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Prayer for Research Subject

Prayer for Guidance

Lord, grant that I may always allow myself to be guided
By You, always follow Your plans,
And perfectly accomplish Your Holy Will.
Grant that in all things, great and small,
Today and all the days of my life,
I may do whatever You require of me.
Help me respond to the slightest prompting of Your Grace, so that I may be Your trustworthy instrument for Your
May Your Will be done in time and in eternity by me,
In me and through me. Amen.

St. Teresa of Avila, the great spiritual reformer, pray for us!
That in all things, God may be glorified!
Summary, Conclusions and


Calderon, J.F. and Gonzales, E.C. (1993) Methods of Research and Thesis Writing, National Bookstore, reprinted 2015.

- Know the title of chapter 5

- Determine the guidelines in writing summary,
conclusions and recommendations
Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
Summary of findings
Guidelines in writing your summary of findings

1. There should be a brief statement about the

main purpose of the study, the respondents,
the period of the study, method of research
used, research instrument, and the sampling
design. There should be no explanations made.
2. The specific questions should follow the order they are given under
the statement of the problem.


1. How qualified are the teachers handling English in the schools of district A?

Of the 49 teachers, 21 or 53.54 percent were BSEd graduates

and three or 5.08 percent were MA degree holders. The rest…
3. The findings should be textual generalizations, that is, a summary
of the important data consisting of text and numbers. Every
statement of fact should consist words, numbers, or statistical
measures woven into a meaningful statement. No deduction, nor
inference nor interpretation should be made otherwise it will only
Be duplicated in the conclusion.

4. Only the important findings, the highlights of the data, should be

included in the summary, especially those upon which the conclusion
should be based.
5. Findings are not explained nor elaborated
upon anymore. They should be stated as
conscisely as possible.

6. No new data should be introduced in the

summary of findings.

Guidelines in writing the conclusions.

1.Conclusions are the logical and valid outgrowths of the findings. It
should not contain numerals and no conclusions should be made that
are not based upon the findings.
2.Conclusions should appropriately answer the specific questions raised
at the beginning of the investigation in the order they are given under
the statement of the problem.a
3. Conclusions should point out what were
factually learned from the inquiry.

4. Conclusions should be formulated concisely,

that is, brief and short, yet they convey all the
necessary information resulting from the study as
required by the specific questions.
5. Without any strong evidence to the contrary, conclusionsshould be
stated categorically. They should be worded as if they are 100 percent
true and correct. They should not give any hint that the researcher has
some doubts about their validity and reliability. The use of qualifiers
such as probably, perhaps, may be, and the like sound should be
avoided as much as possible.

6. Conclusions should refer only to the population, area, or subject of

the study.
• 7. Conclusions should not be repetitions of any statements any where
in the thesis.

In writing conclusions, avoid the ff:
incorrect generalization
incorrect deduction
incorrect comparison
abuse of correlation
misleading impression

• Types of recommendations:
• Recommendation for action
(proposed interventions)

• Recommendations for future

Guidelines in writing the recommendations

• Recommendations are appeal to people or entities concerned to

solve or help solve the problem discovered in the research.

1. Recommendations should address the discovered problem in the

investigation. For example, if the findings is about “Lack of
facilities” the recommendation should be about acquiring more
facilities. Surely, it will solve the problem about “lack of facilities.”
2. No recommendations should be made for a problem.
Recommendations for things not discussed in the study are irrelevant.

3. There may also be recommendations for continuance of a good

practice or system, or even recommendation for its improvement.

4. Recommendations should aim for the ideal but they must be

feasible, practical, and attainable. It is useless to recommend
impossible things.
5. Recommendations should be logical
and valid. If the problem is the lack of
facilities, it is only logical to recommend
the acquisition of the lacking facilities.
6. Recommendations should be addressed to the persons, entities,
agencies, or offices who or which are in a position to implement them.
Example: Suppose one problem discovered is the lack of science
facilities. The recommendation should be: The school principals,
through the Division Superintendent, should make an urgent petition to
the proper government authorities to purchase adequate science
equipment for the high schools. For private schools, their petitions
should be directed to their respective Boards or Trustees.
7. There should be a recommendation for further research
on the same topic in other places to verify, amplify, or
negate the findings of the study. This is necessary so that
if the findings are the same, generalization of wider
application can be formulated.
Good luck to your final defense!

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