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ure B University of Gondar
ctur A Institute of Technology
e e
ecture Department of Architecture
Fundamentals Of

Etymology of the Word ‘Architecture’

 The word ‘architecture’ comes from the Greek word
“arkhitekton” (ἀρχιτέκτων), which is a combination of two
 Arkhi, meaning “chief” or “master”, and
 Tekton, meaning “mason” or “builder”
 Architect used to be known as the “master mason” or
“master builder” in the past
Definition of Architecture
 Architecture is ‘the art and science of As a word, ‘architecture’ can carry several other
designing and constructing buildings’. meanings, such as:

 It is the design and organization 1. The product or result of architectural

of spaces. work: buildings, urban areas and
 It is also the design of buildings,
their interiors and surrounding 2.A style and method of design and construction of
spaces. buildings and other
physical structures.
 Architect is a designer, who can work
in a wide range of scales, from a 3. The profession of designing buildings and
scale as large as the planning of a other habitable environments by architects.
city, up to a scale as small as the
design of a chair.
Origin of
When does Architecture Began???
Origin of Architecture In Human
 Architecture is one of the oldest
professions in human history.
 It appeared with human being’s need of
shelter to protect himself from the
weather and danger outside.
Fig- The Great Cave of Niah, Malaysia (human remains
dating to 40,000 years)
 It first evolved as the outcome of needs
(like shelter, security, worship etc.) and
means or resource (like the available
building materials and skills).

 As human cultures progressed, building

became a craft and later the formalized
version of that craft, which is practiced
by educated professionals, is called Fig- Primitive Maori Fig- Shelter of
‘architecture’. shelter, New Zeland Chumash and Ohlone
Indians, USA
Basis for Birth of
o Fear
o Love
o Death
o Hope

 From primitive times, human has been trying
to protect himself from the attack of wild
animals, harsh weather and so on.

 For this reason , he created his dwelling which

kept on changing in time and need.

 With advancement in his intelligence desires

for safety, comfort and luxury increased which
resulted in development of various
Architectural inventions.
E.g. Great wall of
Love Death
 Instinct (Character) of love gave birth to
 Death also has been responsible for many
many monumental works.
architectural constructions. So many
historical Toms and Mastabs are the
Example: Taj Mahal in India is one of great
example of this category monument.
architectural monument constructed on the
basis of love. E.g.
 Pyramids, temples, churches, Buddhist stupa and other places of
worship have been constructed to represent hope (Life after death).

E.g. Egyptian E.g. Axum

Pyramids Hawelt
These are not the physical materials of building—bricks and mortar, glass, timber, etc. but the conceptual
elements of architecture. And they should be considered not as objects in themselves, but in the ways in
which they contribute to the identification (or making) of places.

Primary Elements of Architecture

1. Point - indicates a position in 2. Line - is an extension of point with property of
space Length, Direction and Position.
 It is Called 1.D

Point viewed from

3. Plan- is an extension of line with properties
of :  Length and width
 Shape
 Surface
 Orientation
 Position
 Planes in architecture define three-dimensional
volumes of mass and space Fig- Falling Water

Fig- Pergola

Fig- Concert
Fig- Schroder's
4. Volume- is an extrusion of a plan with properties of :
 Length, width and
 Form and space
 Surface
 Orientation
 Position

Fig- Doric Fig- Point to volume

Temple transformation
Elements of Visual
They are also called “Elements of Architectural
1. Line - is a basic component of a shape and  It can be: straight, curved, vertical,
represents the continuous movement of a point horizontal, jagged, or dotted
along a surface

Fig- Linear
elements(Column) defining
Fig- Seagram building Fig- Sunroom of plans
New York City condominium unit 1,
2. Space – is area provided or occupied for particular 4. Shape – refers to the characteristic
purpose outline of a plane figure or the surface
configuration of a volumetric form.
3. Form - represents any three dimensional object. Is an area enclosed by lines.
 It can also be defined as the external It is the primary means by which we
appearance of an object. recognize, identify, and categorize particular
 Form can be measured, from top to bottom figures and forms.
(height), side to side (width), and from back
to front (depth).
 There are two types of form, geometric
(man- made) and natural (organic form).
 It may be enhanced by tone, texture and
 Shape can be geometric( Circle, triangle, square, polygons) or

Fig- geometric Fig- organic shapes

 Other shapes can be derived from basic
 Color is seen either by the way light
Color  Analogous colors: are colors that are found side
reflects off a surface, or in colored light by side on the color wheel. These can be used to
sources. create color harmony.
 There are primary colors, secondary  Monochromatic colors: are tints and shades
colors, of one color.
and tertiary colors.  Warm colors: are a group of colors that consist
 Complementary colors: are colors that of reds, yellows, and oranges.
are opposite to each other on the color  Cool colors: are group of colors that consist
wheel. Complementary colors are used to of purples, greens, and blues.
create contrast.
Is the hardness and smoothness of a surface. Implied texture: is the way the surface on
 Is a perceived surface quality of an object. an object looks like it feels.
 There are two types of texture:  The texture may look rough, smooth,
 Tactile and granular etc. but cannot actually be felt.
 Implied  The textures you see in a photograph are
Tactile Texture: Is the way the surface of an implied textures.
object actual feels (By touching).
E.g. sandpaper, cotton balls, tree bark, puppy
fur, etc.

Fig- Tactile Fig- Implied

texture texture
7. Value
 Value refers to the relationship between light and dark on a surface
or object
 It is darkness or brightness of surface of an object.
 It gives objects depth and perception. Value is also called tone.
o Color,
o Sounds,
o Temperature,
o Air movements
o Smells,
o Scale,
o Time
 Are elements which are responsible for  The inside of a cell might be: dark, or
experience of the space (How we experience
bright; it might muffle sound, or have an
or feel about a certain space)
echo; it might be warm, or cool; it might be
 They modify basic elements of architecture
dank, or fresh; it might smell of expensive
and places.
perfume, or of stale sweat, of fruit, or of fresh
 Those modifying elements of Architecture
o Light,  A pavement may be: rough, or as smooth
o Color,
and slippery as ice.
o Sounds,
o Temperature,  An enclosure (a garden) might be sunny,
o Air movements (Ventilation),
o Smells, o or shady.
Textures,  A platform (a seat) might be as hard as stone
o Scale,
o Time or metal, or soft, padded with foam or feathers
and so on.
 Control over modifying elements is a
continuing and evolving battle.
 Is the first and most important
modifying element of
For example:
 In primitive times, light were provided by the
 There
 Natural
are two types of light:
Light (Sun
sky, and not subject to control; now there is light)
electric light which can be controlled  Artificial light (electrical light)
precisely.  Natural light is the universal
 Now a days Glowing concrete are fabricated. medium through which peoples
 In the distant past, materials for building, experience product of
whether stone or timber, were rough hewn; Architecture.
now their textures and qualities can be
finely controlled.
 Light can be manipulated by design to For
identify particular places and to give places  Light places and dark places
particular character.  Places with the strong brightness
 Without changing the physical form of a and sharp shadows of sunlight
place its character can be radically altered by  Places where the light is dappled(
changing the way in which it is lighted. different color) or constant

Practical example: theatres, where there is

a plain contrast between light (the stage—
the place of the action) and dark (the
auditorium—the place of the audience).
 Different kinds of light can be appropriate for  Qualities of daylight can be changed by
different kinds of activity. the ways in which it is allowed into a
For Instance: building.
 A jeweler- needs strong light over a particular
 An artist in her studio- needs constant
and even light by which to paint.
Fig- Light
 Children in school- need good lest shaft
sided light.
 In all instances light contributes to the
identification of place.

Fig- Roof
 Light from an electric bulb is more constant and controllable than daylight: it can be switched on
and off, or precisely varied in intensity, color and direction.

Example: Theater light, Night club


Fig- Spotlight to identify place of an actor or a singer

 Different colors and
 Is reflection of light from an object.
qualities of light suggest
 Colors of material objects are affected
different moods and
by the color of the light that falls on
E.g: Red color- increases
 Spectrum of light will fall to the
the heart beat, Emphasis
object and all spectrums will be
and represent love
absorbed except one spectrum being
Orange color-
reflected back to the viewer.
increases apatite
 Therefore we can't see color with
Blue- creates
out light. calmness
 It plays a great role in identifying a Yellow- represents hope,
place( place recognition. creates emphasis
Green- Nature
Temperature Sound
 Temperature plays a part in the  Places can be distinguished by the
identification of place too. sounds they make, or by the ways in
which they affect sounds made in them.
E.g- Somali and Afar Tents, perforated
bamboo houses, Tigray stone houses( E.g. Some religions use sound to identify
Hidmo),North pole houses their places of worship: by bells, or wind
chimes, or a priest calling from a minaret.
 It can change or modify the whole
concept and construction of a
certain building.
 A hotel room might be distinguished by Ventilation
the constant sound of its air-conditioning.  Can identify places which may
be warm, dry, cold, moist, and
 An examination room or a library or a draughty and so on.
monastery lunchroom— might be
distinguished by its silence; a restaurant by  It also may change the design
its taped background music. of the house.

 Sound is the main modifying element

of Auditorium shape and design.
 Is the hardness or smoothness of
an object
 It can be distinguished by touch or
eye( For color texture)
 We identify places by changing their

E.g. Texture of floor tiles, texture of walls,

 A place can be identified by its smell
texture of furniture, texture of ceiling,
texture of building façade is different from E.g. Smell of perfume shop, Restaurant places or

building to building. food halls, kitchen, Hospitals, Shop places,

 Scale is the relative size of something
compared to a reference standard or to the size
of something else.
 Scale of a map or a drawing indicates the sizes
of things shown on it relative to their sizes
in reality.
Fig. Wrong
 What does it mean by 1:100 scale ?
scale and
 Building elements, spaces and furniture are
designed relative to the size of human body.
(Called Anthropometry)
 Is the last modifying element  Such
of Architecture  Discovery( Time needed to get
 It has positive and negative the building),
impact on
 The view of the outward
Architecture appearance,
 When we experience a building in  The approach (Route or path leading to
its physical existence there are the house),
many stages to the process.  The entrance (Frontal or sided),
 The exploration of the interior
spaces (the last of which probably
takes the greatest amount of the
Principles of Architectural
Design 1. Balance
2. Rhythm
3. Emphasis
4. Proportion and scale
5. Movement
6. Contrast
7. Unity
Principles of Architectural
1. B) Asymmetrical balance: is a unbalanced
distribution and arrangement of un-
 Is the distribution of space or forms equivalent forms and spaces on opposite
on opposite side of dividing line or side of dividing line or plan.
 There are two types of Balance:
balance and Asymmetrical balance.

A) Symmetrical balance: is a balanced

distribution and arrangement of equivalent forms
and spaces on opposite side of dividing line or
2. Rhythm
 Windows and doors repeatedly open the surfaces
of a building to allow light, air, views, and people
 Is a unifying movement characterized by a to enter the interior.
patterned repetition or alternation of
formal elements or themes at regular or
irregular intervals.

 The movement may be of our eyes as we

follow repeated elements in a composition,
or of our bodies as we progress through a
sequence of spaces.

 Almost all building types incorporate

that are by their nature repetitive.

 Beams and columns repeat themselves to

form repetitive structural bays and modules of
4. Proportion and scale
 Is a comparative relationship between
elements in a design with respect to size.
Scale: refers to the size of something
Fig- Rhythm using repetitive domes
compared to a reference standard or to the
3. Emphasis size of something else.
 Is a design feature that attracts ones eye. Proportion: refers to the proper or
 It gives special focus to create a focal harmonious relation of one part to another or
point to the whole.
and attract attention (making it
 It is also called "Center of Interest."
 It can be created by dominance or having
visual influence.
5. Movement 7.
 Is the visual flow or path taken by the  Is the feeling of harmony between all parts of
observers eye via the composition. the artwork creating a sense of
 It can be directed to the focal areas by the completeness.
means of placement of dark and light areas  It is a sense that everything in a piece
and positioning.
 It can be directed by the use of lines, edges,
 Achieved through design harmony, repetition
shapes and colors.
and balance or by consistence use of line, color,

6. Contrast material and texture in a design.

 Is a noticeable difference with color,
shape, scale, and texture.
 It is the occurrence of differing elements
such as
color, value, size etc
ORDERING PRINCIPLES of Architectural Design
 Ordering principles are seen as visual devices that allow different forms and spaces of a building to
coexist conceptually within an ordered, unified, and harmonious way.

 Order without diversity can result in monotony or boredom; diversity without order can produce
Axis Symmetr
 Is a line established by two points in space, y The balanced distribution and arrangement of
about which forms and spaces can be arranged equivalent forms and spaces on opposite
in a symmetrical or balanced manner. sides of a dividing line or plane, or about a
center or axis.
Hierarch Rhyth
y Is the articulation of the importance or significance of a m A unifying movement characterized by
form or space by its size, shape, or placement relative a patterned repetition or alternation of
to the other forms and spaces of the organization. formal elements or motifs in the same
or a modified form.

Hierarchy by Hierarchy by Shape Hierarchy by

Size Placement
Datu Transformatio
m Is a line, plane, or volume that, by its n The principle that an architectural structure
continuity and regularity, serves to gather, or organization can be altered through a
measure, and organize a pattern of forms and series of distinct manipulations and
spaces. variations in response to a specific context
or set of conditions without a loss of
identity or concept.

Assignment 1
Types of Organization of Form and
 Centralized Organization
 Linear Organization Requirement
 Radial Organization s  pdf
 Clustered Organization submission
 Grid Organization and
 presentation
Explore, describe and present types of organization of forms and spaces
with practical example we see in our surrounding.

 Involves shaping and managing the physical  The science includes an

world and the natural systems that we inhabit. understanding of natural systems,
 Landscape architecture combines art and science including geology, soils, plants,
topography, hydrology
make places.
,climate and ecology
 The art provides a vision for a landscape, using
drawings, models, computer imaging and text.
 The elements of design, such as line, shape,
texture and color, are used to create these images.
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Landscape architecture works within an incredibly diverse number
of places such as:

Everyday places – schoolyards, parks, streets Private places – gardens, courtyards,

Monumental places – Olympic campuses, corporate campuses, science or
grand public squares, waterfront developments industrial parks
Play places – resorts, golf courses, playgrounds, The entire place – new towns,
theme or amusement parks urban regeneration and housing
Natural places – national parks, wetlands, projects
forests, environmental preserves
Historic places – historic monuments, Industrial places – factories and
industrial development, mining
landscapes, historic urban areas
and mine reclamation, reservoirs
Scholarly places – universities,
and hydroelectric installations
botanic gardens, arboreta
Travel places – highways,
Contemplative places – healing
transportation corridors and
gardens, sensory gardens, cemeteries
structures, bridges
Productive places – community gardens,
storm water management, agricultural land
Fundamentals Of Architecture


 Both structure and space are media of architecture.  An important aspect of the art of
 It is by reason of its structure that a building architecture is to choose a
structural strategy that will be in
 Structure also plays a part in organizing space into
some sort of harmony with the
planned spatial organization.
 There are thus three broad categories of the
relationship between space and structure:
 It is by reason of its structure
 The dominant structural order; that a
 The dominant spatial order; and building stands.
 The harmonic relationship between the two,
in which spatial and structural order seem
in agreement
 The structures which the Greeks used have
habit to create spaces which were
rectangular in plan; and they could
not achieve large spans.

 Both these characteristics conflicted with the Fig- Council chamber at Miletus

shape of an amphitheater, which was  The amphitheater is enclosed in a

circular, and needed an uninterrupted large quadrilateral cell, leaving corner spaces
space. unused

 The columns needed to support the roof

 In some instances the Greeks’ solution was
were kept to a minimum and carefully
merely to put the ‘round peg’ into the
positioned to create the least obstruction to
‘square hole’. E.g. Council chamber at
 In other examples the shape of the seating is made to fit
 Other example: Telesterion at
the rectangular geometry determined by the structure.
Eleusis, built in the sixth century
BC as a place for the
performance of the secret

Fig- Ecclesiasterion at
 There was a compromise in the structure too,
Columns have been placed much nearer to the
outside walls so that they do not obstruct views Fig- Plan of Telesterion at
from the seats.
 It has seats for spectators around the  This principle is perhaps most apparent in the
periphery of a square space. religious architecture of the Romanesque
and Gothic periods, but it has been the
 Over the performance area is a regular motivation behind many 19th- and 20th-
grid of columns to support the roof. century buildings too, both religious and
 These obstructed everyone’s view of secular.
what was happening on the floor.

 Through history, many works of

architecture have been created under the
power of a principle that structure is the
fundamental form-giving force in Fig- Rheims cathedral which space is
ordered by structure.
 One of the best example of a building  The sacred place itself is identified
which space ordered by the structure from the outside by the structure of the
is Hagia Sophia. dome.

 In the Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, built as St.

Sophia in the 6th century AD, the
structure is the architecture

 The spaces it contains are ordered by the

pattern of the structure
 The places within the building are
by the
Fig- Plan of Hagia Sophia
Fig- Structural layout of
Hagia Sophia
Structure and architecture
The role of structure in architecture
 In others, such as buildings with large areas of
 The relationship between the
glazing on the exterior walls, the structure can be
structural and the non structural parts
entirely separate from the space-enclosing elements
of a building may vary widely.
 Structure forms the basic body of the
building – the skeleton to which
non-structural elements are attached.
 In some buildings the space-
enclosing elements - the walls,
Fig- Offices, Dufour's Place, London, England, 1984 the
floors and roof external walls of this building are the loadbearing
- are also structural elements, elements which carry the weights of the floors and roof.
capable of resisting and conducting
 In certain buildings the structure is  In other buildings the structure serve also as
substituted by structural materials aesthetical element
like steel concrete or timber. For example: Hong Kong Bank Headquarters
For example: Crown Hall building  The structure of this building is expressed
 This building has a steel frame prominently both on the exterior and in the interior.
It contributes directly as well as indirectly to the
structure. The glass walls are appearance of the building.
Fig- Hong
Kong Bank
Hong Kong

Fig- Crown Hall, Chicago,

Types of
I. Post-and-beam structures
2. Panel structures: are arrangements
 Most architectural structures are of the post
of structural walls and horizontal
and beam type and consist of horizontal
panels (loadbearing-wall structures)
spanning elements supported on vertical  The walls may be of
columns or walls.
masonry, concrete or timber
 It has the great advantage that it is simple and  In this arrangement the
therefore cheap to construct. floors and roof
of the building are carried by
It is subdivided into two categories: the

1. Skeleton-frame structures: is a network walls

of beams and columns  Panel structures impose greater

 It occupies a relatively small volume constraints on planning freedom

than skeleton-frame equivalents
Fig. Skeleton-frame Fig. Panel
structures structures
II. Vaults and domes

 Vaults and domes are self supporting structure

types serving to cover a space with a ceiling or
 Dominant feature is an upwards curvature
towards the dominant
 materials,
It allows large
as masonryspans
or unreinforced
to be achieved
with Fig. TGV Station,
 A vaulted structure in reinforced concrete
is used here to achieve a relatively long
Fig. Building for
IBM Europe

Fig- The
III. Tents and cable networks
 Tents and cable networks are tensile equivalents of domes
and vaults
 They only carry tension but not compression or bending.
 Mostly used for roof.
 As with domes and vaults they are used in situations in
which high structural efficiency is desirable, such as for
long spans or where a lightweight structure is required.
Fig. Olympic Stadium, Munich, Fig. Tent
Germany structure
V. Combined-action structures

 Carry load through the combined effect of

axial and bending action.
 Used in situations in which intermediate
levels of efficiency are required,
(For medium-span range)
 These structures have properties which are
intermediate between those of the post-
and beam arrangement, which is Fig. Palmerston Special School,
inefficient but simple to construct.
Structural design
It consists two broad categories of  In the case of an architectural structure both of

activity: these activities are closely related to the broader set

 First: the invention of the overall of decisions connected with the design of the

form and general arrangement of the building.

structure and,
 Secondly: the detailed
specification of the precise
geometry and dimensions of all of
the individual components of the
structure and of the junctions
between them. Fig. Forth Railway Bridge,
The relationship between structural design and architectural design
 The detailed design of a structure is  One of the marks of a well-designed building is that
normally carried out by a structural all potential conflicts between the architectural
engineer (more probably a team of program and its structural consequences have
engineers) but, the overall form of an been resolved without either aspect dominating the
architectural structure is determined other.
by the architect (or architectural
 There are four main approaches about the
relationship of structural design and
architectural design. Those are:
 The architect should be aware of
1) Structure ignored
structural considerations when
2) Structure accepted
determining the form and general
3) Structure symbolized and
arrangement of a building.
4) True structural high tech
1) Structure ignored
 Due to the existence of structural materials  This is the reason why motor cars, ships,
such as: steel and reinforced concrete, marine oil production Platforms etc…
and only focuses on there forms and spaces.
timber, architectural forms can be invented
without considering the structural Example
implications of that form. :
 East Pavilion, Groninger Museum,
Groningen, Netherlands
 Timber too is capable of being used in a
 Solar Research Institute (Hysolar),
very wide range of shapes because they can
Stuttgart, Germany
all resist tension, compression and bending.
 Rooftop Re-modelling in Vienna, Austria

 The combination of steel and concrete

makes possible the creation of any form.
Fig. East Pavilion, Groninger Fig. Rooftop Re-
Museum modelling

Fig. Solar Research Fig. Rooftop Re-modelling

Institute interior
2) Structure accepted

 The objective of the 'structure accepted' approach Examples:

is to ensure that structures will be well designed  The temples of Greek antiquity,
and well integrated with all other aspects of the  The massive basilicas
building.  Bath houses of the Roman period
 Structural design goes side by side  The Gothic cathedrals of
with Architectural design. medieval Europe
 Villa Savoye
 To achieve this type of integrated design architects
and structural engineers have to work together
from an early stage in the design process.
Fig. The Gothic Fig. Interior of massive
cathedrals basilicas

Fig. Villa

Fig. The temples of Greek

antiquity Fig. Bath houses of the Roman
3) Structure symbolized
 Where the relationship between structure and  Structures are exposed to view and are
architecture is of the 'structure symbolized‘ one of aesthetical elements.
type, the structure is emphasized visually
and constitutes an essential element of the Example
:  Renault Warehouse and
architectural vocabulary. Distribution Centre, England
 Pompidou
 Hong Kong Bank Headquarters,
 The technical performance of the structure Hong Kong
is secondary to its aesthetic role and the
technical quality of the structural design is
frequently compromised as a result.
n Centre,


Fig. Hong Kong Bank

Headquarters, Hong Kong
4) True structural high tech
 In this approach the design of the  Highly efficient type of structure (Eg.
structure is given the highest Steel cable network, RC shells) are used.
priority and allowed to determine
completely both the overall form of  The preliminary design of the building
a building and the nature of the becomes simply the design of a
architectural vocabulary which is structural arrangement which is
adopted. appropriate for the span and load
 The highest priority is given to
structural design than architectural  Obvious examples of this are the very tall
design. building and the very long-span
Building for IBM Europe travelling
Architectural Famous
Architectural Famous Structures
1. The Giza Pyramids
 They were built as tombs for Who built it?
three separate pharaohs during The largest, the second and the third pyramid were
the Third and Fourth Dynasty. built by Khufu, Khufu’s grandson Khafre and
 It is the only surviving wonder Khafre’s son Menkaure successively.
of the ancient world and was
the tallest building in the world
until 1300
 The accuracy with which they
were built is impressive even by
today’s standards.
2. The Colosseum
 The largest Roman amphitheater Who Built
ever built the greatest architectural  It was imagined by Emperor Vespasian
feats ever achieved by the Ancient  It was built up to the third story when Vespasian
Romans. died in 79 AD, but his son Titus finished it in 80
 Constructed between 70 AD to 80 AD.
 It was capable of seating 50,000
 It was usually used for
games, but could also be used for
fake battles, animal hunts,
executions, and dramas based on
3. Big Ben 4. Eiffel Tower
 It is one of the world’s most famous clocks  It was built between 1887 and 1889, Paris,
 The tower stands 316 feet tall which marked the birthday of the French
Who built it? Revolution.
 Charles Barry designed Westminster Palace,  It was built during Industrialism time.

however, Augustus Pugin created the clock Who built it?

tower. It was designed by engineer Gustave Eiffel
5. Taj Mahal
Who built
 It is an evidence to one man’s love for it?
 The Taj Mahal was built by Mughal Emperor
his wife.
Shah Jahan when his third wife Mumtaz Mahal
 It looks like a palace, but it was
died while giving birth to their fourteenth child
actually built as a tomb for the
Emperor’s favorite wife.
 Construction began one year after her
death in 1632 and completed in 1648
 The construction took 20,000
workers and craftsmen
6. Sydney Opera House 7. The Burj Al Arab
 It is the center of the arts scene in Australia  It outlines the Dubai skyline (horizon)
 The design features several concrete shells and  It is one of the most luxurious hotels in the
includes performance spaces like the concert world
hall, the opera theater, the drama theater, the  Balanced on a man-made island
studio, a recording studio, five restaurants, four  It is currently the second largest hotel in the
souvenir shops and a guided tour operation. world
Who built it?- It designed by Architect Jørn Utzon Who built it?- was designed by Tom Wright

Reading Assignment
 Read in detail about Roles of Architects and Civil
Requirement- Written paper not more than 2 pages.
University of Gondar
Institute of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering

Basi Skill


Architectural drawing
 Is a technical drawing of a building.  Architectural drawings are made
 It is a main communication Language according to a set of conventions,
between engineers. which include particular views (
 It is used by architects and engineers for floor plan, section etc.), sheet sizes,
many purposes
units of measurement and scales,
such as:
 To develop a design idea into a clear annotation and cross referencing.
 To communicate ideas and concepts,
 To convince clients of the merits of a
 To assist a building contractor to construct
it based on the design
 Historically, drawings were made in ink on paper or a similar material, and any copies
required had to be laboriously made by hand.

 The 20th century saw a shift to drawing on tracing paper, so that mechanical
copies could be run off efficiently.

 The development of the computer had a major impact on the methods used to
design and create technical drawings, making manual drawing almost outdated, and
opening up new possibilities of form using organic shapes and complex geometry.
Fig- Ink Architectural Fig- Tracing paper Architectural
drawing drawing
 Ideas and plans are formed in the designer’s  Architectural drawings can be grouped
mind to be transformed into reality
three basic types:
1) Drawing as idea generation,
 They have to be communicated to others.
2) Drawing as a design and
presentation medium
 Although a designer may have a great idea,
(Presentational Drawings) and
it must be effectively communicated or it
3) Drawing as a guide for the
will remain just an idea and never move
construction process
beyond conception.
( Working Drawings).
1) Drawing as idea generation

 This kind of drawings are so called “Sketches”

or “Free hand Sketches”
 Help designers shape/improve their ideas or to
explore design alternatives
 They are used to generate, and develop concepts of
a design
 They are changeable and are not final solutions
P INl" " 1
2) Drawing as Design and Presentation

 Used to show concepts or ideas to the

client or others
 photographic or artistic
 Contains detail of ideas
 They are not yet finalizes drawings to be
used for construction
 They includes: pictorial renderings,
rendered plan views, perspective view etc.
- -

-,,.... -
3) Drawing as a Guide for Construction

 They are called “construction drawings”

or “working drawings”
 Is an accurately measured and detailed
drawing of a structure, building and
building element used as a guide to
workers in a construction.
 They are scaled, detailed, and accurate
representations of how an object looks and
how it is constructed
 Serve as a major means of communication
between Engineers.
They Requirements of Working Drawings
includes: are:
 Architectura  Should not be complicated
 Should be clear to understand
 Structural
 Should have Brief Descriptions
 Sanitary
 Should be Consistent and
 Electrical complete
Are expected to provide:  Should be well dimensioned
 Use of materials  Should be drawn to scale
 Construction
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 Drawings must be prepared in such a way  Tools are important in all work whether it
that they are clear, concise, and accurate.
surgery or carpentry, designing or drafting.
 In order to produce such drawings,
equipment  The basic drawing materials which are
(materials and instruments) are used. necessary to prepare a drawing are:
 Drawing paper
 Because time is an important factor in any  Drawing pencil
work, a clear understanding of all drawing  Drafting or masking tape
equipment and their uses is important to  Eraser and erasing shield
speed up the process of drawing  Rapidograph
Drawing paper
White plain papers Profile, Plane/ Profile and Cross-section papers
 Are general purpose papers used for  Are gridded papers.

office and drawings  The first two are used for road design and the
 They are manufactured according to later one is used for drawing road cross sections,
ISO standard paper sizes rough design, sketching, preparing schedules

 Are a high-quality white transparent
paper, upon which copies or “tracings” are
Drawing Pencils Drafting or Masking
 The two types of pencils used in drawing  Is used to attach the drawing paper to
 Mechanical and the drawing board in order to avoid
 Wooden pencils unnecessary errors due to

 Each pencil has different grades of hardness

from B to H
Eraser and Erasing Shield Rapidograp
 Erasers:- are used to clean unnecessary line works.  Rapidograph is a type of drawing pen
 Erasing shield:- restricts the erasing area so that by which lines are drawn on tracing
correctly drawn lines will not be disturbed during

Fig- Fig- Erasing Fig- Rapidograph

Eraser Shield
Drawing Instruments
1) Drawing board 1) Protractor
2) Dusting brush 2) French
3) Drafting curve
Templates 3) T-Square Fig- Dusting brush
4) Pencil sharpener 4) Divider Fig- Pencil
5) Scale 5) Compass sharpener
6) Set square

Fig- Drafting Fig-

Fig- Drawing board Templates Scale
Fig- Fig- French
Fig- Set square 30-60 and 45 Triangles Protractor curve

Fig- When used to draw perpendicular line Fig- Fig-

Compass Divider
Fig- T- Fig- T-Square combined with drawing
Square board

Place a paper close to the Align the top edge of the Attach paper’s corners
left edge of a table paper with T-square blade. with
Drawing horizontal Drawing vertical
line line using T-square
using T-square

Drawing Inclined lines

450 & 30-600 set squares
Using the French
Drawing circles using bow curve
Title NB. Dimension in
Block millimeter
Alphabet of Lettering
Drawing  To work with scale, we should know the multiplying
1:100 Scale
factor (Mf)

1cm in paper = 100cm in land Drawing dimension = Mf x Real

1cm in paper = 1 m in land dimension
 To get the multiplying factor: (For example- 1: 500)
1cm in paper = 50 cm in land 1cm = 500 cm
1m = 5 m 1m = 5 m
1cm in paper = 0.5 m in land
1:500 NB. 100cm =
1cm in paper = 500cm in 1m = 1m
X (Mf) =0.2
1cm in paper = 5 m in land

Therefore: 1.5 m wide door = 1.5 x 0.2 = 0.3 cm (3 mm)

A complete architectural construction working drawing shall include:

 Location plan  Detailed drawings

 Site plan  Roof detail
 Floor plan  Foundation detail
 Elevations  Slab detail
 Sections  Roof to foundation detail etc.
 Roof plan  Schedules
 Foundation plan  Window
 Door
 Reflected ceiling  Finishing
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Location plan
 Location plans shows the location of the
project site in relation to Artillery Survey

 Conventions are used to represent boundaries,

roads and other details.

 Shows building site boundaries and all

lands necessary to carry out the proposed

 Recommended scales are:

1 : 2500
1 : 1250
1 : 500
Site plan
 Is a scaled drawing of a property that
shows its size and configuration including
the size and location of man-made
features such as buildings, driveways, and
walkways on the property.
 It should include:
 Scale
 North arrow
 Roads, footpaths, hard standings and
paved areas
 Lot lines and dimensions to  Planting (Landscape design)
all buildings  Fencing, walls and gates
 Existing and proposed  Electricity, telephone and other utility
buildings lines
Floor plan
 A floor plan is an orthographic view of a
building or an area within a building, seen
as if a horizontal cutting plane were
passed through it at a height of
approximately 4 feet (1.2 m) above the
floor line.
 Everything in floor plan are drawn as
viewed from above
 In construction drawings, floor plans
are drawn to scale and detailed
 In floor plan: walls, doors, windows, plumbing fixtures, appliances,
stairs, cabinetry, and other built-in or free-standing interior features are
 Doors are drawn in the plan view in an open
position showing the direction of their operation.
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 In addition to symbols, line weights and
different types of lines can be used to relay
information with the floor-plan drawing.
Example:- broken lines can denote items
such as upper cabinets and high windows
that are above the cutting plane

 Different pattern can be used on the floor plan

to denote a change in the floor treatment
Generally Floor plans should
 Scale and Northing
 Label ( Name of Rooms)
 Dimensions
 Wall hatch
 Furniture ( Fixtures) Fig- Door
 Floor material hatches
 Openings (Doors and windows)
 Stairs, lift and escalators with
there direction
 References to detailed drawings Fig- Material
Process of
Plan Drawing

1 2

3 4 5
a Floor
Assignment 1
 Name and sketch symbols, hatches and notations used
Architectural drawings

 Plumbing symbols
 Window symbols
 Door symbols
 Building material symbols

Requirement: Name and sketch of symbols and notations on A4 paper

 Is a scaled drawing that shows the exterior of a  Elevation gives an impression
building or a plane as seen from a point of view of how one face of the building
perpendicular to the picture plane. will look from the outside.
 They are basically flat, two-dimensional views
 Elevation drawings are projected
understandable height and width of building
from the floor plan of an
architectural drawing
 It also indicates the material used (stone, stucco,
brick, vinyl, etc.), the location of windows and
doors, the roof slopes, and other elements visible
from the exterior.
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The purpose of elevation is
A. Show the external faces of the building,
B. Locate the door and window openings and other features of the building.
C. Show the design materials, dimensions, and final appearance of the exterior of
a building.
 A section is a view of a building or object obtained by
making an imaginary vertical cut through it.

 A section drawing takes an imaginary vertical

slice through a structure, showing its
materials and components.

 A vertical section through a building will show

details of the construction of the foundations, walls,
floors, roof and other parts.

 The number of sections required of a building

will depend on its size and complexity.
 Generally there will be at least two  In a section the following information
sections -one of these will be across
section, across the width of the building.  The building vertical dimensions
The other will be a longitudinal section, and heights,
along the length of the building.  Site levels,
 The building structural systems,
 Architectural section drawings are prepared  wall and roof systems,
 For the entire structure (full sections)  Some mechanical information
or (HVAC),
 For a specific part(s) of a building  Windows and door types,
(detail sections)  Major building finishes.
Roof plan
 A roof is defined as the upper most part of  It
the building, provided as a structural  Level of the roof at different points.
covering, to protect the building from  Slope of the roof
 Position of down pipes, gutters
 A roof consists of structural elements  Specification for the roofing
(trusses, beams, slabs, shells or domes), material
which support roof coverings.  Dimensions: Interior, Exterior
and Detail.
 The roof coverings may be corrugated metal
sheets, RC slabs, tiles, etc.  Building out line (edge) in hidden
line Partially, show the roof
 Roof plan is the top view of a building. framing: Trusses, Purlins
 It explains the overall configuration of
the roof.
 Foundation: Is the portion of building below the  Foundation plan should contain:
ground level
 Structural grid
 It is the part of the structure which is direct  Datum level for excavation
contact with the ground to which the loads are  Position of walls relative
transmitted through column and footing.
to foundations
 The function of a foundation is to distribute the  Full dimension
load of superstructure over a larger areas of the
ground  Level
 Position of services to be
 The foundation must be strong enough to support
and distribute the load of the structure and installed below ground level
sufficiently level to prevent the walls from  Structural details (footing
cracking and the doors and windows from
sticking. width and thickness)
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Reflected Ceiling plan
 The reflected ceiling plan shows the  This “reflected” view is in the
ceiling in plan view and anything that is same orientation as the floor plan
attached to it, such as light fixtures, and objects on it.
sprinkler heads, visible HVAC devices, and  It is drawn as if the plan were a clear
soffits. glass sheet and one were looking
 Material indications and any change downward through this at the
in ceiling height are also shown. floor plan.
 It is referred to as a “reflected ceiling plan”
because it is the view that one would see if
looking down at a mirrored floor, reflecting
what is on the ceiling.
Common Light Symbols
 They usually show specific details, such as stair cases, gutter to
down pipe connections, wall to foundation connection, slab
structure, roof to foundation connection, metal and wood joineries,
 They are prepared to the extent necessary and depending on the
complexity of the building.
 The recommended is scale of 1:1, 1:5, 1:10, or 1:20
2Scm JtC Gnde beam
compacted ,clocud
Roof to foundation
Stair detail
Components of stairs are:
 Tread
 Riser
 Nosing
 Landing
 Flight
 Baluster
 Hand rail
Sanitary installation drawing (Plumbing Plan)
 Is a plan view that shows the complete
plumbing system.
 It shows the location, size, and type of all
 It is also prepared to show how pressurized
fresh water and gravity-drained wastes are
transmitted through the building.
 Plumbing drawings are often done in plan view
and elevation views, and sometimes an isometric
drawing is provided.
 A number of plumbing materials are Scale of Plumbing
in both residential and commercial  A variety of scales may be used to draw
projects, plumbing systems, depending whether the
such as cast iron, copper, steel, and drawings are showed in plan views,
plastic pipe. isometrics, or enlarged details.
 Floor plans serve as the base drawing and
are turned into plumbing plans by the
 The most common scale is 1:50 metric for
addition of piping, controls, and other
residential and small commercial projects
and 1:100 metric for large commercial ones.

 Domestic water lines and sanitary sewer

are drawn as an overlay on the floor plans.
 The plumbing plan should include:-
 Waste lines and vent stacks
 Drain and plumbing fixture locations
 Size and type of pipe to be used
 A plumbing fixture schedule
 Symbols Legend
 General notes
 A plumbing plan is required for each floor
of the house.
Plumbing Fixtures
Structural drawing
Is a type of Engineering drawing (a plan or set of plans) for how Parts of structural drawing
a building or other structures will be built.  Structural foundation plan
prepared by registered professional structural engineers, and  Structural slab reinforcement
informed by architectural drawings.  Structural footing layout
 Structural beam layout
They are primarily concerned with the load-carrying members  Structural column
of a structure. They outline the size and types of materials to be reinforcement layout
used, as well as the general demands for connections.

They are also become part of the contract documents which

guide contractors in detailing, fabricating, and installing parts
of the structure
Footing Reinforcement Detail
Structural beam
Electrical installation drawing
 Is a simple visual representation of the physical NB. Electrical systems in
connections and physical layout of an electrical system a building include:
or circuit.  lighting,
 Is a type of technical drawing that shows  electrical outlets,
information about power, lighting, and  telephone lines,
communication for an engineering or architectural  computer networks
 It shows how the electrical wires are interconnected
and can also show where fixtures and components
may be connected to the system.
 Switches are located near the door  This connecting line should be dashed
or opening leading into the space. and curved to distinguish it from with
wall lines and other items on the
 Large spaces that have more than one drawing.
 The symbol for switches can be a simple
may require multiple switching locations. S.

 After locating the switches, determine  If a particular lighting fixture is

which light bulb they should control and switched from two locations, the
outline this on the plan. symbols will be S3 to indicate that three
items (two switches and one lighting
 draw a line from the wall switch to fixture) are connected electrically.
the fixtures it controls.
Architectural Design
 Is a creative, analytical and problem-solving activity through which
objectives and constraints are weighed and balanced, the problem and
possible solutions explored and optimal resolutions derived.

Design Phases
1) Planning Phase: Research & Data gathering
2) Generation Phase: Solution creation
3) Evaluation Phase: Testing solution
Client Brief Research (Literature Review)
 The client has its own needs, testes  Is an information gathering about the
and objectives
 Sources: books, case study, visit,
 Our task is to investigate, conceptualize
internet, other literature reviews
and realize the client’s need
 Project Research includes:
 Client Brief includes:
 Function
 Size  Profession
preference  Spatial Relationship
 Religion
 Gender  Standard Size
 Aesthetica
l  Functional  Special Requirements
 Age  Culture preference  Furniture
 Light, View ,Noise
 Fixture
Design Program (Programming)
 Is a list of all rooms, with there area and other room information, to be
included in a certain building.

 It may also include room quality, it’s adjacency and it’s requirement.

 It is written using a table consisting of space (room) types & their area.

 Programs may be generated from client Brief and Research we did in

the first phase.
 Consult & check weather you attained the client’s need
 Area of rooms is calculated based on furniture dimensions and human Anthropometric standard.
Site Analysis
 Is a process of identifying site conditions or  Relevant information about the properties of
factors that affects the design the site, topography, climate ,sun direction,
 Is a preliminary phase of architectural design wind direction, vegetation coverage of the site
process dedicated to the study of the etc. are “Collected” and finally
climatic, geographical, historical, legal, and
“Analyzed” to incorporate them into the
infrastructural context of a specific site.
 Those factors include:
 Site data with out “Analysis” is not a
 Climate
 Circulation Site analysis.
 Urban Context
 Goals of Site Analysis is to achieve a
 Natural & Man made elements
 Physical Features “successful design” which harmonized with
 Zoning & Building Codes
its site conditions.
Site Analysis Catalogue List Natural Surface Features
 Subsurface Features  Vegetation: Type, size, location, shade pattern, aesthetics,
 Natural Surface Features ecology etc.
 Cultural & Man-  Slopes: Gradient, landforms, elevations, drainage patterns
made Features  Wild Life: ecology, species etc.
 Aesthetic Factors  Climate: precipitation, annual rain/snow, humidity, wind
direction, solar intensity & orientation, average/highest/lowest

Subsurface Features temperature

 Geology: Geological history of the area, bedrock type & depth etc.
 Hydrology: Underground water table, aquifers, springs etc.
 Soil Genesis: erosion susceptibility, moisture, reaction organic content, bearing capacity
Cultural & Man-made Features Aesthetic
 Utilities: sanitary, water supply, gas, Factors
Perceptual: from an auto, by
electrical etc. pedestrian, by bike etc.
 Land use: Usage of site, adjacent use,  Spatial Pattern: views of the site, views

zoning restrictions, easement etc. from the site, spaces existing, potential
 Historic notes: archeological sites, for new areas, sequential relationship
landmarks, building type, size, condition  Natural Features: significant natural
 Circulation: linkages an transit roads, auto features of the site, water elements,
rock formations, plant materials
pedestrian access, mass transit routes etc.
 Social Factors: population, intensity,
educational level, economic & political
ethnicity, cultural typology etc.
\ V,

Zoning (Spatial Relationship)
 Is grouping of programs or room spaces
according to there relation ship
For example: “Kitchen” and “Dining room”
has much relation than “Kitchen” and
 It is done based on each and every activity
flow path of a dweller.
Eg- Morning Path
Waking up (Bed room)
=>Washing( Bath room)=> Changing
 Zoning also includes
arrangement of spaces.

 During this time we will

decide which rooms are
going to be in the ground
floor, in the first floor
Bubble Diagram
 Bubble is a round or elliptical shape representing one space within a design that
is drawn showing its location and proportional size
 Bubble diagrams are floor plans in terms of bubbles
 Bubbles represent rooms/spaces
 Arrows represent circulation
 Relationship ,Orientation, Location, Circulation and size of bubbles are
considered carefully
 We have to try to develop as many bubble diagram as possible till we meet
different design requirements
Steps in using bubble diagrams 2. Arrange programs which has functional
relation ship based on Activity path of
1. List Programs(Rooms) To be included
in your design
E.g. Activity path of a maid – Waking up =>
E.g. In residential house there will be Car
washing => changing cloth => Going to
park, storage, kitchen, bedroom, kitchen
bathrooms, maid room, living room, => Cooking => Taking foods to dining room
dining room etc. Therefore: Maid room, toilet, Her closet
space, Kitchen, storage, Dining room are
arranged together
3. Draw ‘alternative’ bubble Diagrams by
taking a space of circulation between
them in consideration
 The proportional size should be carefully
considered during drawing the bubbles.
E.g. Toilet and Bedroom does not have same
bubble size, The same as for other rooms.

Important: Bubble diagrams should be drawn

by cross referencing them with the site analysis
diagram or should be drawn on copy of site
analysis diagram
4. Evaluate placement of bubbles 5. Choose the best bubble diagram that
satisfies all design parameters including
design parameters
site analysis factors.
This evaluation includes:
 There size
6. Turn the final bubble diagram in to one line
 There special relation
drawing (Schematic design) and do ‘Sizing’
 Circulation between them
(Length and width) based on there room area we
 Room orientation with respect
wrote at the programing stage.
to sun and wind direction as
N.B- Areas are not fixed and we can change
well as other site factors
them in some extent
Schematic Diagram
 Schematic diagram is a one line drawing
 It develops from the bubble diagram
 At this point, think also about the appearance of the
 Consider also the impact of design factors
 Spaces start to get exact in shape, size and location
 Door openings are also shown at this diagram
It is a two line diagram developed from schematic
 Basically one line schematic diagrams are turned
in to
two line diagram.
 Walls are widened
 Openings (Door and doors) are drawn
 Structural elements (Column) are
 Furniture included
Interior and exterior finishing materials
 selected
(Two line)
 Type of roof selected and drawn
 It includes plans, section, elevations, site plan and
 We show the preliminary design to our client then
 After getting confirmation from client, we will start preparation of final design
 Final Design includes rendered, dimensioned and labeled:
 Floor Plans
 Sections
 Elevations
 Site Plan
 3D: Perspective or Model
Generally design phases are:

Bubble diagram Schematic (One Preliminary (Two

line) Drawing
Assignment 3 – ‘Local Case Study’
 Select any Residential house in Gondar and do a Local case study on

it. Including:
 Site plan of the house
 Orientation of the house
 Bubble diagram
 Schematic diagram
 Functional description of each spaces
 Goods and bads of the design
 What do we learn from the study

Requirement: Pdf submission

For more Knowledge Refer the book called
Architects Data (‘Newfert’) By Ernst and peter
Neufert !!!

Thank You For your

Attention !

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