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PROPRIOCEPTIVE NEUROMUSCULAR FACILITATION (PNF) Harpreet Singh, AIIMS MPT (Neurosciences), TrainedTrained-IPNFA, California, USA

Life is a series of response to series of demands
Efficient mechanism - variety Limited Deficiency PNF unable to respond

Active participation in life develops abilities

Hidden potentials exist Repetition is important for learning


Purposeful movements are directed to a goal

Tangential activity may be interesting but but Effort is directed & channeled Goals (in treatment, purposeful movements; movements; specific combination of motions) Hinder optimum function

Survival of the fittest OR OR

Strong help the weak

Specific adaptations to imposed demands Body adapts to stress and strain placed on it Success of the athlete depends on the ability to meet demands Constructive stress + opportunities for input & integration

Normal vs Abnormal
Capable of wide range of activities
Developmental patterns & learning situations

Endowed with reserves of power (stress situations) Development of potentials

Environmental influence & volition Integrated & efficient without awareness

Variations occur but do not prevent Function Proportional inadequacy to demands as a result of development; disease; development; disease; trauma

Philosophical principles

Focus on mobilizing the patients reserves

An Integrated Approach Approach is always Positive

Helps achieve highest level

A method of placing specific DEMAND in order to secure a desired RESPONSE OR May be defined as methods of promoting or hastening the response of the neuromuscular mechanism through stimulation of the proprioceptors

Receiving stimulus from tissues within body Information regarding posture & movement

Motor innervation/muscle strength

Promotion of a natural process In the Nerve Tissue

Use of developmental sequence

Fundamental motor activities are interrelated and universal Every human being has experienced and learnt behavior in same way Primitive to mature but retain aspects The ingredients of normal movements provides a basis for development/ restoration of motor function

Function is a spectrum of ADLs

Function & development

Different for different tasks, people Fundamental elements observed during developmental progression
Foundation of function Foundation of basic motor control

Sequence gives insight into original acquisition of skill

Basic Concepts
Aspects of motor behavior
Total to individuated Proximal distal to distal proximal Reflexive to deliberate Motile to stable Overlapping to integrative Gross to selective Incoordinate to coordinate Timed & sequential action of muscles

Movements occur in diagonal patterns with rotational components, not in single plane
Resemble ADLs and sport specific activities

Afterdischarge Temporal summation Spatial summation Irradiation Successive induction Reciprocal innervation

Coordinated muscular activity

Dynamic joint stability Postural control Optimal movement patterns

Sensory system CNS & PNS Sk. Muscle Injury vicious circle

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