Rocket Employment: CPL Dejesus

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Rocket Employment

Methods of Engagement
Single Firing – Single firing involves using a single Soldier armed with a single shoulder-launched munition to engage a target.
This method requires the Soldier to hit a vital part of the target to get the desired effect.
Sequence Firing – Sequence firing involves using a single firer equipped with two or more shoulder-launched munitions
(prepared for firing) to engage a target. After engaging with the first round and observing the impact, the firer engages with
additional rounds until he disables or destroys the target or runs out of rounds.
Pair Firing – Pair firing involves using two or more firers equipped with shoulder-launched munitions (prepared for firing) to
engage a single target. The first firer informs the others of the distance to the target, and if it is moving, the estimated speed. If
the impact of his round proves his estimate to be correct, the other firer(s) engage(s) the target. If the impact of the round proves
his estimate to be incorrect, the second firer informs the others of his estimate and engages the target.
Volley Firing - Volley firing involves using two or more firers to engage a single target (when the range is known) at the same
time on a prearranged signal. Volley firing can be the most effective means of engagement, as it places the most possible rounds
on one target at one time, increasing the possibility of a kill. Volley firing is the recommended method of engaging more than
one target or target area, day or night.
Types of Kills
Type of kill Part of vehicle damaged or Capability after kill
Mobility Kill Suspension (track, wheels, or road Vehicle cannot move, but it can
wheels) or power train (engine or still return fire.
transmission) has been damaged.
Firepower Kill Main armament has been Vehicle can still move, so it can
disabled. get away.
Catastrophic Kill Ammunition or fuel storage Vehicle is completely destroyed.
section has been hit by more than
one round.
Rocket Positions
Cold Position – The last covered and/or concealed position before the firing point.
Rocket is prepped in this position removing all safeties preparing the rocket to be
Hot Position – This is where the rocket is fired. You are completely exposed and
have on average 7 seconds to fire the rocket before fires are concentrated on you.

Prep the rocket in the cold position, run to the hot position to fire, IMMEDIATELY
run back to the cold position after firing.

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