Learning To Know & Do - Chapter II

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(Learning to Know and Learning to Do)

- emphasis is on the learning tools and processes used in

acquiring knowledge
Attention: Attention is a cognitive process that allows people to focus on a specific
stimulus in the environment.
Language: Language and language development are cognitive processes that involve
the ability to understand and express thoughts through spoken and written words. It
allows us to communicate with others and plays an important role in thought.
Learning: Learning requires cognitive processes involved in taking in new things,
synthesizing information, and integrating it with prior knowledge.
Memory: Memory is an important cognitive process that allows people to encode,
store, and retrieve information. It is a critical component in the learning process and
allows people to retain knowledge about the world and their personal histories.
Perception: Perception is a cognitive process that allows people to take in information
through their senses (sensation) and then utilize this information to respond and
interact with the world.
Thought: Thought is an essential part of every cognitive process. It allows people to
engage in decision-making, problem-solving, and higher reasoning.
Mrs. Pilar bumped into Gino, her former High School student.
Mrs. Pilar: Hi, Gino, it’s great to see you! My, I almost didn’t recognize you!
How long has it been since I last saw you?
Gino: It has been almost ten years since I graduated from high school.
It’s great to see you, after all these years, Mrs. Pilar.
Mrs. Pilar: So, how are you?
Gino: I’m fine, thank you. I have recently been promoted as a team leader at an electronics company where I’ve
worked for more than six years now. You may have heard that I was not able to pursue a college
degree after graduation. Sadly, my parents didn’t have the financial resources to send me to college.
Thus, I worked part time - as an apprentice in a motor shop - and studied at night. I took up a technical
course in electronics, passed the certification examination, and now I am happily working at my
current job.
Mrs. Pilar: Great to hear that, Gino! I am very proud of you!
Gino: Thank you, Mrs. Pilar. You know, you were one of the teachers who encouraged me to develop myself,
not only in academics, but in other aspects of my life as well. What you and my teachers have
taught me in school about relating and working well with people and in continuing to pursue learning,
have helped me achieve success in work and in life.
Mrs. Pilar: I’d love to hear more, but I have to run. My children are waiting for me at home. Come by and see us
at school! I’m sure your other teachers would love to see you again.
Gino: Thanks! I’ll try to visit the school one of these days. Bye!
Career Skills are the abilities you have to that enable you
to do your job and to manage your career. These are over
and above the skills and technical knowledge you need to
perform the tasks that are part of your job.

A. Initiative and Self - direction

B. Productivity and Accountibility
C. Leadership and Responsibility
1. Ability to work independently
- ability to work without the assistance of others

2. Ability to manage goals and time

- implies being able to utilize time and manage workload

3. Ability to be self - directed learners

- demonstrate commitment to learning as a lifelong process
Productivity involves being able to deliver a specified task in a
given period of time using available resources

Accountability connotes being responsible to someone or for

some activities

Skills along the lines of productivity and accountability:

1. Manage projects - implies that you should be able to set and
meet goals, even in the face of obstacles and competing pressures
2. Produce results - producing one with high quality output with
optimum use of available resources
A leader is someone who:
- has a vision and the ability to communicate it
- has integrity
- has the ability to inspire, energize, and encourage his/her follower
- empowers member
- mentors potential leaders who share his/her vision and are committed to
seeing it become a reality
- leads by example

- is the ability to be personally accountable for an assigned task or course of
action in an organization or group

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