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EEE 3217: Communication Engineering II

Contact hours/week: 03 Credits:3


Overview of communication system: Basic principles,

fundamental elements, system limitations, message source,
bandwidth requirements, transmission media types,
bandwidth and transmission capacity.

Noise: Source, characteristics of various types of noise and

signal to noise ratio.

Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, Professor, EEE, RUET

Communication systems: Analog and digital.
Continuous wave modulation: Transmission
types- base-band transmission, carrier
transmission; Amplitude and Angle Modulations
& Demodulations.

Sampling and Pulse Modulations: line coding-

formats and bandwidths. Binary Modulated
Bandpass Signaling: OOK, BPSK, DPSK, FSK,
MSK bandwidth requirements, detection and
noise performance, Multilevel Modulated
Bandpass Signaling,
Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, Professor, EEE, RUET
Multiplexing: TDM- principle, receiver synchronization,
frame synchronization, TDM of multiple bit rate systems;
FDM- principle, de-multiplexing; wavelength-division

Multiple-access network- time-division multiple-access,

frequency-division multiple access, code-division
multiple-access - spread spectrum multiplexing, coding
techniques and constraints of CDMA.

Communication system design: design parameters,

channel selection criteria and performance simulation.

Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, Professor, EEE, RUET

Recommended Text Books
“ Electronic Communication Systems”, George Kennedy (McGraw
& Hill)

 “An introduction to Analogue and Digital communication”, Haykin


 “Communication Systems”, Carlson (McGraw & Hill)

 “Information,
Transmission, Modulation and Noise”, Schwartz
(McGraw & Hill)

 “Analogue and Digital Communication Systems”, Raden (Prentice-


 “Communication Systems”, Haykin (Willey)

 “Electronic Communication Techniques”, Young (Merril-Publ.)

Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, Professor, EEE, RUET
Block Diagram of a Communication System

Modulation Demodulation

Information Transmitter Channel Receiver Destination




Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, Professor, EEE, RUET

The purpose of a communication system is
to transfer information from a source to a

Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, Professor, EEE, RUET

Importance's of Modulation

•Aerial dimensions are of the same order as the wavelength,

, of the signal (e.g. quarter wave /4, /2 dipoles).

c where c is the velocity of an

l is related to λ=
electromagnetic wave, and c =
frequency by 3x108 m/sec in free space.

For baseband speech, with a signal at 3kHz, (3x103 Hz)

3x10 8
3x10 3 = 105 metres or 100km.
•Aerials of this size are impractical

Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, Professor, EEE, RUET

To separate signal from different transmitters :-

Audio frequencies are within the range of 20 Hz to 20

kHz. Without modulation all signals at same
frequencies from different transmitters would be
mixed up. There by giving impossible situation to tune
to any one of them. In order to separate the various
signals, radio stations must broadcast at different

Each radio station must be given its own frequency

band. This is achieved by frequency translation as a
result of modulation process.

Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, Professor, EEE, RUET

To Reduce  Antenna Height.

To Transmit The Information to Long Distance

Without  interference.

 To Reduce band width

 To Multiplex The More Number of Signals

Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, Professor, EEE, RUET

The carrier signal
vc t = Vc cosωc t + φc 

• If the message signal m(t) controls amplitude – gives


• If the message signal m(t) controls frequency – gives


• If the message signal m(t) controls phase- gives


Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, EEE, RUET

Bandwidth is the difference between the upper and
lower frequencies in a continuous set of frequencies. It
is typically measured in hertz

Clearly, to transmit a signal with reasonable fidelity o
ver a communication channel, the channel
bandwidth must match and be at least equal to the sig
nal bandwidth. Proper conditioning of a
signal, such as modulation or coding, however, can in
crease or decrease the bandwidth of the
processed signal. Thus, it is possible to transmit the 
information of a signal over a channel of
bandwidth larger or smaller than that of the original 
Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, Professor, EEE, RUET
Amplitude Modulation (AM)

 Changes the amplitude of the carrier signal

according to the amplitude of the message signal
 All info is carried in the amplitude of the carrier
 There is a linear relationship between the received
signal quality and received signal power.
 AM systems usually occupy less bandwidth than
FM systems.
 AM carrier signal has time-varying envelope.

Amplitude Modulation
The amplitude of high-carrier signal is varied
according to the instantaneous amplitude of the
modulating message signal m(t).

m(t) AM Modulator sAM(t)

Carrier Signal : Ac cos( 2f c t )

Modulating Message Signal : m(t )
The AM Signal : s AM (t )  Ac [1  m(t )] cos( 2f c t )

AM Modulation/Demodulation
Source Sink

Modulator Demodulator

Baseband Signal Bandpass Signal Original Signal

with frequency with frequency with frequency
fm fc fm
(Modulating Signal) (Modulated Signal)
fc >> fm

Let the carrier voltage and the modulating
vc  Vc sin c t

and vm  Vm sin mt

Modulation Index , m = Vm/Vc , The modulation

index is a number lying between 0 and 1 and it is
very often expressed as a percentage and called
the percentage modulation.
Let us consider the amplitude of the amplitude
modulated voltage is A.

A V cvm  Vc  Vm sin mt

 Vc  mVc sin mt
 Vc (1  m sin mt )
The instantaneous voltage of the resulting
amplitude modulated wave is
v  A sin   A sin c t
 Vc (1  m sin mt ) sin c t
Using trigonometric relation:

sin x sin y  [cos( x  y )  cos( x  y )]
mVc mVc
v  Vc sin c t  cos( c m )t  cos( c m )t
2 2

The first term represents the unmodulated carrier

wave, It is thus apparent that the process of amplitude
modulation has the effect of adding to the
unmodulated wave, rather than changing it.

The two additional terms produce two sidebands.

AM transmitter has L=50 micro hennery, C= 1nF, the
modulating frequency = 10kHz.

What is the frequency range occupied by the

fc   712 kHz
2 LC

Ans: 722kHz to 702 kHz

Amplitude Modulation
The amplitude of high-carrier signal is varied
according to the instantaneous amplitude of the
modulating message signal m(t).

Carrier Signal: cos(2 f ct ) or cos(c t )

Modulating Message Signal: m(t ) : cos(2 f mt ) or cos(mt )
The AM Signal: s AM (t )  [ Ac  m(t )]cos(2 f ct )

* AM Signal Math Expression*
 Mathematical expression for AM: time domain
S AM (t )  (1  k cos m t ) cos c t
 expanding this produces:
S AM (t )  cos  ct  k cos m t cos  ct
using : cos A cos B  1
2 cos( A  B)  cos( A  B)
S AM (t )  cos  ct  k2 cos( c  m )t  k2 cos( c  m )t
 In the frequency domain this gives:
Carrier, A=1.
Amplitude k/2

lower fc-fm fc fc+fm

sideband upper sideband
AM Power Frequency Spectrum
AM Power frequency spectrum obtained by squaring
the amplitude:
Carrier, A2=12 = 1

k2/4 k2/4

fc-fm fc fc+fm freq .

2 2
k k
 A2  
Total power for AM: 4 4
 1

Amplitude Modulation
 The AM signal is generated using a multiplier.
 All info is carried in the amplitude of the
carrier, AM carrier signal has time-varying
 In frequency domain the AM waveform are the
lower-side frequency/band (fc - fm), the carrier
frequency fc, the upper-side frequency/band (fc
+ fm).

AM Modulation – Example
 The information signal is usually not a single frequency but a
range of frequencies (band). For example, frequencies from
20Hz to 15KHz. If we use a carrier of 1.4MHz, what will be the
AM spectrum?
 In frequency domain the AM waveform are the lower-side
frequency/band (fc - fm), the carrier frequency fc, the upper-side
frequency/band (fc + fm). Bandwidth: 2x(25K-20)Hz.

1.4 MHz

1,385,000Hz to fc 1,400,020Hz to
1,399,980Hz 1,415,000Hz

Modulation Index of AM Signal
For a sinusoidal message m(t )  Am cos( 2f mt )
Carrier Signal: cos(2 f ct ) DC: AC
Modulated Signal: S AM (t )  [ Ac  Am cos(2 f m t )]cos(2 f c t )
 Ac [1  k cos(2 f m t )]cos(2 fc t )
Modulation Index is defined as: k 
Modulation index k is a measure of the extent
to which a carrier voltage is varied by the
modulating signal. When k=0 no modulation,
when k=1 100% modulation, when k>1 over
Modulation Index of AM Signal

Modulation Index of AM Signal

Modulation Index of AM Signal

Modulation Depth
2Amax = maximum peak-to-peak of waveform
2Amin = minimum peak-to-peak of waveform
This may be shown to equal k  as follows:
2 Amax =2 AC + 2 Am 2Amin =2 AC  2 Am
2 Amax  2 Amin Amax  Amin Am
k  
2 Amax  2 Amin AC AC

c 2Ami 2Amax

High Percentage Modulation
 Itis important to use as high percentage of modulation as
possible (k=1) while ensuring that over modulation (k>1)
does not occur.
 Thesidebands contain the information and have maximum
power at 100% modulation.
 Useful equation

Pt = Pc(1 + k2/2)
Pt =Total transmitted power (sidebands and carrier)
Pc = Carrier power

 Determine the maximum sideband power if the carrier
output is 1 kW and calculate the total maximum
transmitted power.

 Max sideband power occurs when k = 1. At this

percentage modulation each side frequency is ½ of the
carrier amplitude. Since power is proportional to the
square of the voltage, each has ¼ of the carrier power. ¼
x 1kW = 250W Total sideband power = 2 x 250 = 500W.
Total transmitted power = 1kW + 500W = 1.5kW

CSULB May 22, 2006 30

AM Modulation - Example

15 1/fmesg


-10 1/fc

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Message signal : m(t )  2  2 cos(t ) 10

fc   1.6 Hz
Carrier signal : Ac cos( 2f c t )  4 cos(10t ) 2
s AM (t )  Ac [1  m(t )] cos( 2f c t ) f mesg  0.16 Hz
AM Signal : s AM (t )  4[1  2  2 cos(t )] cos( 2f c t )

Modulation Types AM
Analogue Modulation – Amplitude
Consider a 'sine wave' carrier.

vc(t) = Vc cos(ct), peak amplitude = Vc, carrier frequency c radians per second.
Since c = 2fc, frequency = fc Hz where fc = 1/T.

Amplitude Modulation AM

In AM, the modulating signal (the message signal) m(t) is 'impressed' on to the
amplitude of the carrier.
Message Signal m(t)
In general m(t) will be a band of signals, for example speech or video
signals. A notation or convention to show baseband signals for m(t) is
shown below
Message Signal m(t)
In general m(t) will be band limited. Consider for example, speech via a
microphone. The envelope of the spectrum would be like:
Message Signal m(t)

In order to make the analysis and indeed the testing of AM systems easier, it is common to
make m(t) a test signal, i.e. a signal with a constant amplitude and frequency given by
m t V m cos m t
Schematic Diagram for Amplitude Modulation

VDC is a variable voltage, which can be set between 0

Volts and +V Volts. This schematic diagram is very
useful; from this all the important properties of AM and
various forms of AM may be derived.
Equations for AM

From the diagram vs t = VDC + mt cosωc t  where VDC is the

DC voltage that can be varied. The equation is in the form
Amp cos ct and we may 'see' that the amplitude is a
function of m(t) and VDC. Expanding the equation we get:
v s t  = VDC cosωc t + mt cosωc t 
Last + ki wrong

Equations for AM

Now let m(t) = Vm cos mt, i.e. a 'test' signal, v s t = VDC cosωc t +Vm cosωm t cosωc t 
Using the trig identity cosAcosB = cosA + B + cosA  B 
Vm V
we have v s t  = VDC cosωc t + cosωc + ωm t + m cosωc  ωm t 
2 2

Components: Carrier upper sideband USB lower sideband LSB

Amplitude: VDC Vm/2 Vm/2

Frequency: c c + m c – m
fc fc + f m f c + fm
This equation represents Double Amplitude Modulation – DSBAM
Spectrum and Waveforms

The following diagrams

represent the spectrum
of the input signals,
namely (VDC + m(t)),
with m(t) = Vm cos mt,
and the carrier cos ct
and corresponding
Spectrum and Waveforms

The above are input signals. The diagram below shows the spectrum and
corresponding waveform of the output signal, given by
Vm Vm
vs t V DC cos c t cos c m t cos c m t
2 2
Double Sideband AM, DSBAM
The component at the output at the carrier frequency fc is shown as a broken
line with amplitude VDC to show that the amplitude depends on VDC. The
structure of the waveform will now be considered in a little more detail.

Consider again the diagram

VDC is a variable DC offset added to the message; m(t) = Vm cos

Double Sideband AM, DSBAM

This is multiplied by a carrier, cos ct. We effectively multiply (VDC + m(t))

by +1, -1, +1, -1, ...
The product gives the output v s t V DC m t cos c t
Double Sideband AM, DSBAM
Modulation Depth

Consider again the equation v s t = VDC + Vm cosωm t cosωc t  , which may be written as
 V 
v s t = VDC 1+ m cosωm t cosωc t 
 VDC 
Vm Vm
The ratio is defined as the modulation depth, m, i.e. Modulation Depth m=

From an oscilloscope display the modulation depth for Double Sideband AM may be
determined as follows:

VDC 2Emax
Modulation Depth 2

2Emax = maximum peak-to-peak of waveform

2Emin = minimum peak-to-peak of waveform

2 E max  2 E min
Modulation Depth m =
2 E max + 2 E min
This may be shown to equal as follows:

2 E max 2 V DC V m 2 E min 2 V DC V m

2VDC + 2Vm  2VDC + 2Vm 4Vm Vm

m= = =
2VDC + 2Vm + 2VDC  2Vm 4VDC VDC
Double Sideband Modulation 'Types'
There are 3 main types of DSB

 Double Sideband Amplitude Modulation, DSBAM – with carrier

 Double Sideband Diminished (Pilot) Carrier, DSB Dim C

 Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier, DSBSC

 The type of modulation is determined by the modulation depth,

which for a fixed m(t) depends on the DC offset, VDC. Note, when a
modulator is set up, VDC is fixed at a particular value. In the
following illustrations we will have a fixed message, Vm cos mt
and vary VDC to obtain different types of Double Sideband
Graphical Representation of Modulation
Depth and Modulation Types.
Graphical Representation of Modulation
Depth and Modulation Types 2.
Graphical Representation of Modulation
Depth and Modulation Types 3

Note then that VDC may be set to

the modulation depth and

DSBAM VDC >> Vm, m  1

DSB Dim C 0 < VDC < Vm,
m > 1 (1 < m < )
DSBSC VDC = 0, m = 

The spectrum for the 3 main types

amplitude modulation are
Bandwidth Requirement for DSBAM

In general, the message signal m(t) will not be a single 'sine' wave, but a band of
frequencies extending up to B Hz as shown

Remember – the 'shape' is used for convenience to distinguish low frequencies from
high frequencies in the baseband signal.
Bandwidth Requirement for DSBAM
Amplitude Modulation is a linear process, hence the principle of superposition applies. The

output spectrum may be found by considering each component cosine wave in m(t) separately

and summing at the output.

the modulation process has effectively shifted or frequency translated the baseband m(t) message

signal to USB and LSB signals centred on the carrier frequency fc

the USB is a frequency shifted replica of m(t)

the LSB is a frequency inverted/shifted replica of m(t)
the bandwidth of the DSB signal is 2B Hz, i.e. twice the highest frequency in the baseband signal,


The process of multiplying (or mixing) to give frequency translation (or up-conversion) forms

the basis of radio transmitters and frequency division multiplexing which will be discussed later.
Power Considerations in DSBAM
 V pk 
Remembering that Normalised Average Power = (VRMS)2 =  
 2 
we may tabulate for AM components as follows:
Vm V
v s t  = VDC cosωc t + cosωc + ωm t + m cosωc  ωm t 
2 2
Component Carrier USB LSB

Amplitude pk VDC Vm Vm
2 2
Power 2 2 2
VDC  Vm  Vm  Vm  Vm
Total Power PT =
  =   =
2 2 2 8  2 2  8 Carrier Power Pc
2 2
2 8 8
Power Considerations in DSBAM

From this we may write two equivalent equations for the total power PT, in a DSBAM signal
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
PT = DC + m + m = DC + m and PT = + +
2 8 8 2 4 2 8 8

2 m2 m2  m2 
The carrier power Pc = i.e. PT = Pc + Pc + Pc or PT = Pc 1+ 
2 4 4  2 
Either of these forms may be useful. Since both USB and LSB contain the same information a
useful ratio which shows the proportion of 'useful' power to total power is

PUSB 4 m2
= =
PT  m2  4 + 2m 2
Pc 1 + 
 2 
Power Considerations in DSBAM

For DSBAM (m  1), allowing for m(t) with a dynamic range, the average value of m
may be assumed to be m = 0.3

0.3 = 0.0215

4 + 2m 2 4 + 20.32

Hence, on average only about 2.15% of the total power transmitted may be regarded
as 'useful' power. ( 95.7% of the total power is in the carrier!)

m2 1
Even for a maximum modulation depth of m = 1 for DSBAM the ratio =
4 + 2m 2 6

i.e. only 1/6th of the total power is 'useful' power (with 2/3 of the total power in the
Generation of AM wave

Teacher: Dr. Md. Selim Hossain, Professor, EEE, RUET

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