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Spring Amanita
Scientific name: Amanita velosa

Amanita velosa or bittersweet orange ringless amanita is an edible species of agaric

found in California, as well as Oregon and Baja California.It is recognized by a
pinkish-buff to orange-buff, cap, usually partially covered by a conspicuous white
universal veil patch, a striate cap margin, and the absence of an annulus.
Common Psathyrella
Scientific Name: Psathyrella candolleana

Grows alone or gregariously in lawns, pastures, and cultivated areas--also

in woods; typically near recently dead hardwood trees, their roots, stumps,
and so on; usually appearing in spring and early summer, but sometimes
appearing in fall; widely distributed and common in North America.
Scientific Name: Clitocybe

Clitocybe is a genus of mushrooms characterized by white, off-white, buff,

cream, pink, or light-yellow spores, gills running down the stem, and pale
white to brown or lilac coloration. They are primarily saprotrophic,
decomposing forest ground litter.
Leopard Tricholoma
Scientific Name: Tricholoma Pardium

Found under deciduous trees, notably birch (hence its common name Birch
Knight), the caps expand with a low central umbo, mature caps are radially
streaky. It is generally considered a rather poor but edible mushroom. Also
is very rare in Britain with only one formally recorded sighting. It is a more
common find in central and southern mainland Europe. Tricholoma
pardinum is also recorded in some parts of North America.
Morgan's Lepiota
Scientific Name:Chlorophyllum
The cap is whitish in colour with coarse brownish scales. The gills are free
and white, usually turning dark and green with maturity. It has a rare
green spore print. The tall stipe may be up to 25 cm tall and bears a ring.
This mushroom lacks the snakeskin pattern that is generally present on
the parasol mushroom

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