved and fuels costs
are saved
● Less greenhouse gases are also
Part 4:
How is sound formed by bubbles
● Before the air breaks off from the source and becomes an
underwater bubble, it has a sharp edge.
● When the bubble is finally released, the water pushes on the
air inside the bubble, causing the air to push back and
vibrate the water, creating a sound
Whales blow bubbles when catching prey to scare
them and trap them in a “bubble cage” which makes it
easy to hunt
● Small bubbles can be added to water and
blasted with ultrasound which creates rough
surfaces that can scrub off dirt more easily
Medical Usage
● Micro bubbles can be injected into a patient’s
bloodstream and used for ultrasound imaging
● Bubbles are able to reflect and scatter sound
better, increasing the contrast of the tissues in
the body
Property 2 of Underwater
Certain substances are able to stick to bubbles.
Therefore, bubbles are able to carry and transport
Medical Usage
● Drugs can be stuck on to bubbles and delivered into the patient’s
● When the drugs reaches a specific body part, it can be blasted with
sound to release the drug
● Iron filings can be added as well to divert/direct the bubbles to a
certain part of the body

● As champagne ferments, yeast eats the

sugars in grapes and releases CO2 which
is dissolved in the champagne
● When the cork is released, pressure is
decreased and CO2 gas is released
throughout the liquid
● These bubbles form on tiny imperfections
(dust, scratches etc) on the surface of the
Champagne P.2

● These bubbles are able to carry

chemicals and substances that
gives champagne its
● Taller glasses create bigger and
faster bubbles which are able
to carry substances and mix it
better and more evenly,
creating a better flavour
Experiment Time!!!!
Experiment 1
Colourful Milk Experiment

Experiment 2
Floating Paper Clip
Colourful Milk Experiment

What you need is……

-Food Colouring
-Cotton Bud
-Washing Dish
1.Place some milk in a

2.Drop at least 2 colours of

food colouring into the milk

3.Use the cotton bud to drop

some washing dish
How does this work

-the liquid dish reduces the surface tension of the milk

and react with fat
-this cause the fat particles in the milk to move and
create swirls of colour
Floating Paper Clip

What you need is……

-Paper Clip
1.Pour the water into
the bowl

2.Slowly put the tissue on

the water

3.Put the paper clip on the

How does this work
-the surface tension help the paper clip to flow on the
Quiz time !!
Thank You !!
And stay curious 😜

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