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Temas Basicos de Ingles

raíces, troncos y Ramas

Los más importantes, Aprender muy bien y de memoria todos

Repetir como caligrafía 3 veces c/u. Hacerlo en todos los temas

1. The personal Pronouns
Pronombres personales

• I ai yo
• You iu tu
• He ji el
• She sshi ella
• It it el - ella
• We ui nosotros
• You iu ustedes
• They zdei ellos
2. The personal Pronouns

• Principio final Significado:

• I love me Yo me amo a mi
• You love you
• He loves him
• She loves her
• It loves it
• We love us
• You love you
• They love them
3. Pronombres posesivos

• Principio final Significado:

• Myhouse is mine Mi casa es mía
• Your house is yours
• His house is his
• Her house is hers
• Its house is its
• Our house is ours
• Your house is yours
• Their house is theirs
4. Mescla de pronombres personales y posesivos al principio

A mi me gusta viajar con mi familia

• Prsonales posesivos  

• I like to travel with my family

• You like to travel with your family
• He likes to travel with his family
• She likes to travel with her family
• It likes to travel with its family
• We like to travel with our family
• You like to travel with your family
• They like to travel with their family.
•5. Mescla de todos los pronombres.
•I hate me because my house is bigger than mine

•You hate you because your house is bigger than yours

•He hates him because his house is bigger than his

•She hates her because her house is bigger than hers

•It hates it because its house is bigger than its
•We hate us because our house is bigger than ours
•You hate you because your house is bigger than yours
•They hate them because their house is bigger than theirs.
• 6.A Question Words
• Palabras para hacer pregunto

• What (uat) = que

• What (uat) = cual, de todos, en general
• Where (uer) = donde
• How (jao) = como
• When (uen) = cuando
• Who (ju) = quien
• Whose (jus) = de quien
• Whom (jum) = a quien
• Why (uai) = porque
• Because (bicos) = porque
• Whom (jum) = a quien
• Which (uich) = cual, de las dos, en especifico
• How long (jao long) = cuanto tiempo
• How long (jao long) = a que distancia
• Is there (is der) = hay, singular
• Are there (ar der) = hay, plural
• 6.B Question Words
• Palabras para hacer pregunto

• How much (jao mach) = cuanto, incontable

• How many (jao meni) = cuanto, contable
• To do (du) = hacer
• Does (das) = hacer: para el y ella
• To be (tu bi) = ser y estar.
• Am I ? (emai) = soy yo?,
• Are you? (Ariu) = eres tu?
• Is he? (Is ji) = es el ?
• Are we? (Ar wi) = estamo nosotros?
• Are they ? (Ar zdey) = están ellos ?
• Can (kean) = poder
• May (mei) = podria
• Might (mait) = podria
• Should (chud) = deberias
• Could (cud) = podria
• Must (mast) = deber
•8. Introduce Yourself nivel 1.

• Presentación Básica nivel 1.

•* Hi • *I like to play basketball

• Hello • I don’t like to play base ball
• Good morning    
• *My favorite color is blue
• Feibret caler
•* I am very well • 
• I live in Cotui • *I have a bike
• My name is: ____________  • I don’t have a car
•* I like to eat pizza • *I like to go to the park
• I don’t like to eat potatoes  • I don’t like to go to school
•* I like to drink orange juice • *Glad to meet you
• I don’t like to drink soda  • And see you later.

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