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Psychosocial Activity Day 2

 Ask the class to stand up and to form a circle. Everyone
takes turns saying a number starting with 1, 2, 3 and so
on. At every number with a 4 in it or a multiple of 4,
that person needs to say BUZZ instead of the number.
The next person just continues the series as normal.
 For example: 1 - 2 - 3 - buzz - 5 - 6 - 7 - buzz - 9 - 10 -
11 - buzz - 13 - buzz - 15 - buzz - 17 - …
 Do this until there is a winner
 Invite the learners to be in a comfortable position.
 Tell the learners to breath gently, relaxing their chest and
shoulders and notice how their stomachs expand when they
inhale, and contract as they exhale. They may check if they are
breathing correctly by putting their hands on their bellies.
 When they are ready, start the relaxing music and read the
script in a soothing tone, giving instructions gently and slowly
to encourage relaxation.
 How do you feel?
 How does your body feel?
 What did you notice about your breath?
 What do you think about breathing?
 How important is it?
 Sometimes when we are stressed our bodies
feel tight, and our breath is short; it comes only
to our chest. One way to relax is to breathe. It
helps all our organs function well, and helps us
to be healthy, when we breathe properly, all the
way to our stomachs.
Thank you

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