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Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
(Horizontal and vertical dimension)
Projectile Motion
Impulse and Momentum
Conservation of Linear Momentum
Collisions: (Elastic and Inelastic)
Sample problem:

A car moving at constant speed travels 30 m in

5 s. (a) What is the speed of the car?(b) How far
will the car move in 10 s?

dx = vt or v = d/t (velocity equals displacement
over time)
Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
Horizontal Dimension
 Acceleration
 Final Velocity
 Displacement
Sample problem no. 1
A Nissan Sentra is stopped at a traffic
light. When the light turns green, the driver
accelerates so that the car’s speedometer
reads 10 m/s after5 s. What is the car’s
acceleration assuming it is constant?

using the formula: a

it gives us a result of 2 m/s2
 Sample problem no. 2
A racer accelerates from rest at a constant rate
of 2.0 m/s/s. (a) How fast will the racer be going
at the end of 6.0 s? (b) How far has the racer
traveled during this time?

using the formula of final velocity and


It gives us vf = 12 m/s , dx = 36 m
 Sample problem no. 3
A car has uniformly accelerated from rest to a
speed of 25 m/s after travelling 75 m. What is its

using the formula:

2a(75m) = (25m/s)2 – 0
a = 4.2 m/s2
Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
Vertical Dimension

 Free Fall

- motion in which air resistance is

neglected and acceleration is
constant. The acceleration of a free
falling body is called acceleration
due to gravity. Denoted by letter “g”
and is equal to -9.8m/s2.
Sign Conventions:

 Distances above the origin are positive,

distances below the origin are negative.
 Upward velocities are positive, downward
velocities are negative.
 Gravity is always negative.
 The origin is the point of release.
Symmetries of Free Fall:

 Time Symmetry
– time required to reach maximum height is
equal to the time for it to return from its starting

 Speed Symmetry
– the speed of an object during upward trip is
equal to the speed during the downward trip.
Formula for free fall:

 Sample problem no. 4
The villain man fell off a cliff that is 105 m tall
after Jackie Chan kicked him.
(a) How long will the villain take to hit the ground?
(b) What is the man’s final velocity?

using the formulas:


It gives us t = 4.63 s, vf = -45.4 m/s

 Problem:
A ball is thrown directly upward with an initial
velocity of 22.5 m/s.
(a) How long will the ball take to reach its
maximum height?
(b) What maximum height will the ball reach?
(c) How long will the ball be in the air?
(d) What is the ball’s final velocity (when it hits
the ground)?

Using the formulas:

Projectile Motion

 Projectile motion
- is any object that once projected or dropped
continues in motion by its own inertia and is influenced
only by the downward force of gravity.
Projectile motion has 2 components:
horizontal and vertical component. The
horizontal component of motion is uniform
motion. The vertical component of motion is
free fall. This means that if air resistance is
neglected, a projectile moves horizontally at
constant speed as it falls vertically with
acceleration equal to “g”.
The path that a projectile follows is called its
trajectory. The trajectory of a projectile is a
Horizontal and Vertical Component
of Projectile Motion
Horizontal Vertical

Acceleration ax = 0 ay = g

vfx = vi cos θ vfy = vi sin θ

vx = vfx vy = vfy + gt

Displacement dx = vxt
Sample problem:
A golf ball is shoot at 76 m/s at 30° above the
horizon. What is the vertical velocity (a) 1.5
seconds later (b) 4.5 seconds later?
When it reached its
maximum height of the
becomes zero), the
gravity will take over
and accelerates the
object downward.
 Time of flight – is the time from when the object
is projected to the time it reaches the surface.
Time depends on the initial velocity magnitude
and the angle of the projectile.

 Range – the horizontal distance traveled by the

projectile between the launching position and the
landing position. It depends not only on the
projection speed but also on the angle of

 Maximum height – it is reached when vy=0.

 Velocity of a projectile:
 Angle
θ = tan-1││
 Height
 Time of flight  Range
t= r=
 Sample problem
A ball is thrown horizontally from a height of
5.50 m with an initial speed of 25.0 m/s.
(a) How long will it take the ball to reach the
(b) At what horizontal distance from the point of
release will it strike the ground?
(c) What will be the magnitude of its velocity when
it strikes the ground?
(d) At what direction will it strike the ground?
Impulse and
 Linear momentum or simply momentum of an
object is the product of mass of the object and
its velocity.
p =mv
The SI unit for momentum is kg m/s.

Every moving object has momentum. It may be

large or small depending on the mass of the
object and on its velocity.
 Sample problem
Which has a greater momentum: a bowling ball
having a mass of 5 kg moving at 0.4 m/s or a
baseball having a mass of 0.2 kg moving at 10

Formula: p = mv
The two balls have the same momenta
of 2 kg m/s.
Sample problem:
A system is made up of three bodies with their
respective velocities: body A of mass 1.5 kg and
moving east at 2.0 m/s; body B of mass 2.0 kg
moving west at 3.0 m/s; body C of mass 5.2 kg
moving west at 2.5 m/s. What is the momentum of
the system?

Pa= 3.0 kg m/s, east The resultant

Pb=6.0 kg m/s, west momentum is 16 kg
Pc=13 kg m/s, west m/s, west
 Impulse is the product of the force and time
during which it acts. Impulse is a vector quantity.
The SI unit of impulse is newton-second (Ns).

 The effect of a force on the motion of an object

depends on the magnitude of the force and the
time the force acts.
 “The stronger the force, the greater the effect”.
 “The longer the time the force acts, the greater
the effect (greater impulse).”
Conservation of Linear
 “The total momentum before interaction equals
the total momentum after interaction.” This
statement is called conservation of momentum.

Example 1:
 When you step from a small boat on to a dock.
As you steps toward the dock, the boat moves
away from the dock which you might fall into the
Example 2:
 When a gun is fired, the bullet moves in the
forward direction but the riffle recoils in the
opposite direction.

Formula of conservation of linear momentum:

mAvA2+ mBvB2 = mAvA1+ mBvB1
 Sample problem:
A 5.5 kg riffle fires an 11 g bullet with a velocity
of 1000 m/s.
(a) What is the recoil velocity of the riffle?
(b) If the shooter holds the riffle firmly against his
shoulder, what will be the recoil velocity?
Assume the mass of the shooter is 120 kg.

m1v1+ m2v2 = 0
- is an interaction between two or more
bodies that usually come in contact with
each other.
In general, when two or more bodies collide,
linear momentum is always conserved. The total
kinetic energy may or may not be conserved
depending on the type of collision.

Collisions may be perfectly inelastic, inelastic,

or elastic.
Types of Collisions

 Perfectly Inelastic:
- bodies stick together, KE is not conserved.

 Inelastic:
- bodies separates, KE is not conserved.

 Elastic:
- bodies separates, KE is conserved.
END of

Prepare for the summative test 

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