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Pilot Project on Tabletop Menu Tablets

(evaluation findings)
Main tasks
● Research tablet models
● Research Vendors
Conduct research to select the right tablet & ● Determine network and hard requirements with POS vendor
Milestone 1 vendor ● Generate quotes and review costs
● Test tablet capabilities
● Create contract and statement of work for vendors

● Schedule an electrician to wire the tables

Milestone 2 Installation & Integration of the POS system ● Install tablets in the bar areas at the Downtown and North Restaurant Locations
● Integrate with POS software

● Include payment security talking points in waitstaff training

● Enable GPS location services on each tablet
Milestone 3 Implementing Security Measures ● Establishing security measures: Employee permissions
● Create messaging about payment portal security to display on the tablets
● Create a procedure for securing tablets at the end of the night

● Schedule a staff meeting with GM to discuss anything that could affect waitstaff tips.
● Create a launch day plan: Staff, troubleshooting, etc
Milestone 4 Staff Training ● Schedule training for a small group of managers, followed by waitstaff training at
each location
● Train the staff to update the menu

● Invite friends and family to do a test run of the tablets.

Milestone 5 Testing phase ● Test run the new tablet ordering system
● Implement a post-dining survey to assess customer satisfaction

Milestone 6 Go Live
This survey is designed to evaluate our initial test launch:

● How much percentage increase in appetizer sales

● How much percentage increase in multiple sales
● How long did the customer wait to get seated?
● How long did the tablet reduce ticket time?
● Order accuracy increased?
● Is the tablet easy to use for the customer?
● Customer is satisfied with check out process?
● Is staff well trained to guide the customer through the new tablet?
● How can we improve the tablet?
● Are customers happy with the new tablet introduction?
All customers during their visit will order
dinner,82% of them order appetizers .however
only slightly more than customers used tablet
to put their multiple orders. Majority of
customers (72%) have positive ⅓ experience
with the tablet. Nearly half of customer think it
is easy to navigate and make order from
menu, while there still half of them find it is not
easy or difficult. This is related to staff
instruction (24% think not well enough)and
possibility the menu design is not user friendly

Only 26% of the customers have lobby waiting time less than 10 mansard only half of customers get food
ordered within 20 misfit could because of longer time for staff explaining how to use tablet ordering
compared to traditional menu. There 28% order were not prepared correctly. It can because of kitchen staff
or customer didn't know to put special request in order.12% customer have technical issues.
Next Steps
We will fix those technical
1 issues the customer raised
in the comments
Kitchen staff need to be
trained on how to check 2
additional comments on
every order from the tablet Organize a second-round
3 training workshop by asking
staff what they have concerns
or are not sure about in this
Pales check with the chef
test launch, and share training
and their manager whether
4 for addressing those points to
they feel it is busier than
all staff to improve tablet
usual during this test
instruction. Role play to find
launch, due to the higher
what else is missing or can
demand of orders, we will
need to recruit more
kitchen staff to help out
Next Steps

Recollect data
after the steps
implemented to
see whether the
waiting time and
ticket time are
improved Set up checkout can use
the phone to pay burton
on the tablet to call staff
to pay bills

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