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Presented To:

Dr. Tasleem Ghori

Presented By:
Syed Faseeh Haider
DVM 2019-24
Myopathy, Myoasthenia ( skeltal
muscle asthenia)
Non inflammatory degeneration of skeltal muscle fiber

Clinically Characterized By :

1. Muscular weakness,

2. Myoglobinuria

3. Pathologically:

Hyaline degeneration of muscle fiber

Pseudoparalysis causing paresis and recumbent


Nutrition Myopathy: Deficency of Vit E and Selenium, Fertilized fooder,

Congenital degenerative Myopathy: Mostly in newborns called, goats and

occasionally sheep ‫ ۔‬genes (mutation) interfere with the production of protein
needed to form healthy muscle ‫۔‬
Etiology conti‫۔۔۔۔‬
Exertional or Postexercise Rhabdomyolysis :Exertional or postexercise
rhabdomyolysis is not known to be conditioned by vitamin E (selenium)
deficiency and occurs as equine paralytic myoglobinuria ''tying-up'' in horses
after unaccustomed exercise or insufficient training. It also occurs in sheep
chased by dogs, in cattle after running wildly for several minutes,

Neurogenic Myopathy : Due to nerve demage i ‫۔‬e ischiatic nerve demage

Toxic Agent: Plant toxin, venome

Ischemic Myopathy: Decrease supply of oxygen ‫۔‬

Clinical findings
Normally Animal is bright and alert to external stimula
T h e d i s e a s e i s c l i n i c a l l y o b s e r v e d i n t w o d i ff e r e n t f o r m s ; a c u t e ( c a r d i a c ) a n d

 . Acute form is characterized with myocardial

degeneration and sudden death
 especial ly in young animals such as lambs and
 myoglobinuria
 circulatory and respiratory distubance
 pain on palpation
 stiffness of gait
Clinical findings

 S u b a c u t e f o rm i s c h a r a ct e r i z e d m o s t l y b y s ke l e t a l mu sc l e

 i n a b i l i t y t o st a n d

 d i ff i c u l t y w a l k i n g

 s t i ff - l e g g e d w a l k

 sh o r t n e s s o f b r e a t h

 d i ff i c u l t y h o l d i n g u p t h e h e a d ‫۔‬

 sh i f t i n g o f w e i g h t

 upward arching of back

 lethargy

 t e m p e ra t u r e n o r m a l

 ci rc u l a t o r y a n d r e sp i r a t o r y d i s t u b a n ce i n a d v a n c e d s t a g e
Diagnosis of muscle diseases is made using combinations of history and clinical
signs, hematologic or biochemical examination of blood or urine, electromyography,
exercise challenge tests, muscle biopsy, and genetic testing.

Most muscle diseases are associated with elevations in serum activity of muscle
derived enzymes (CK, AST, LDH). The most commonly measured enzymes are CK
and AST.
Serum concentrations of CK increase within minutes to hours of injury to the
muscle and decline to baseline concentrations within 1 to 2 days Conversely, AST
has a longer elimination half-life, .

Plasma concentrations of vitamin E and selenium, or red cell glutathione

peroxidase activity,
Urinalysis of samples collected during the the disease can contain myoglobin.
Muscle biopsy il in providing a histologic diagnosis and is diagnostic in a number of
diseases of muscle

Additional tool include imaging (ultrasonographic examination, scintigraphy),

exercise testing, electromyography,
Differential Diagnose
• On the basis of urine colour

• i‫۔‬e In Babesiosis urine colour is bright red (hemoglobinuria) , occur in hot

 Alpha tocopherol acetate

 Selevit

 Acepromazine

 Cal borogluconate
Thank you

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