My Brain and Me: A Short Story About The Brain and Other Details

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My brain and me

A short story
about the brain
and other details
It is a primitive brain, controling our
instinctive behaviour.
It is in charge of the most basic
activities concerning «SURVIVAL»
including, aggresiveness, domination,
territory and the rituals.
Fight or Run to stay alive.

Its answers are direct, instinctive, reflex .

Paleomammal brain

• It is responsible of the EMOTIONS. A system based on feelings and the

evasion or attraction to them. Awful feelings like pain or nice feelings like
pleasure are processed in this part of the brain. It is also responsible for
the MOTIVATION and the need and pleasure we have when we eat and
have sex and it is also the one which controls and develops our feelings of
It is responsible of the
advanced thinking process, the
reasoning, the speech, the
abstraction, the ability to plan,
the perception, the notion of
past and future and all the
functions we consider superior
and the ones which make «the
man» different from animals.
• “It took millions of years for man's instincts to
develop. It will take millions more for them to even
vary. It is fashionable to talk about changing man. A
communicator must be concerned with unchanging
man, with his obsessive drive to survive, to be
admired, to succeed, to love, to take care of his

— William Bernbach (1911–1982), American advertising creative director
Brain Lateralization
• Both hemispheres work together on both
logical and creative thinking.  However, there
is some hemispheric specialization. Usually,
the right side of the brain dominates the
functions to do with creativity, spatial
awareness, appreciation of music etc.
whereas the left side of the brain dominates
analytical, language-based and logical
• The brain needs variety to work healthily:
“The more you’re on your bum, the more
dead- brain you become”
How much and how long
do you remember?
• 08005840392127
• Emma Jacksonville
• Genaro Palentini
• Eleanor Vitztale
• Juan Vitale
• Jonathan Miller
Short-Term and
Long-Term Memory
• Short-term memory has a fairly limited
capacity; it can hold about seven items for no
more than 20 or 30 seconds at a time. You may be
able to increase this capacity somewhat by using
various memory strategies. For example, a ten-digit
number such as 08005840392 may be too much for
your short-term memory to hold. But divided into
chunks, as in a telephone number, 0800-584-0392 may
actually stay in your short-term memory long
enough for you to dial the telephone. Likewise, by repeating the number to yourself, you can keep resetting the short-
term memory clock.
• Important information is gradually transferred from short-term memory into long-term memory.
The more the information is repeated or used, the more likely it is to eventually end up in long-term
memory, or to be "retained." (That's why studying helps people to perform better on tests.) Unlike
sensory and short-term memory, which are limited and decay rapidly, long-term memory can store
unlimited amounts of information indefinitely.
Brain & Culture
• CULTURE has been called “an amalgam of values,
meanings, conventions and artifacts that constitute daily
social realities” (Kitayama & Park, 2010).
• As a system of meaning and shared beliefs, culture
provides a framework for our behavioral and affective
norms. Cultural scripts that we learn during childhood
and cultural practices that we observe as adults influence
our brains deeply.
• There are brain connections that are
“culturally patterned”. This neural blueprint
is the foundation of the cultural
construction of the self.
• One of the most fundamental ways in which
cultural beliefs, practices, and ideologies
influence psychological processes is in the
cognitive schema or self-construal style that
people use to think about themselves and
their relation to others. 
Greetings in different

Culture differences
• Garage Sales
• Meal times
• Wearing shoes indoors
• Not having IDs
• Wearing a veil
• Eating with chopsticks
• Meals
Argentina’s unique culture according to British people

• Cartoneros
• Zebra crossing
• Driving on the right
• Punctuality
• Saying goodbye at parties
• Kissing and hugging
• Eating asados with offal (achuras)
What do you mean by «ENGLISH»
British or American?

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