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The posterior abdominal wall.

Mr UN. Kadumbo.
The posterior abdominal wall.
• Is formed by:
The 5 lumbar vertebrae.
Lumbar inter-vertebral discs.
Twelfth ribs.
Upper bony pelvis.
Psoas mm.
Quadratus lumborum mm.
Iliacus mm.
Origin of transversus mm.
Posterior abdominal wall.
Lumbar vertebrae.
Has posterior concavity(lordosis).
The bodies are thick and kidney shaped.
Intervertebral discs are wedge shaped.
Muscles of the posterior abdominal wall.
• Psoas major:
• Originate from twefth thoracic to 5th lumbar vertebra.
(transverse processes, sides of bodies and discs)
• Inserts into the lesser trochanter of femur.
• Supplied by the lumbar nerve plexus.
• Strong hip flexor.
Muscles of posterior abdominal wall
Quadratus lumborum
• Flat quadrilateral m.
• Is along side the lumbar vertebra.
• Its anterior surface is covered by lumbar fascia.
• Origin:
Iliolumbar ligament.
Lower transverse processes.
Iliac crest.
• Insertion:
Lower border of 12th rib.
Upper transverse processes.
• Is supplied by the lumbar plexus.
• Depresses 12th during respiration.
• Laterally flexes the trunk.
• Arises from the upper part of the iliac fossa.
• Joins the psoas major to form the iliopsoas m.
• Inserts into the lesser trochanter.
• Strong hip flexor.
• Is supplied by the femoral nerve.

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