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Like every other Industry construction Industry is
growing with the development of technology.
Porotherm clay brick is one of them. Porotherm clay
bricks are new age bricks which advancing the
building construction Industry.
 Basically Porotherm clay bricks are perforated bricks

either horizontally or vertically. They are performing

better than normal clay bricks. Previously people are
very much skeptical about using or trying new items.
But now people are eager to try new material which
will benefit them in terms of strength and thermal
Insulation. It is sustainable as it is made up of clay.
Advantages of porotherm clay brick:
 One very Important component of building
construction is wall which constitutes half area of it.
So it is most important the bricks used in wall should
be of good quality. The temperature of the rooms of
the house depends upon the material used in the
construction. If we are using red bricks they will have
different impact such as they keep the house cooler
in hot season and warmer in cold season. But the
cement bricks are hotter in hot season and colder in
cold season. Also durability of wall and and dead
weight of structures is affected by quality of material.
In all these cases porotherm brick has a great role.
Thermal Insulator:
 Porotherm brick are hollow inside. So they kept air
inside after wall construction which acts as a
thermal Insulator. The house owner who make wall
with this are always find comfortable environment
as these bricks act as a very good insulator. It keeps
house warmer in cold season and colder in warm
season. Porotherm bricks are great energy saver. As
they act as natural Insulator by helping to maintain
a comfortable environment by reducing the
requirement of HVAC system. They reduces the A/C
bills drastically ultimately decreasing the electricity
Easy to handle at site:
 Porotherm bricks are lighter in nature which
is easier to handle by the labourer. As there is
chances of breaking bricks at site due to
heavy weight. But there are less chances of
happening the case of porotherm bricks. Also
when multi story building is constructed it is
very difficult to lift the bricks to the upper
floors. But due to light nature of porotherm
bricks labourers find it easier to work with it.
Improved sound Insulation:
 Along with Thermal Insulation they provide
very good accoustic insulation. If you are
constructing a house in very noisy place then
these bricks would be the best walling
material for you. Especally when official
buildings or hospital or any organizational
buildings are made these are preffered to be
sound insulated or noise free. Theses bricks
can be used to get sound insulated buildings.
Improved sound Insulation:
 Improved sound Insulation: Along with
Thermal Insulation they provide very good
acoustic insulation. If you are constructing a
house in very noisy place then these bricks
would be the best walling material for you.
Especially when official buildings or hospital
or any organizational buildings are made
these are preferred to be sound insulated or
noise free. Theses bricks can be used to get
sound insulated buildings.
High Compressive strength:
 We may think of that these Porotherm bricks
are perforated so they can not provide good
strength. But that's not true.
 They have high compressive strength.
 They can easily withstand the load of

Light weight and faster construction:

 Due to light weight construction will be very

Environment friendly:
 These bricks are made up of clay which is a
natural construction material. So they are
environment friendly.
Water absorption:
 They absorb very less amount of water as
compared to the traditional clay bricks.
No cracks
 We all want a home which is properly furnished. And
this depends upon the quality of construction work.
 If good quality of raw material is not used then it will
lead to crack.
 In case of wall it may be the regular shrinkage crack
or structural crack. But this can be avoided by using
Porotherm bricks.
 These brick don't need much water for curing, so
when the wall is plastered it is will not absorb much
water resulting no cracks. Also due to high
compressive strength they erect the structure properly
and does not create an crack in the structure.
Disadvantages of Porotherm bricks:
 Can not be used in large structures: It can not
be used in large structure construction. As
it's density is less it can not be used for
foundation and base slab work where water
table is high they would not be able to resist
the pressure of water.

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