Supernatural Beings

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Supernatural Beings
To comprehend what is to come in this presentation,
you need to believe both the impossible and the possible.
This tiny little world we live in, revolves around various
mysteries to be solved and no doubt supernatural beings
are parts of them.
>Vampires are a race of blood drinking
supernatural creatures that were once
human.They mostly look just like us so you wont
know what they truly are until its too late.
>Although they prefer fresh human
blood,humans aren’t the only animals they can
feast on.
>They can potentially live forever with traits
such as super strength and speed.They can also
quickly heal any wound as along as they have
enough human blood.
>Dead man’s blood can hurt them as well as
sunlight.We can kill them by chopping their
heads off and a stake through the heart also
does the job.
>Werewolves are humanoid carnivores,the
combination of humans and wolves.A human
by day and a freak animal killing machine by
>When they devour the flesh of a victim,they
always mainly eat the heart,although they
also feast on other parts of the body.
>They can transform into a wolf like creature
only under a full moon but they have the
same traits as vamps even in their human
>They are vulnerable to silver and they can
be killed or harmed with a variety of objects
containing silver.
>The word ghost is a common term for a soul
that did not move on to the afterlife after
they perished.They occasionally reside in the
veil but they can appear in the physical
>Ghosts are often bound to an object or a
place normally the area where they died as
such their movements are restricted.
>They can be repelled by salt and cannot
cross a line of salt.Iron also keeps ghosts at
bay.We can free them by burning their bones
or the object they are attached to.

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The Holy Bible describes angels as celestial
intermediaries between heaven and humanity.
>They are said to be protectors and guides for
humans and servants of God.
>Angels need vessels to walk the earth.It is said
that they ask the consent of the owner of the
vessel they want and they tend to share it with
>Angels in arts are usually shaped like humans
of extraordinary beauty.
>Some have specific names like the
archangels,Michael and Gabriel.
>Some were cast out of heaven like the well
known,the devil himself,Lucifer who rebelled
against God.
Some of you may think demons and ghosts are
the same but they are entirely different.
>Demons are spiritual entities that are direct
opposites to Angels.They are created from
human souls that have been tortured in hell until
there is no humanity left in them and they
become corrupted.In other words they are just
broken souls.
>Similar to Angels they require a vessel to walk
the earth although they can roam in their smoke
>Demons apparently have an indefinite long
lifespan and their vessels will never die nor age
while possessed.
>Holy water and iron can harm them through
their vessels but they will not kill them.
A dragon is a reptile legendary creature that
appears in the lore of many cultures
Beliefs about dragons vary through regions
but the majority describes them as
winged,horned,four-legged and capable of
breathing fire.
The legends say that dragons were once
intelligent even more than mankind.
They were also rumored to be creatures of
magic.Apparentely,some dragons were able to
coummnicate with mankind.
In the series,Game of Thrones,Daenerys Daenerys Targaryen(Nagar MayMay)
Targaryen owned 3 dragons which she used to And one of her dragons
slaughter people in wars.
We don’t know for sure if most of these creatures exist,existed or did not exist at
all because we’ve never encountered them before.



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