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Base Data Validation Guidelines

Time spent with current

Case Review– Reporting Manager(RM) Review – Reviewing Manager
reporting manager

1 90 days or more Current RM RM’s supervisor

Immediate Previous RM. If SM has spent

more than 60 days with the current RM, RM’s supervisor in that
2 Less than 90 days
then current RM will be added as timeframe
additional supervisor.
Special Cases
Field will be blank. BHR need to fill the
Less than 90 days - Immediate RM where the SM has spent maximum BHR need to fill Reviewing
previous RM < 90 days time. If required, allocate RM in Manager.
consultation with business.
Field will be blank. BHR need to fill the
Less than 90 days - Immediate RM where the SM has spent maximum BHR need to fill Reviewing
previous VBU is Global RP time. If required, allocate RM in Manager.
consultation with business.

Previous project RM where SM has spent

more than 90 days. RM’s supervisor in that
5 Global RP case
If previous project is also Global RP then timeframe.
backtrack and show RM in a project.

© 2020 Coforge 1
Base Data Validation

© 2020 Coforge 2
Form Submission Demo

Reviewees are responsible for timely submission and completion of PPDP.

© 2020 Coforge 3
Forms not submitted by reviewee will be abandoned.
© 2020 NIIT Technologies | | Confidential
Review by Reporting Manager Demo

• PPDP is a time-based activity. Once the deadline is over, forms will auto-move to the next level.
• For employees in Service Lines tagged to VBU’s, the PPDP form has to be mandatorily forwarded
© 2020 Coforge to the Account SPOC by adding them as Additional Supervisor for feedback. 5
Rating Guidelines

Output Criteria/KPA Rating Guidelines

100% Achievement of all >=80% Achievement/Met >=60%and <80% Achievement / <60% Achievement / Below
objectives of the KPA/Target. Threshold of all critical objectives Below threshold of all critical threshold of all critical objectives
Exceeded expectations all the of the KPA/Target. Met objectives of the KPA/ target. Met of the KPA/ target. Did not meet
times. expectations most of the times. expectations sometime. expectations.

Overall Rating Guidelines

Overall Rating Descriptor

10 All Criteria/KPA are 4

9 All Criteria/KPA are 4 except one which could be 3

8 Min two Criteria/KPA is 4 and rest are 3 or 2

7 Min one Criteria/KPA is 4 and rest are 3 or 2

6 or less Criteria/KPA are a combination of 3, 2 and 1

© 2020 Coforge 6
Some Important points

Ensure that the discussion happens face to face (virtually), wherever possible, in a formal manner.
Plan when and where you would conduct the meeting.
Discuss each rating & give your rationale for the rating. Gather data with actual examples (instances, appreciations,
escalations) to substantiate the rating. KPA Rating must be discussed and communicated to the reviewee.

Ensure Fairness & No Bias.

Give an opportunity for reviewee to respond to your feedback.

Adhere to the KPA/Output Criteria guidelines

Commit your support for execution of development programs chartered out for the reviewee.

For employees in Service Lines tagged to VBU’s, the PPDP form has to be mandatorily forwarded to the Account SPOC by
adding them as Additional Supervisor for feedback.

© 2020 Coforge 7
Examples of effective & ineffective feedback Your presentations aren’t as clear
as we need them to be. Add
concrete data to prove your point,
Your presentations are use bulleted lists, graphs and other
very confusing. You You’re too abrupt visual aids to make things easier
need to write them during your phone to read.
better. calls with clients. We We’ve received feedback
need you to change. from clients saying you’re
too abrupt on the phone.
How do you think you can
You exceeded your
be more approachable?
production goal by 20%
last month. Great job,
You exceeded your that’s really going to help
production goal last month. us meet our overall
This month’s goal will be financial goals. How did
increased another 20% you do it?

You’ve demonstrated an ability to

lead and motivate teams, you can
I’m promoting you!
deal with ambiguity, and you are a
quick learner. Congratulations!
You’ve earned yourself a

© 2020 Coforge 8
© 2020 NIIT Technologies | | Confidential

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