Chapter 1 HRM

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The Contribution of the HR Function to

the Achievement of business of Business
1.1 The contribution of human resource objectives
to the achievement of business objectives
Different types of business organisations
- Every organization is not the same.
- How these variables impact on the organisation’s HR
function and how it contributes to the achievement of
business objectives.
- (1)Private Sector – owned by individuals
( sole traders, shareholders)
- Purpose-To make a profit for their owners.
Sub – categories of private sector
• Small and medium enterprises
- An annual turnover of less than £22.8m;
- Fewer than 250 employees;
- A balance sheet total of less than £11.4m.(UK legislation
, the Companies Act 2006)
• Multi- national corporations – companies that are
involved in the manufacture of goods or services in two
or more countries(host country).
-Headquarters based in one country(home country).It will
adapt its products to fit the needs of the host country.
• Global company- is one that trades with other countries ,
selling the same products using the same brand image.
- Global companies do not have official headquarters,

and they are composed of separate

• (2)Public sector
• Sub-categories of public sector organisations
• National or local / regional governments- these have
responsibility for the country’s economy , education ,
welfare and protection.
• Publicly-owned organizations- these are usually
accountable to national government and carry out a
business enterprise on their behalf. e.g British
Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
• Public-service providers – these can operate at a
national or regional level ,e.g the Ministry of
• (3)Voluntary sector
- Charities
- Co-operatives
- Campaigning organizations
Factors which impact on the organisation’s
business objectives
• (1) External factors
- External factors are outside the organisation’s control.
- The PESTLE is a popular tool which can be used to
examine the external factors impacting on an organi-
zation’s decision-making and corporate objectives.
• Internal factors
 The money is available to spend - by training staff
or launching a marketing campaign.
 The thoughts of senior management – Senior
managers have to play a major leadership role for an
organisation to be successful.
 The role of line manager - how much is delegated to
line managers in terms of staff, budget and resources
management? Are line managers sufficiently trained
to carry out their role?
• Organisational culture – Armstrong and Taylor
(2017)describe organisational culture as the
combination of “values, norms, beliefs, attitudes and
assumptions” that shape how people think and behave
in an organisation.
• If this culture is positive, staff should be motivated to
achieve the business goals.
• If negative, staff may not want to say with the
organisation, or may be demoralised about their work
and their future.
What are the function of HR?

1- Recruiting and selection

• Use accurate job descriptions to obtain an
appropriate pool of applicants
• Thin out pool of applicants to find the best
2-Performance appraisals
• Standard for each employee ; must provide
What are the function of HR?
3- Rewards and Compensation
• Must be link between compensation and performance
• Effective reward management is essential for
attracting , engaging , motivating and retaining
4- Training and Development
• Employee training: help employees acquire better
skills for the job (on the job methods, off the job
• Employee development: prepare employee for
future positions in the company
How can HR be delivered in organisations ?
• The two main ways in which HR is delivered.
-(1)Traditional model is made up of a single team with
generalists, specialists and administration that provide
key services and handle the needs of line managers,
employees and senior staff. This model is common in
small and medium-sized organisations (Taylor and
-(2)“Three-box” model is found in large public and
private sector organisations, including multinationals.
Three-box model
How does HR contribute to high levels of
organisational performance?
• Best –practice approach- there is a set of best HR practices
which always result in high levels of organizational performance
(Armstrong and Taylor,2017).
• This approach doesn’t take account of the unique context of the
• Best –fit approach stress that HR practices should take account
of the unique context of the organization (Armstrong and
Taylor,2017).This is known as vertical integration or vertical
fit. (Wei,2016)
• Also ,there needs to be horizontal integration or horizontal
fit .This is achieved if all HR functions feed into and support
each other , with no conflict between them.
1.2 How human resource objectives are
evolving in response to changes within the
contemporary business environment

HR objectives are shaped by both internal business

factors and external factors.
-(1)Internal business factors
• HR objectives must support and be consistent with
business objectives.
• Cost reduction----------reducing workforce costs
through organisational restructure.
External factors
Measuring HR’s contribution

• Useful tool to help manage the performance of the organisaton

and HR.
• Key performance indicator – a measurable value that
demonstrates how effectively an organisation is achieving
business objectives. KPI in relation to HR might be employee
• Service level agreement –a formal agreement between two
parties that details the type of service one party(HR function )
will provide to the other (business functions).
• Balance scorecard –measure organisational performance across
four perspectives: financial ,customers, internal business
processes ,and learning and growth.
Human resource objectives for business
• Support the organisation in achieving its objectives
by developing and implementing HR strategies that
are integrated within business strategy;
• Contribute to the development of a high –
performance culture;
• Ensure that the organisation has the talented ,skilled
and engaged people it needs;
• Create a positive employment relationship between
management and employers;
• Encourage the application of an ethical approach to
people management.

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