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National Deworming day

8 August 2019
What is Deworming?

Deworming is a process in
which a medicine is given to
the affected person to get rid
of parasites.
• The National Deworming Day is an initiative of Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare, Government of India to make every child in
the country worm free. This is one of the largest public health
programs reaching large number of children during a short period.

• More than 836 million children are at risk of parasitic worm

infections worldwide.  According to World Health Organization
241 million children between the ages of 1 and 14 years are at risk
of parasitic intestinal worms in India, also known as 
Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH).

• The main species that infect people are the roundworm (Ascaris
lumbricoides), the whipworm (Trichuris trichiura) and the
hookworms (Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale).
Common Behaviours in the Community
• Playing/Walking barefoot outside

• Not washing hands before eating food

• Defecating in the open (soil contamination)

• Not washing hands after using the toilet

• Eating fruits and vegetables without washing

• Not keeping food covered, which may result in food contamination

• Finger nails that are not cut and poor sanitation.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare | National Deworming Day (August 2019)
Ascaris lumbricoides (Common round worm)

Ascaris lumbricoides is the "large

roundworm" of humans, growing to a
length of up to 35 cm. It is an intestinal
parasite of man (small intestine).
1000-5000 adult worms may inhabit a
single host.
• Disease caused: Ascariais
Transmission to host:
Since these worms doesn’t have a
secondary host, infection to man
occurs when he swallows the infective
eggs of Ascaris with contaminated soil,
food and water.
• Abdominal discomfort, Colic pains, Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Slight rise
in temperature
• Blocks intestine and appendix
• Interfere digestion (by entering bile/pancreatic ducts)
• Produce toxins --- prevents digestion of proteins
• Nervousness and convulsions
In children: they dull the mental capacity and stunt growth
In juveniles: Inflammation and haemorrhages in lungs ---
Ancyclostoma (Common hookworm of man)

Ancyclostoma duodenale (or) old hook

worm is an endoparasite and live in
the intestine of man particularly
jejunum. It is one of the most
dangerous worms.
25% (half billion) people of world’s
population are infected by hook worm.
Disease caused: Ancyclostomiasis
Mode of transmission & entry into human:

• Through contaminated soil

Larvae cast off their sheaths

and penetrate the skin of
human host.
(Anterior end of worm is
provided with oral spears)
• They hold onto the intestinal villi and suck blood & body fluids of the
• They cut holes in the intestinal mucosa and leave bleeding wounds. It
causes severe anemia.
In children: they retard physical and mental growth.
• Toxins secreted by these worms causes stomach ache, food
fermentation diarrhoea, constipation, dyspnea etc.
• During penetration in skin, they cause local irritation and results in
inflammation of surrounding tissues. They may result into tiny sores.
Trichuris (Whipworm of human)

Whipworm is a parasite of large

intestine of man. It’s name is due to
it’s shape like a whip at the posterior
end. They attach to the host through
their slender anterior end and feed on
tissue secretions instead of blood.
Diseases caused: Trichuriasis (or)
whipworm infection
Transmission to human:
Through contaminated soil :
Eggs are in the soil, in areas where people defecate outside and where
untreated human feces is used as fertilizer
Through contaminated food and water :
When vegetables are not cleaned properly or cooked.
•  Vitamin A deficiency has been seen in patients with trichuriasis.
• Abdominal pain
• Tiredness
• Diarrhoea
• Low RBC due to blood loss
• Poor intellectual and physical development in children.
Pin worm : Pin worm infection, Acute
appendicitis (rare cases)
Taenia solium: Taeniasis
Wuchereria bancrofti: Elephantiasis
Since children have smaller
intestines the risk of
Why more in blockage is higher.
children ? They could have a distended
stomach indicating a severe
Preventing Worm Infection

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Benefits of Deworming

Direct Benefits: • Helps improve work

• Controls anemia
potential and livelihood
• Improves nutritional
uptake • Benefits the community
by reducing worms in the
Indirect Benefits:
environment .
• Helps improve
concentration, capacity to
learn, and attendance at
school and anganwadi.
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Thank you

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