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DAY 1 Per- No. of ACTIVITIES Minutes per
centage minutes activity
Sports performances

1. Tell me about yourself. 50 minutes

A.Psychological 33% 120 2. Getting to know each other 50 minutes
3. Pre-test 20minutes

B. Physical 1. Stretching 15 minutes

17% 60 2. Lag for break 15 minutes
3. Opening break shots 30 minutes

c. Technical 25% 90 1. Billiards terminologies 90 minutes

D. Tactical 25% 90 Analysis (Lagging ,and opening breakshot) 90 minutes

Overall 100% 360 360 minutes/

total 6 hours
DAY 2 Per- No. of ACTIVITIES Minutes per
centage minutes activity
Sports performances

A.Psychological 33% 120 Brain game ( what they learned about billiard’s 120 minutes
terminologies )

B. Physical 1. Stretching 15 minutes

17% 60 2. Proper Stance( video presentation) 45 minutes

c. Technical 25% 90 1. Billiard general rules 90 minutes

D. Tactical 25% 90 Analysis (how to make a proper stance) 90 minutes

Overall 100% 360 360 minutes/

total 6 hours
DAY 3 Per- No. of ACTIVITIES Minutes per
centage minutes activity
Sports performances

A.Psychological 25% 90 Brain game ( what they learned about general 900 minutes
rules )

B. Physical 1. Stretching 15 minutes

17% 60 2. Shooting 45 minutes

c. Technical 50% 180 1. Proper shooting ( different shots such as 180 minutes
bank shots, draw back shots, etc.)

D. Tactical 25% 90 Analysis (Analysis of the effectiveness of 120 minutes


Overall 100% 360 360 minutes/

total 6 hours
DAY 4 Per- No. of ACTIVITIES Minutes per
centage minutes activity
Sports performances

A.Psychological 25% 90 Brain game (different shots ) 90 minutes

B. Physical 1. Stretching 15 minutes

7% 25 2. Jag in place 10 minutes

c. Technical 50% 180 1. Proper shooting ( different shots such as 180 minutes
bank shots, draw back shots, etc.)

D. Tactical 18% 65 Analysis ( Plan and strategies on how to 65 minutes

execute such skills)

Overall 100% 360 360 minutes/

total 6 hours
DAY 5 Per- No. of ACTIVITIES Minutes per
centage minutes activity
Sports performances

A.Psychological 13% 45 Recalling of knowledge about billiards 45 minutes

B. Physical 1. Stretching 15 minutes

17% 60 2.Friendly matches 45 minutes

c. Technical 50% 180 1. Proper shooting ( different shots such as 180 minutes
bank shots, draw back shots, etc.)

D. Tactical 20% 75 Analysis (Analysis of different techniques to be 75 minutes

used against opponents)

Overall 100% 360 360 minutes/

total 6 hours
DAY 6 Per- No. of ACTIVITIES Minutes per
centage minutes activity
Sports performances

A.Psychological 13% 45 Recalling of knowledge about billiards 45 minutes

B. Physical 1. Stretching 15 minutes

17% 60 2.Friendly matches 45 minutes

c. Technical 50% 180 1. Proper shooting ( different shots such as 180 minutes
bank shots, draw back shots, etc.)

D. Tactical 20% 75 Analysis (Analysis of different techniques to be 75 minutes

used against opponents)

Overall 100% 360 360 minutes/

total 6 hours
DAY 7 Per- No. of ACTIVITIES Minutes per
centage minutes activity
Sports performances

A.Psychological 18% 65 1.Greetiings about their performances 45 minutes

2. Post-test 20 minutes

B. Physical 1. Stretching 15 minutes

17% 60 2.Friendly matches 45 minutes

c. Technical 50% 180 1. Proper shooting ( different shots such as 180 minutes
bank shots, draw back shots, etc.)

D. Tactical 15%% 75 Analysis of players skills ( coach) 55 minutes

Overall 100% 360 360 minutes/

total 6 hours

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