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Brua, Lucianne Frances



The terms "information technology" and "IT" are widely used in business and the
field of computing. People use the terms generically when referring to various
kinds of computer-related work, which sometimes confuses their meaning.
Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and
other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store,
secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. Typically, IT is used in the
context of enterprise operations as opposed to personal or entertainment
technologies. The commercial use of IT encompasses both computer technology
and telephony.
 As computing systems and capabilities continue expanding worldwide, "data
overload" has become an increasingly critical issue for many IT professionals.
Efficiently processing huge amounts of data to produce useful business
intelligence requires large amounts of processing power, sophisticated
software, and human analytic skills.

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 Simply put, the work of most organizations would slow to a crawl without
functioning IT systems. You’d be hard-pressed to find a business that doesn’t
at least partially rely on computers and the networks that connect them.
Maintaining a standard level of service, security and connectivity is a huge
task, but it’s not the only priority or potential challenge on their plates.
 More and more companies want to implement more intuitive and
sophisticated solutions. “IT can provide the edge a company needs to
outsmart, outpace and out-deliver competitors,” says Edward Kiledjian, a
Chief Information Security Officer and technology blogger. Let’s take a look
at the needs that current and future IT specialists will be working on:
• Data overload: Businesses need to process huge amounts of data. This requires
large amounts of processing power, sophisticated software and human analytical
• Mobile and wireless usages: More employers are offering remote work options
that require smartphones, tablets and laptops with wireless hotspots and roaming
• Cloud services: Most businesses no longer operate their own “server farms” to
store massive amounts of data. Many businesses now work with cloud services—
third-party hosting platforms that maintain that data.
• Bandwidth for video hosting: Videoconferencing solutions have become more and
more popular, so more network bandwidth is needed to support them sufficiently.
 Based on the volume of these needs, you probably won’t be too surprised to
learn that employment of computer and information technology occupations
is projected to grow 13 percent from 2016 to 2026, which is faster than the
average for all occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, IT
involves many things. Take, for instance, an IT department in a company.
There are many people with many jobs and varied responsibilities. These
responsibilities range from keeping systems and data secure to keeping
networks up and running. There are people who input data, people who
manage databases and people who do programming. There are also the
decision makers, such as Chief Information Officers (CIOs), who decide how
an IT department will operate and what components will be purchased.
 IT also includes the management of data, whether it is in the form of text,
voice, image, audio or some other form. It can also involve things related to
the Internet. This gives IT a whole new meaning, since the Internet is its
own realm. IT involves the transfer of data, so it makes sense that the
Internet would be a part of IT. IT has become a part of our everyday lives
and continues to proliferate into new realms.

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1. Which of the following is an installed e-mail

A. Gmail

B. Outlook

D. Messenger

C. Yahoo! Mail
2. Tagging is used to perform
A. Streaming audio files

B. Bookmarking favorite site

C. Checking for plagiarism

D. Safeguard online transaction

3. Country codes are what part of a URL?

A. sub-top-level domain

B. protocol

C. top-level domain

D. path
4. Which of the following would be the correct
classification for

A. B2B


C. B2C

D. C2C




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