Chapter 1 The Body

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Chapter 1 The Body

• What is anatomy?
• Understand different types of
imaging and their interpretation
• What are the risk of imaging?
• What is anatomical position,
planes, and the anatomical terms?
• Classify the cartilages? What are
their function
• What are component of the axial
skeleton and appendicular skeleton
Introduction to Anatomy Chapter 1
• What is Gross Anatomy?
• What is Histology?
• Anatomical Terminology
• Regional approach to learn Anatomy
• Systemic approach to learn Anatomy
• Anatomical Position
• Anatomical Planes

Introduction to Anatomy Chapter 1
• Coronal Plane
• Sagittal plane
• Transverse
• Horizontal or Axial Planes
• Anterior (ventral), Posterior(dorsal), Medial, Lateral, Superior and
• Proximal, Distal, Cranial, Caudal, and Rostral
• Superficial and Deep
Chapter 1 The Body
• Define bone. What are the
functions of the bone?
• What are the examples of long
bones, short bones, flat bones,
irregular bones, and sesamoid
• What is the largest sesamoid
bone of the body?
• Understand the determination
of skeletal age
Chapter 1 The Body
• Understand the importance of
bone marrow transplant?
• What do you mean by red bone
marrow and yellow bone
marrow? What are the locations
of red and yellow bone marrow?
• What are the common sites of
bone marrow aspiration?
Chapter 1 The Body
• Define fracture of a bone.
• What are the causes of bone
• What are the types of bone fracture?
• What is a “greenstick” fracture?
• How does the fractured bone
undergo healing?
• What is the treatment of fracture
• What is avascular necrosis of the
Chapter 1 The Body
• Define joint
• Classify the joints with examples
of each
• What is the structure of a
synovial joint
• Define suture of the skull. What is
anterior fontanelle?
• What is the structure of a
gomphosis, syndesmosis,
synchondrosis, and symphysis
Chapter 1 The Body
• Understand the pathogenesis of
degenerative joint disease
• What are the etiology and
treatment option of
• What is arthroscopy?
• What are the advantages of
• Understand the reasons for joint
Chapter 1 The Body
• What is the largest organ of the body?
• Define dermatome. Map the dermatome
of the body.
• What is the structure of the skin?
• What are the functions of the skin?
• Define fascia, superficial fascia, and deep
• What do mean by extraperitoneal fascia
and endothoracic fascia
• What is the importance of fascia in
relation to the placement of skin incisions
and scarring?
Surface Anatomy Identifying Points
Chapter 1 The Body
• Classify muscles
• What are the differences between the
skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and
smooth muscle?
• What is muscle strain, muscle
paralysis, and muscle atrophy
• What is the structure of the arterial
• What is varicose vein? Hoe does it
• What is atherosclerosis?
Vascular System of the Body
Chapter 1 The Body
Referred Pain from an Inflamed Appendix
• A young man sought medical care because of central abdominal pain that was
diffuse and colicky. After some hours, the pain began to localize in the right iliac
fossa and became constant. He was referred to an abdominal surgeon, who
removed a grossly inflamed appendix. The patient made an uneventful recovery.

• When the appendix becomes inflamed, the visceral sensory fibers are
stimulated. These fibers enter the spinal cord with the sympathetic fibers at
spinal cord level T10. The pain is referred to the dermatome of T10, which is in
the umbilical region (Fig. 1.50). The pain is diffuse, not focal; every time a
peristaltic wave passes through the ileocecal region, the pain recurs. This
intermittent type of pain is referred to as colic.
Referred Pain from an Inflamed Appendix
• What is the blood supply of the appendix
• What is the nerve supply of the appendix
• What are the positions of the appendix
• What is McBurney’s point?
• Why is the appendicular pain referred to the umbilicus?
• What are the possible complications of inflamed appendix?
• What is mesoappendix? What are the contents of the mesoappendix?
• What is the structure of the appendix?

Introduction to Anatomy Chapter 1
• What is Gross Anatomy?
• What is Histology?
• Anatomical Terminology
• Regional approach to learn Anatomy
• Systemic approach to learn Anatomy
• Anatomical Position
• Anatomical Planes

Introduction to Anatomy Chapter 1
• Coronal Plane
• Sagittal plane
• Transverse
• Horizontal or Axial Planes
• Anterior (ventral), Posterior(dorsal), Medial, Lateral, Superior and
• Proximal, Distal, Cranial, Caudal, and Rostral
• Superficial and Deep
Diagnostic Imaging
• Plain Radiography
• In the body:
air attenuates X-rays a little;
fat attenuates X-rays more than air but less than water; and
bone attenuates X-rays the most
Contrast Agents
Barium sulfate suspension
Intravenous Urography
Ultrasound and Computer Tomography

• From the clinical point of view:
Most T1-weighted images show
dark fluid and bright fat—for
example, within the brain the
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is dark.
T2-weighted images demonstrate a
bright signal from fluid and an
intermediate signal from fat—for
example, in the brain the CSF
appears white.

Safety in Imaging

Cartilage and Bones

Cartilage Bones
• Classification (types) • Classification
• Locations • Functions
• Functions • Accessory Bones
• Determination of Skeletal Age
• Bone marrow Transplant
• Bone Fracture

• Classifications of Joints
• Classification of Synovial joints
• Structure of a Synovial Joint
• Solid Joints
• Suture
• Composes
• Syndesmoses
In the Clinic
• Degenerative Joint Disease

Clinical Notes on Joints/ Joint
Degenerative Joint Disease Knee Replacement

Muscles, Skin, and Fascia

• Skeletal Muscle, Muscle Strain, Muscle Paralysis, Myopathy, Atrophy

• Cardiac Muscle, Atherosclerosis, Heart Failure, Varicose Veins
• Smooth Muscle
• Importance of Fascia's
• In the Clinic
• Placement of skin incisions and scarring

Lymphatic System

Lymphatic System
• Lymph Nodes
• Lymphatic Trunks
• Lymphatic Duct

The Nervous System
• Brain
• Gray Matter
• White Matter
• Meninges
• Ventricles

Spinal Cord and the Spinal Nerve

Autonomic Nervous System

Enteric Nerves and Other Nerve Plexuses

The End Slide


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