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Ten persons K,L,M ,N,O, P, Q, R, S and T are living

in a five-story building such as ground floor is

numbered as 1, above it is floor 2 then top floor is
numbered as 5. Each of the floors has 2 flats in it
viz. flat-1 and flat-2. Flat-1 of floor-2 is
immediately above flat-1 of floor-1 and
immediately below flat-1 of floor-3 and so on. In
the same way flat-2 of floor-2 is immediately
above flat-2 of floor-1 and immediately below flat-
2 of floor-3 and so on. Flat-1 is in west of flat-2.
There are two floors between S and K in the same
flat number. S and L lives on the same floor. S does
not live in an odd numbered floor. R lives
immediately above Q in the same flat number. M
and O live on the same floor. T lives on one of the
floor above O and in the same flat number. N lives
in one of the floor above T but in flat number
2 .There is only one floor between P and L in the
same flat number.
Directions : Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:

Ten Students A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J live on three different flats in four floors. Each
floor has 3 flats – flat 1, flat 2, flat 3 in the same order from left to right. Ground floor is
numbered one and top most floor is numbered four. Each flat is built in such a way that
flat – 1 of floor- 2 exactly above the flat -1 of floor – 1 and exactly below the flat – 1 of
floor – 3. Similarly flat – 2, and flat – 3 of each floors constructed. The two vacant flats
are on even numbered floor and in even numbered flat.
G lives in the flat immediately above B. The flat between E and H is vacant and E lives in
one of the flat above H. A does not live on even numbered floor and even numbered
flat. F lives in an odd numbered flat which is in the left of H. J and I lives on the same
floor and no one else is living with them on that floor. A lives on a floor immediately
above G’s floor and the C live on one of the floor on which one flat is vacant. J and C
both lives in the flat which is numbered 1. D lives in an odd numbered flat which is in
the right of E.
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:

दस विद्यार्थी A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I और J चार मंजिलों में तीन अलग-अलग फ्लै टों पर रहते हैं I प्रत्येक मंजिल में 3 फ्लै ट हैं - फ्लै ट 1, फ्लै ट 2, फ्लै ट 3 एक
ही क्रम में बाएं से दाएं।ग्राउंड फ्लोर को नंबर एक और टॉप फ्लोर को नंबर चार पर रखा गया है। प्रत्येक फ्लै ट को इस तरह से बनाया गया है कि फ्लै ट - 1 मंजिल का -2
मंजिल के फ्लै ट -1 के ठीक ऊपर - 1 और मंजिल - 3 के ठीक नीचे फ्लै ट-1 इसी तरह फ्लै ट - 2, और फ्लै ट - 3 प्रत्येक निर्मित मंजिलों के
खाली पड़े दो फ्लै ट सम संख्या वाले फ्लोर और सम संख्या वाले फ्लै ट पर है I
G, B के ठीक ऊपर वाले फ्लै ट में रहता हैi E और H के बीच का फ्लै ट खाली है और E, H के ऊपर वाले फ्लै ट में से एक में रहता है। A सम संख्या वाले फ्लै ट और
सम संख्या वाले फ्लोर पर नहीं रहता है I F एक विषम संख्या वाले फ्लै ट में रहता है जो H के बाएं ओर है। J और I एक ही मंजिल पर रहते हैं और कोई और उस
मंजिल पर उनके साथ नहीं रहता है। A, G फ्लोर के ठीक ऊपर रहता है , C उनमे से किसी एक फ्लोर पर रहता है जिसमे एक फ्लै ट खाली है I J और C दोनों उस
फ्लै ट में रहते हैं जिसकी संख्या 1 हैI D एक विषम संख्या वाले फ्लै ट में रहता है जो E के दाईं ओर है।
Directions : Ten Students A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J
live on three different flats in four floors. Each floor
has 3 flats – flat 1, flat 2, flat 3 in the same order from
left to right. Ground floor is numbered one and top
most floor is numbered four. Each flat is built in such a
way that flat – 1 of floor- 2 exactly above the flat -1 of
floor – 1 and exactly below the flat – 1 of floor – 3.
Similarly flat – 2, and flat – 3 of each floors
constructed. The two vacant flats are on even
numbered floor and in even numbered flat.
G lives in the flat immediately above B. The flat
between E and H is vacant and E lives in one of the
flat above H. A does not live on even numbered floor
and even numbered flat. F lives in an odd numbered
flat which is in the left of H. J and I lives on the same
floor and no one else is living with them on that floor.
A lives on a floor immediately above G’s floor and the
C live on one of the floor on which one flat is vacant. J
and C both lives in the flat which is numbered 1. D
lives in an odd numbered flat which is in the right of
Q. Nine persons –K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S live on three different flats numbered Flat –1, Flat –2 and
Flat –3 in three different floors numbered floor –1, floor –2 and floor –3(From Left to Right). Each floor
contains three flats and flat –1 of floor –2 exactly above the flat -1 of floor –1 and exactly below the
flat –1 of floor –3. Similarly flat –2 and flat –3 of each floors constructed. Each likes different Fruits
namely viz. –banana, kiwi, orange, apple, grapes, guava, pineapple, cherry, and apricots. M lives in the
same floor with K. Q lives on flat immediately below M . L lives immediately below K. P lives on even –
numbered flat in even-numbered floor. N and S lives on even-numbered flats. S lives immediately
below P. O lives on odd numbered floor. O lives on one of the same flat above Q. The persons who like
kiwi, orange and grapes live in odd numbered floor on odd numbered flat. K lives on flat –1. The
persons who like guava, banana and apple live in even numbered floor. The person who likes banana
lives immediately below the one who likes pineapple on same flat number. The one who likes cherry
lives on even numbered flat. The person who likes guava lives immediately above the one who likes
orange on same flat number. The flat number of the person who likes orange is not more than 2. The
persons who like grapes and apricot live on the same numbered flat. The one who likes grapes lives in
the same floor with the one who likes kiwi.
Q. Nine persons –K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S live on three different
flats numbered Flat –1, Flat –2 and Flat –3 in three different floors
numbered floor –1, floor –2 and floor –3(From Left to Right). Each
floor contains three flats and flat –1 of floor –2 exactly above the flat
-1 of floor –1 and exactly below the flat –1 of floor –3. Similarly flat –
2 and flat –3 of each floors constructed. Each likes different Fruits
namely viz. –banana, kiwi, orange, apple, grapes, guava, pineapple,
cherry, and apricots. M lives in the same floor with K. Q lives on flat
immediately below M . L lives immediately below K. P lives on even
–numbered flat in even-numbered floor. N and S lives on even-
numbered flats. S lives immediately below P. O lives on odd
numbered floor. O lives on one of the same flat above Q. The
persons who like kiwi, orange and grapes live in odd numbered floor
on odd numbered flat. K lives on flat –1. The persons who like guava,
banana and apple live in even numbered floor. The person who likes
banana lives immediately below the one who likes pineapple on
same flat number. The one who likes cherry lives on even numbered
flat. The person who likes guava lives immediately above the one
who likes orange on same flat number. The flat number of the
person who likes orange is not more than 2. The persons who like
grapes and apricot live on the same numbered flat. The one who
likes grapes lives in the same floor with the one who likes kiwi.
Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:

Ten persons A,B,C ,D,E, F, G, H, I and J are living in a five-story building such as ground floor is numbered
as 1, above it is floor 2 then top floor is numbered as 5. Each of them like each of different cars such as
Swift ,scorpio,duster,Audi,Creta,Boleno,Bmw,Jeep,Toyota and Nissan Each of the floors has 2 flats in it viz.
flat-1 and flat-2. Flat-1 of floor-2 is immediately above flat-1 of floor-1 and immediately below flat-1 of
floor-3 and so on. In the same way flat-2 of floor-2 is immediately above flat-2 of floor-1 and immediately
below flat-2 of floor-3 and so on. Flat-1 is in west of flat-2.
There are two floors between I and A in the same flat number. I and B lives on the same floor. I does not
live in an odd numbered floor but likes Toyata. H who likes Nissan, lives immediately above G in the same
flat number. C and E live on the same floor. J lives on one of the floor above E and in the same flat
number. D lives in one of the floor above J but in flat number 2 .There is only one floor between F and B
in the same flat number. Two floors between Nissan and Jeep on same flat number. The one who likes
Audi Lives immediately above the one who likes toyota. G likes Scorpio. B likes Swift. The one who likes
Boleno does not live on Flat 2. The one who likes Duster live on 4 floor. D does not like BMW.
Ten persons A,B,C ,D,E, F, G, H, I and J are living in
a five-story building such as ground floor is
numbered as 1, above it is floor 2 then top floor
is numbered as 5. Each of them like each of
different cars such as
Swift ,scorpio,duster,Audi,Creta,Boleno,Bmw,Jeep
,Toyota and Nissan Each of the floors has 2 flats in
it viz. flat-1 and flat-2. Flat-1 of floor-2 is
immediately above flat-1 of floor-1 and
immediately below flat-1 of floor-3 and so on. In
the same way flat-2 of floor-2 is immediately
above flat-2 of floor-1 and immediately below
flat-2 of floor-3 and so on. Flat-1 is in west of flat-
There are two floors between I and A in the same
flat number. I and B lives on the same floor. I
does not live in an odd numbered floor but likes
H who likes Nissan, lives immediately
above G in the same flat number. C and E
live on the same floor. J lives on one of
the floor above E and in the same flat
number. D lives in one of the floor above J
but in flat number 2 .There is only one
floor between F and B in the same flat
number. Two floors between Nissan and
Jeep on same flat number. The one who
likes Audi Lives immediately above the
one who likes toyota. G likes Scorpio. B
likes Swift. The one who likes Boleno does
not live on Flat 2. The one who likes
Duster live on 4 floor. D does not like

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