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Working Procedures & Rules

 Proper order List along with purchase orders, delivery dates & Other
documents to be duly maintained.
 In the final week of a month output schedule along with tonnage &
monetary figures to be pre-decided and circulated in the management.
 Additionally, a target production & dispatch schedule to be given to
each contractor working in each bay.
 Orders to be prioritized on the basis of its delivery dates and if any
order is being stretched way far from its delivery date, a root cause
analysis sheet to be maintained for each day of delay.
 In Case any contractor fails to achieve the given target for one month,
his working schedule to be properly monitored and if he fails to achieve
the target for two consecutive months, he should be properly counseled
along with a debit warning.

Target(In MT)
300 Target(In MT)
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 All material procurement to be carried out from GME Unit -1 as per the drawings &
delivery requirement but to be shipped to unit V directly.
 Once lorry reaches to the unit is should be weighed down properly and if the
weighment is found under tolerance only after that unloading procedure to be followed.
 All material to be stacked as per the thickness or section size in separate pallets to ease
out segregation work.
 Prior to unloading and after weighment is found within tolerance, store should
thoroughly verify the size if it is as per the requirement or not and should immediately
inform to unit 1 (planning) if any discrepancy is observed or found.
 All material bills should be thoroughly verified by the authorized person of Unit V and to
be processed further only after that.
 Stock register for raw material to be maintained on daily basis and should be verified
by the concerned authorized person.
 No Material to be issued to anyone without getting approval from the authorized person
on an issue slip.
 Weekly reconciliation of material to be done by store and should be verified by the
 Off-cuts & scrap to be sorted by the concerned and should be kept in separate bays. If
possible off-cuts to be sorted according to the thickness and to be maintained with
proper records.
 Prior to raw material cutting, a cutting plan to be prepared ensuring least
 Cutting plan to be prepared based on the item delivery date and target production
 In the last week of every month cutting plan for the upcoming month should be
finalized and in case if any urgent material needs to be cut that is not mentioned
in the schedule a separate approval to be obtained by the planning person from
the concerned .
 In case if any contractor wants to cut any raw material by himself he should
inform the planning/cutting department and once the cutting is complete he
should inform about the off-cuts/scrap to the concerned person and same to be
entered in a register maintained by planning/cutting dept.
 In case of CNC material cutting, once the cutting is complete, contractor name
should be mentioned on the material prior to unloading from the bed.
 Material issued to every contractor & output given by him during the same month
should be duly checked and verified. If any wastage is found from the
contractor’s end, strict debit to be imposed on the contractor equal to the material
 Material cutting register to be duly maintained by the concerned on daily basis
along with observations of the operators and machine efficiency.
 Once the material has been cut and issued to the concerned contractor, he should
immediately lift up the material from the CNC bay and move it to the desired place. Before
lifting the material, contractor should sign a register having material description
maintained by the operator.
 Bay of the contractor should be divided properly in accordance with the manufacturing
 Once the material reaches to the desired contractor’s place he should thoroughly verify the
material once again and if any discrepancy is found he should immediately report to the
cutting department, later on no shortage of material will be entertained and if material
needs to be cut again, the cutting cost shall be debited from the contractors bill.
 All machines & equipment should be kept in properly divided sections for ex. All welding
work to be performed in a particular pre-decided section where machines are kept
adjacently with proper gaping and same procedures to be followed for other manufacturing
aspects & equipments.
 While performing manufacturing activity contractor should keep in mind the delivery
targets given in the start of every month and plan and perform his activities accordingly.
 Each & every step of manufacturing should be strictly monitored by the concerned and any
type of wastage from welding electrodes to steel should be strictly eliminated.
 While issuing the drawings to a contractor, issuing person should thoroughly
verify the drawings and after doing the same he should mention the delivery
date on the drawings along with his sign and date of issue.
 Work-order with pre decided rates should also be issued to the concerned
contractor during this drawing phase and the same should be circulated among
the management for information.
 Quality & timely production should be the top most priority of the contractor
and the concerned person and any deviation from these two parameter shall
not be entertained at all.
 Floor management is the sole responsibility of the contractor and any deviation
from adherence to a good floor management can lead to a debit during monthly
 Once the material is ready with the contractor he should inform the concerned
person for the quality check and only after getting clearance from his end he
should move the material for further actions.
 Contractor should maintain a dispatch register and get it signed by the
concerned every time a material passes a quality check or is being dispatched.
 Loading of material is sole responsibility of the contractor who has
manufactured it.
 In case of any complaint, a complaint register is to be maintained by the
gate and the contractor who is having any complaint regarding machinery,
material should register his complaint with date and sign.
 It is the duty of the maintenance and planning person to check register on
daily basis and close as much complaints as possible daily.
 Maintenance person should also maintain a complete equipment list of the
plant and it’s his sole responsibility to check and inspect every machinery
on daily basis and after doing this he should get it signed y the
maintenance in-charge.
 Every week concerned person of the plant should verify the maintenance
register with proper root cause analysis and preventive actions for the same.
 In case machinery failure was due to contractors negligence, a debit note
should be prepared by the maintenance in charge and to be submitted to the
plant concerned for further signs and actions.
 Company shall be liable to provide only safety helmets and other machinery
related PPE’s but safety shoes is the sole responsibility of the contactor.
 Contractor wise machinery list along with proper maintenance schedule is
the sole responsibility of the maintenance person.
 Once the material has been cleared by the QC person or the concerned contractor should
immediately or after discussion with the management move the material for blasting and
 While handing over the material to the painting supervisor he should get a sign from him as an
receipt of the material. After that, material is the sole responsibility of the painting supervisor
until loading of the material.
 Painting supervisor should also perform the work according to the target dates and dispatches.
If any kind of delay or negligence is found at painting end, painting contractor is liable to pay
the company the same amount of loss.
 Once the material is painted, it should e thoroughly checked and verified by the concerned and
only after getting clearance it should be properly stacked according to the dispatch plans.
 Painting supervisor should maintain a register with item descriptions and get it signed from the
concerned when inspection is cleared or material has been dispatched (the same day). He
should submit his bill along with photocopies of these signed sheets only after that his bills
shall be processed.
 During loading and dispatch of material it is the sole responsibility of the concerned, contractor
that correct material is loaded in a correct way.
 After dispatch of material contractor should get a copy of the dispatch list and keep in his
record and to be submitted during his bill submission.
 And once the material has been loaded, gate person should thoroughly verify the loaded
vehicle for any unwanted material and theft and when satisfied he should then release the
gate pass for weighment. Without sending the gate pass along with the billing details, billing
person is not liable to issue the bills.
 Planning department should verify their stocks on weekly basis and in case
if any material is required to be procured he should raise a PR and get it
signed by the concerned. After getting it signed it should be forwarded to
UNIT 1 for procurement.
 Store person should verify the stock every day in the evening and should get
a sign from the concerned on daily basis.
 If any material is required at store, he should raise a PR and get it signed by
the concerned and then forward it to UNIT 1 for further procurement actions.
 Any material loss which can be interpreted as contractors negligence, a
debit note should be immediately issued and in the last week of the month it
should be submitted in the office for further actions.
 Material and other bills to be verified by store and concerned to be sent to
Mujjesar unit for further action in the last week of every month.
 Any defective material should be immediately returned to the source along
with the bill of that material.
 Only a tolerance of 0.5 percent shall be acceptable in case of fabrication
raw material weighments(Like plate/sections etc.)
 Daily DRP to be issued contractor wise.
 Monthly target plans to be fixed.
 Monthly DPR & dispatch details along with upcoming month dispatch plan
to be circulated among the management.
 Any failures should be strictly monitored with root cause analysis and
preventive actions.
 Poka Yoke to be applied with 100 % effect.
 Plant efficiency to be monitored on weekly as well as monthly basis and
reason of lags if any or any obstruction should be properly circulated among
the management.
 Weekly manufacturing audits to e performed.
 Contractors billing procedures to be carried out in the first week of every

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