EngQ1W2d2 - Personification

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Analyze sound device (personification) in a

text heard

Jenifer J. Inocencio
Teacher III
Tongue Twister: Peter Piper
• Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
• Did Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled
• If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled
• Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter
Piper picked?
Match the meaning of the word in column
A to column B.
1. sob a. weary, exhausted
2. comfort b. weep, cry
3. tirec. ease, relief

Have you experienced to sob?

laugh? How did you do it?
Let's find out who or what is sobbing
or laughing in the poem that I am
going to read.
The Sea
Why does the sea laugh, Mother,
As it glints beneath the sun?
It is thinking of the joys my child,
That it wishes everyone.
Why does the sea sob so, Mother,
As it breaks on the rocky shore?
It recalls the sorrow of the world
And weeps forevermore.
Why is the sea so peaceful, Mother,
As if it were fast asleep?
It would give our tired hearts,
dearest child,
The comforts of the deep.
• What were the questions of the child about
the sea?
• Is it possible for the sea to laugh and sob
even if it's not a person? Prove your answer.
• Compare the life of the sea with the life of a
man. When are they similar? Different?
• How are we going to keep our seas fresh
and clean?
Skill Development

• What was the first question asked by the


• The sea really doesn't laugh but it is given

human quality/ qualities by the author.
is giving human characteristics and capabilities
to non-human things such as inanimate
objects, abstract ideas, or animals.
The clouds cried a torrent of tears.
The wind moaned.
The wind whispered to the trees.
The fog comes on little cat feet.
Group Activity:

Each group is given an activity sheet.

You are to read and analyze the sentences
then identify the sentences with
personification and write them in a Manila
paper provided by the teacher.

What is the sound device that

we have learned today?
Describe it and give an
Personification is giving human
characteristics and capabilities
to non-human things such as
inanimate objects, abstract
ideas, or animals.
Analyze and identify the personification
given in each sentence.
1. The brook murmurs softly.
2. The weeds marched through the ground.
3.The wind whispered, sobbed and waited.
4.The gentle raindrops played a lullaby on the
5. The snow icy cold fingers tickle my nose.

After analyzing, make a sentence of the

following inanimate things by giving them
human qualities.
1.fire 4. clouds
2.thunder 5. trees
3. storm
Group 1: Copy the sentences that show
• The brook gossiped with the stones along the way.
• Ella whispered goodbye to her mother when she left.
• The couds were crying.
• The fire ran out all over town.
• The doctor diagnosed the disease of the patient.
• The wind sighed as it reaches the shore.
Group 2: Copy the sentences that show
• The leaves of the trees sang silently.
• Father rocks the stage when he sings.
• The stars smiled back at me before I slept.
• My pillow whispered bedtime story into my ear.
• Lightning danced across the sky.
• Ms. Jen sang melodiously before the crowd.
Group 3: Copy the sentences that show
• The alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every
• The stairs groaned as we walked on them.
• My flowers were begging for water.
• Sandro hums a happy tune while he cleans.
• The moon played hide and seek witht the clouds.
• Rita heard somebody called her name.
Group 4: Copy the sentences that show
• Our vacuum hums a happy tune while it cleans.
• Our grandparents say hello to us when we visited
• The thunder was grumbling in the distance.
• The car's headlight winked at the strangers.
• The wild animals ate their prey.
• The leaves waved in the wind.

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