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3.1 Explain the conditions for the equilibrium of a particle
3.2 Apply the free body diagram to solve related problems
3.2.1 Explain the free body diagram
3.2.2 Draw the free body diagram
a. Draw outline shape b. Illustrate all forces c. Identify each force
3.2.3 Apply free body diagram to solve related problems
3.3 Solve problems regarding equilibrium in coplanar force system
3.3.1 Explain scalar notation
3.3.2 Determine procedures for the analysis of coplanar force equilibrium
3.3.3 Solve problems regarding coplanar force equilibrium for a particle
3.1 Explain the conditions for the equilibrium of a particle

Particle at equilibrium if - At rest

- Moving at constant velocity

Newton’s First Law of Motion, ∑F = 0

 where ∑F is the vector sum of all the forces acting on the particle

Newton’s second law of motion, ∑F = ma

 When the force fulfill Newton's first law of motion, ma = 0, when a = 0

therefore, the particle is moving in constant velocity or at rest

3.2 Apply the free body diagram to solve related problems
1. Apply equation of equilibrium, must account for all the known & unknown forces which act on the
2. FBD is simply a sketch showing the particle ‘FREE’ from its surrounding with the forces act on it.
FBD – 2 common connections
1. SPRING – a linear elastic spring is used for support:
change in length is directly proportional to the force
acting on it.
 F = ks
k – spring constant or stiffness
s – distance (compressed or elongated)
FBD – 2 common connections
2. Cables & Pulley
i. Cables or cords have negligible weight.
ii. Cannot stretch
iii. Can support only tension or pulling – always act in the
direction of the cable.
iv. Passes over a frictionless pulley with a
constant magnitude.
v. For any angle θ, the cable is subjected
to a constant tension or force.
Procedure to draw a FBD
1. Draw outlined shape (simplify)

2. Show all forces

3. Identify each forces.

3.3 Solve problems regarding equilibrium in coplanar force
Procedure for Analysis
Coplanar force equilibrium problems for a particle can be solved using the
following procedure.

1. Free-Body Diagram
• Establish the x, y axes in any suitable orientation.
• Label all the known and unknown force magnitudes and directions on the diagram.
• The sense of a force having an unknown magnitude can be assumed.
2. Equations of Equilibrium.

• Apply the equations of equilibrium, ∑Fx = 0 and ∑Fy = 0. For convenience, arrows can be written
alongside each equation to define the positive directions.

• Components are positive if they are directed along a positive axis, and negative if they are directed
along a negative axis.

• If more than two unknowns exist and the problem involves a spring, apply F = ks to relate the spring
force to the deformation s of the spring.

• Since the magnitude of a force is always a positive quantity, then if the solution for a force yields a
negative result, this indicates that its sense is the reverse of that shown on the free-body diagram.
1. Determine the magnitudes of the forces C and T which act on the joint so that they are in
2. Equations of Equilibrium

1. F.B.D
3. Solve equations 1 and 2
1) Determine the tension in cables BA and BC necessary to support the 60 kg cylinder.
2) Determine the force in each cord for equilibrium of the 200 kg crate. Cord BC remains
horizontal due to the roller at C, and AB has a length of 1.5 m. Set y=0.75 m.
3) The towing pendant AB is subjected to the force of 50 kN exerted by a tugboat. Determine the
force in each of the bridles, BC and BD, if the ship is moving forward with constant velocity.
5. Determine the force at AB and AC necessary to support the 12 kg traffic light
6. Determine the tension required at AC if the flowerpot weight is 383.2N and tension at AB is 210N

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