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To Kill a Mockingbird

Harper Lee
Chapter 5
- Miss Maudie's observation of
Boo Radley is very insightful.
- Her love for plants also puts her
in trouble and she is threatened
by the "foot- washing Baptists".
-She loved children and every
time she baked a big cake, she
also made 3 special little ones for
the three kids.
- She is just the opposite of
Stephanie Crawford who loved to
gossip about everything.
Chapter- 5
- The children had planned to
bring Boo Radley out of his
house...Jem was supposed to use
a flagpole to deliver a note...Dill
was to stand at a distance and
ring the bell if someone came
that way and Scout was made to
stand at the other end to keep a
- Atticus who had come home to
collect a file, catches them red-
- He warns them not to bother
Boo Radley again and not to go
near the place unless invited.
Chapter 6
Mr. Avery
- New neighbour of the Finches
-He lived across the street from Mrs
Dubose's house.
- He used to make changes in the church
collection plate every Sunday- ie,
pocketing money from the amount
contributed by the congregation.
-He is seen perpetually sneezing sitting
on Mrs Dubose's vine covered porch.
-The children witnessed him urinating
off his porch.
- They were shocked that he could pee
10 feet away from where he stood.
-Dill figured that he drank a gallon a day
and then the boys proceeded to enjoy a
contest to see who could pee the
• On Dill's last night in Maycomb, he and Jem decide
to sneak into the Radley Place and have a look at
Boo Radley with Scout accompanying them.
• The adventure misfires when Boo's brother Mr
Nathan appears on the porch of the house and fires
a shot in the dark.
• In trying to run away, Jem's pants get stuck in the
high wire fence.
• Jem runs away in his shorts.
- When questioned by Atticus
who had gathered there along
with other neighbours on hearing
the gun shot, Dill comes to his
- He tells Atticus that Jem had
lost his pants to him in a game of
poker that they were playing by
Ms Rachel's poolside.
- Atticus somehow manages the
crowd and sends them away
though Ms Stephanie Crawford The Radley House
had raised some doubts about
Jem being the
"white nigger".
*Jem is scared and worried to
think what would happen if Mr
Nathan Radley finds his pants the
next day.
*Moreover he has never been
whipped by Atticus and he
wishes to keep it that way.
* Fear and anxiety drove him to
retrieve his pants successfully
from the Radley's backyard.
Summing Up
• Children are still curious about Boo Radley.
• They keep planning to bring him out of his hiding,
failing miserably each time.
• Superstitious belief of children- loved to imagine
that there lived a lady in the moon.
• Dill's inventiveness helps Jem as he rescues him out
of a tight spot.
• Scout, though reluctant, agrees to give them

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