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Signals and Classification

Engr. Klint Ian V. Austero

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
• The concepts of signals and systems arise in a wide variety of areas:
• Communications
• Circuit Design
• Biomedical Engineering
• Power Systems
• Speech Processing
• Image Processing
• Etc.

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
• A signal is a pattern of variation that carry information.
• Signals are represented mathematically as a function of one or more
independent variables
• Contains information about the behavior or nature of some
• Signals can be One-dimensional (speech) or multi-dimensional

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Examples of Signals
• Electrical Signals – voltage and currents in a circuit
• Acoustic Signals – audio or speech signals (analog or digital)
• Video Signals – intensity variations in an image (e.g. CAT scan)
• Biological signals – sequence of bases in a gene, pulse
• Noise: unwanted signal
• Stock Market data?

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Measuring Signal
• Analog Signal
• An analog signal is any continuous signal for which the time-varying feature
of the signal is a representation of some other time-varying quantity, i.e.,
analogous to another time-varying signal.

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Measuring Signal
• Amplitude
• The maximum value of a signal measured from its average
• Period
• Defined as the amount of time (expressed in seconds)
required to complete one full cycle.
• Frequency (pitch)
• Describes the number of waves that pass a fixed place in a
given amount of time. The number of cycles produce in a
second is called Hertz (Hz). Inverse of Period.
• Wavelength
• The distance between identical points (adjacent crests) in the
adjacent cycles of a waveform signal. The higher the
frequency of the signal, the shorter the wavelength.
• Waveform
• the shape of the signal derived from its amplitude and
frequency over a fixed time

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Examples of Analog Signals
• An analog signal can be any time-varying signal.
• Minimum and maximum values can be either positive or negative
• They can be periodic (repeating) or non-periodic.
• Note that this square wave is not a digital signal because its minimum
value is negative

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Measuring Signal
• Digital Signal
• a signal that is being used to
represent data as a sequence of
discrete values; at any given time it
can only take on, at most, one of a
finite number of values.
• Digital signal are commonly
referred to as square waves or
clock signals

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Measuring Signal
• Amplitude
• For digital signals, this will ALWAYS be 5 volts
• Time High (tH)
• The time the signal is at 5v.
• Time Low (tL)
• The time the signal is at 0v.
• Duty Cycle
• The ratio of Time High to the total period (T)
• Rising Edge
• A 0 to 1 transition of the signal
• Falling Edge
• A 1 to 0 transition of the signal

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Classification of Signals
• Continuous –time and discrete-time signals
• Periodic and non-periodic signals
• Casual and Non-casual
• Deterministic and random signals
• Even and Odd signals

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Continuous-time (CT) and Discrete-time
(DT) Signals
• CT signals take on real or complex values as a function of an
independent variable that ranges over the real number and are denoted
as x( t ).
• DT signals take on real or complex values as a function of an
independent variables that ranges over the integers and are denoted as
x[ n ]
• Note the subtle use of parentheses and square bracket to distinguish
between CT and DT signals

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Periodic and Non-periodic Signals
A signal which repeats itself after a A signal which does not repeat itself after
specific interval of time a specific interval of time
A signal that repeats its pattern over a A signal that does not repeats its pattern
period over a period
They can be represented by a They cannot be represented by any
mathematical equations mathematical equations
Their value can be determined at any Their value cannot be determine with
point certainty at any given point of time
They are deterministic signals The are random signals

Examples: Sine, Square, Saw Waves Example: Sound signal, noise signal

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Causal, Anti-Causal, Non-causal Signal
• Causal signals are signals that are zero for all negative time, while
anti-causal are signals that are zero for all positive time. Non-causal
signals are signals that have nonzero values in both positive and
negative time.

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Deterministic and Random Signal
• Deterministic Signal
• Behavior of these signals is predictable
• There is no uncertainty with respect to its value at any time
• These signals can be expressed mathematically
• For example x ( t ) = sin (3 t) is deterministic signal

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Deterministic and Random Signal
• Random or Non-deterministic Signal
• Behavior of these signals is random i.e. not predictable
• There is an uncertainty with respect to its value at any time
• These signals can’t be expressed mathematically
• For example: Thermal Noise generated is non deterministic signal

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Even and Odd Signals
• One of characteristics of signal is symmetry
that may be useful for signal analysis. Even
signals are symmetric around vertical axis,
and Odd signals are symmetric about origin.

• Even Signals
• A signal is referred to as an even if it is identical EVEN SIGNALS
to its time-reversed counterparts; x(t) = x(-t).

• Odd Signals
• A signal is odd if x(t) = -x(-t). An odd signal must
be 0 at t=0, in other words, odd signal passes the

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design ODD SIGNALS
Sine Wave Equation

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Sine Wave Equation

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Sine Wave Equation

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Sine Wave Equation

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Sine Wave Equation

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Sine Wave Equation

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
• You can review your trigonometric graph in this link

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Activity #3
1. Given the sample signals, what is its Midline, Amplitude, Frequency,
Period, and Phase Shift? What would be the sinusoidal equation of the

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Activity #3
2. Given the sample signals, what is its Midline, Amplitude, Frequency,
Period, and Phase Shift? What would be the sinusoidal equation of the

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Activity #3
3. Given the sample signals, what is its Midline, Amplitude, Frequency,
Period, and Phase Shift? What would be the sinusoidal equation of the

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Activity #3
4. Octave Exercise
• Using Octave, create a plot given this sine wave: y = sin ( 2*pi*(5Hz)*x)
• Plot the signal, when we change the midline to 5;
• Plot the signal, when we increase the amplitude by 2;
• Plot the signal, when we increase the frequency by twice as much.
• Plot the signal, when we shift by 90 degrees.
• What happens when instead of sine we use cosine?

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Activity #3
4. Octave Exercise
• Create a square wave, having the following:
• Midline = 0;
• Amplitude = 5;
• Frequency = 2;
• Duty Cycle = 50%

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design

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