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Module 2: Critical Issues in

Business Ethics

Dr. Nancy Bouchra Hanna

Employment at Will
○ Courts are reluctant to recognize issues other than those explicitly agreed by the parties
○ If employment at will governs the workplace, if employees can be dismissed for morally
wrong reasons without violating the law, then the concept of employee rights is
○ To say that employees have legitimate claim implies that they ethically cannot be placed in
the position of having to choose between these goods and their job.

Dual Process in the workplace
○ Dual process in the workplace mean that employees have a right to be protected from the
arbitrary use of managerial authority.
○ Due process means that while employees can be dismissed for good cause, they cannot be
dismissed for no cause of even for cause morally wrong.
○ Due process right would establish the procedure that an employer must go through to
ensure the dismissal is not arbitrary.
○ Acceptable reasons for dismissal: incompetent job performance, intoxication, inordinate
absenteeism, theft, fraud and economic necessity.

Dual Process in the workplace
○ However, specifying every possible reason and distinguishing them from unacceptable
reasons beforehand might be impossible.
○ As a result, a typical due process policies outline a procedure through which employers
must go before they can dismiss an employee.
○ This procedural might include things such as prior warning, documentation, written
performance standards, probationary period, a process by which decisions can be appealed,
an opportunity to respond to allegations, and prior determination of punishment that is
proportionate to the infraction.
○ Due process demands nothing more than that the exercise of power be justified.

Counter-Argument Due Process
○ Due process involves an illegitimate restriction to the freedom of individuals to establish
the conditions of their own work. I
○ f employees are free to quit the job for any reason, it is only fair that employers be free to
fire employees for any reason.
○ Due process is an illegitimate restriction on the property rights of business owners.
○ Without the dear of dismissal as motivation, the workers will be inefficient and

Ethics and Marketing
Marketing and Ethics
○ All of the factors considered and each decision made in the marketing process are ethical
○ what, how, why and under what conditions is something produced?
○ What price is acceptable, reasonable, fair?
○ How can the product be promoted to support and enhance sales?
○ Where, when and under what conditions should the product be places in the

Marketing and Ethics
○ Each of the four Ps raises important ethical issues:
○ What responsibilities do producers have for the quality and safety of their products?
○ Who is responsible for harms caused by a product?
○ Are there some products that should not be produced, or does consumer demand
decide all production questions?
○ Is consumer’s willingness to pay the only ethical constraint on fair pricing? Should
the ability to pay be a factor in setting price?
○ Are deceptive or misleading ads ethical?
○ What privacy protections should be offered for marketing data?
○ Is it ethical to target vulnerable populations such as children or the elderly?

Ethical Responsibility for products
○ Questions of product safety concern determining the causes of any harms.
E.g. what caused the Ford Explorers to crash during the blowouts of their firestone tires?

○ The manufacturer who fail to inspect their products before sending them to the
market without adequate testing can be geld culpable for harms caused by this

○ Discuss the case for Boeing 737

Thank you


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