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Nonverbal Communication

Non-verbal communication
A series of conscious or subconscious signals to others Signals are sent by Facial expressions Eyes Hand movements Gestures of arms and hands Leg movements Posture Zonal distance and orientation

Importance of Non-verbal Communication

7 % of communication happens through words 93% of communication happens through non-verbal cues of which: 55% through facial expressions 38% through vocal tones

Types of Non-Verbal Communication

Kinesics Eye contact and facial expressions Gestures Postures Proxemics Public space Over 12 feet Social Space 4 to 12 feet Personal Space 18 inches to 4 feet Intimate space 0 to 18 inches Paralanguage

Cues one can pick up from an individuals voice: Tone Rate of speech Accent Pronunciation Not WHAT you say but HOW you say it!!

Interesting things about body language

It has no words or sentences, but it does send bits of information that combine into messages. Those messages, which are sometimes clear and sometimes fuzzy, are mostly about your feelings. People can learn to read those messages with a fair degree of accuracy. You cannot not have body language- you are sending messages non-verbally all the time. Especially when you are trying not to! Your preferred body positions and movements do say something about the kind of person you are. If your words say one thing and your body another then people will believe your body, not your words. You can change how youre feeling by consciously changing your body language.

Signals are accurately read in clusters

Encodes Decodes Sender Signal Receiver

Selecting positive behaviours

Facial Expressions: Seven main expressions Anger Disgust Fear Happiness Interest Sadness Surprise Most of the information is carried by eyes, eyebrows, and mouth.

Maintain eye contact when talking and when listening Level of contact depends upon relative status of other person Area of gaze varies in line with status

Head nodding Beckoning / welcoming

Body posture:
Stand with hands held loosely behind the back Lean slightly towards the other person Sit still, with no sudden movements

Bodily contact:
A controlled way of moving from initiating to building a relationship Appearances: First impressions are geared to looks, not actions Give a strong signal of social status, place in hierarchy and ability

Body talk

Communication Skills

Body Language
Clearing throat, "whew" sound, Whistling, smoking, pinching flesh


covering mouth, jiggling money or keys, tugging ears, wringing hands.

Short breaths, "tsk" sound, tightly clenched hands, wringing hands, Fist like gestures pointing index finger rubbing hand through hair rubbing back of neck.


Communication Skills

Body Language
Open hands, unbuttoned coat

Arms crossed, sideways glance, touching/ rubbing nose, rubbing eyes, buttoned coat, drawing away

Pinching flesh, chewing pen, thumb over thumb, biting fingernail


Communication Skills

Body Language
Upper body in sprinter's position, open hands, sitting on edge of chair, hand to face gestures, unbuttoning coat.

Steepled hands, hands behind back, back stiffened, hands in coat pockets with thumb out, hands on lapels of coat


Finger pointing Eyes steady / fixing / narrowed Lounging back with hands behind head Feet on desk Steep ling Stands with feet apart Loud voice, harsh commanding tone Protects own space, strongly territorial Invades others space

Seldom smiles First thumping Shakes head more often than he nods Eyebrow raised in disbelief Chin thrust forward Exploding Strides around impatiently

Leans forward, eyes sparkling Touching Smiles readily Jaw relaxed Nods appropriately Moderate voice, empathetic tone Respects others space Hand gestures frequent Palms/wrists usually visible

Legs / arms crossed Frown lines Constipated gestures Closed smile Frequent pauses No eye contact Hunched shoulders Hand covers mouth Tortoise neck

Nods often Brief eye contact Moderate voice Few gestures Leans forward to listen

Helpful Behaviours
Lean forward, arms uncrossed Look at the other person for 60% of the time Make listening signals and noises Smile Use other persons name early in transaction Ask open questions Summarize what you think they said

Factors that affect the message are...

Attitude Verbal message Non-verbal message Appearance Background of the communicators Expectations of the communicators Setting Your words and body language must not contradict each other

Non verbal messages

Actions speak louder than words Tone of voice Gestures Facial expressions Posture Eye contact Body movements

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What does the photograph say ? Contd

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