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Remedial Reading:


The ‘SAY G’ Strategy:

Adapted from US
Peace Corps, Phils.
- a retelling of a text that eliminates most
details and retains only the most important
SAY G: Steps
1. Read the paragraph.
2. Stop, look away, and think.
3. Ask the thinking question, “Gee, what is
this paragraph mostly about?’’
4. Summarize the paragraph.
5. Return to the text and check your summary.

Binomials are used in Algebra. A mathematical

expression with two terms usually joined a plus or
minus sign is called a binomial; it could look like 3x + 9.
It is easy to remember binomials as bi means 2 and a
binomial will have 2 terms.
Accurate vs. Inaccurate Summaries

Inaccurate Summary Accurate Summary

Binomial has two terms. Binomial is a mathematical

expression consisting of two
terms joined by a plus or minus
How do students learn to write an
accurate summary?

• Find the most important information in the


1. Look for key words and phrases.

2. Underline key words.
3. Include Key words in your summary.
History of Measurement
One of the earliest tools that human being invented was
the unit of measurement. In olden times, people needed
measurement to determine how long or wide things are;
things they needed to build their houses or make their
clothes. Ancient Egyptians used their body parts to
determine measurements of things. The forearm length was
called a cubit. The hand span was considered a half cubit.
Writing the Summary

Key Words: Summary:

• unit of measurement Ancient Egyptians used units of

• Ancient Egyptians measurement based on body parts
• used such as the cubit which is the
• body parts length of the forearm and half cubit
• fore arm which is the length of the hand
• cubit span.
• hand span
• half cubit
History of Measurement

However, using these units of measurement had a

disadvantage. Not everyone had the same forearm length.
Discrepancies arose when the people started comparing their
measurements to one another because measurements of the
same thing differed, depending on who was measuring it.
Because of this, these units of measurement are called non-
standard units of measurement which later on evolved into
what is now the inch, foot, and yard, basic units of the
length in the English system of measurements.
Possible Summary

Because of the discrepancies of non-standard units

of measurements, the inch, foot and yard are now
considered as the basic units of length of the English
System of measurements
Checking the Summary:

• After you have written the summary, ask

yourself the checking question.

1. Is that what this paragraph is mostly about?

2. Can I add anything to make my summary

more complete.
Rectangular Coordinate System

A number line is used to visualize real numbers and their

relation to each other. To construct a number line, you choose
a point corresponding to the number 0. Points at equally
spaced intervals are then associated with the integers. Positive
integers are to the right of 0 and the negative numbers are to
the left of 0. The number associated with a point is called for
coordinate of the point. The point associated with zero is
called the origin.
Completing the Summary

Accurate but Incomplete Accurate and Complete

Summary: Summary:

On a horizontal number line, On a horizontal number line,

positive integers are to the right positive integers are to the
of zero and negative integers right of zero and negative
are to the left. Zero is the integers are to the left. Zero
origin. is the origin. The number
associated with a point is the
Rectangular Coordinate System

Rectangular Coordinate System composed of two

perpendicular lines, horizontal and vertical whose point of
intersection is called the origin. The two axes divide the plane
into four quadrants that are numbered in a counter clockwise
direction. The signs of the coordinates determine the quadrant
in which a point lies. For points in quadrant I, both coordinates
are positive. A point in quadrant II has a negative first coordinate
and a positive second coordinate. Every point in quadrant III has
both coordinates negative. A point in quadrant III has a positive
first coordinate and a negative second coordinate.
Completing the Summary

Incomplete: Complete:

Rectangular Coordinate System has four Rectangular Coordinate System has four
quadrants. quadrants. First quadrant coordinates
are both positive. Second quadrant has a
negative first coordinate and a positive
coordinate. Third quadrant coordinates
are both negative. Fourth quadrant has
a positive first coordinate and a
negative coordinate.
The SAY G Process:
1. Read the paragraph.
2. Stop, look, away and ask the thinking question, “Gee, what is
this paragraph really about?”
3. Summarize the paragraph.
4. Return to the text and ask the checking questions.
1. “Is that what this paragraph is mostly about?
2. “Can I add anything to make my summary more
5. Revise summary, if necessary.
Thank you for

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