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The Making

of Research
1. Discuss what research
proposal is.

2. Write a technical
report about research
presentation and

3. Show cooperation
through proper
designation of work and
collaboration in using
google docs.
• Collaboration
• Criticisms
• Paper works
• Dumbbell Directions: Choose one word from
• Patience the word pool that you think is
• Dedication significant in doing research. You may
• Award unmute or use your chat box.
• Recognition
• Innovation
• Legacy
• Internet
• F.O.
Lesson 1: Research
What is the purpose of a research proposal?

 To propose a research project that will result in a significant contribution to knowledge.

 To formulate a detailed plan of the project including methodological approach and theoretical framework.
 To ensure that the proposed research is achievable within the required time and with the available resources.
 To demonstrate that you have adequate expertise and experience to undertake the project.
Importance of Research Proposal
 Writing a research proposal will encourage you to clarify your objectives and key ideas.
 It will enable you to think about each stage of the research process so that you can develop a clear and
detailed plan.
 It will also help you to foresee problems that you may encounter during your experimentation and prompt
you to think about how you will manage them when they arise.
Skills needed in Research Proposal
Subject knowledge and research skills
 The proposal gives you an opportunity to exhibit your mastery of subject knowledge and familiarity with current
research trends.
 Choose a research topic or project that suits your present situation and still can manage to meet the criteria or the
standard of the subject.
Critical thinking skills
 A good research proposal displays evidence of advanced analysis, evaluation and synthesis skills, as well as creativity
and the ability to combine vertical and lateral thinking.
 Also, critical thinking skills help us to easily identify the things that we need to adjust as we go along dealing with our

Communication skills
 The proposal displays your ability to express yourself in precise and concise language.
 It will also help you in your paper presentation and of course in your final defense.
It is necessary to keep these skills in mind as you work on your proposal as your panelists and me, your
research adviser will be looking for evidence of them in your writing.

Content and Structure
 The required content and structure of a research proposal varies from one field of study to
In general, however, a research proposal consists of the following elements:
 Background to the topic, significance and research problem
 Research aims and questions
 Review of literature
 Study/project design
 Timeline
 Expected outcomes/impact

Steps in Achieving a Successful Research Proposal
 First, the proposal needs to identify a specific research area in the broader landscape of the discipline, and establish why it
is significant and worth exploring Example: look for a research problem that has something to do with your strand
 Second, the proposal needs to identify an existing or newly identified gap in knowledge that can be developed into a
significant research problem.
 Third, the proposal needs to build a convincing case for your project as a viable way of approaching the research problem.
This aspect is often the most exciting and creative part of the proposal. It allows you to showcase how your project design
brings a new approach to an existing or newly identified problem.
 Finally, the proposal needs to demonstrate that your approach to the problem is achievable within the period of your

Proposed Topic: Comments:
  (Teacher’s Comment on this part)
*Introduction can be limited to 5-10 sentences only.
*Remember, when we do this part we are after seeing a more tangible and evidentiary project. Meaning, an
effective Introduction can let your audience imagine your project.
Problem Statement:  
  (Teacher’s Comment on this part)
*Cite at least 3 questions that will state your problem.
*From “what” questions to “how”.
*If its experimental you may write quantitative data for the meantime.
Objectives: (Teacher’s Comment on this part)
*Write your 3 most important objectives.
*Always start with the base form of a verb.
Preliminary Literature Reviews:  
  (Teacher’s Comment on this part)
*At least 5 supporting studies or lit that will prove that your topic is worth it and will not leave you hanging as you
go along with your project.
*It can only be a summary or even a title of the article that shows relationship with your topic.

(Teacher’s Comment on this part)
*mention the possible experimental, laboratory or statistical data that you think you may encounter when you deal
with your research.
(Interview/Observation Method)
  (Teacher’s Comment on this part)
*Cite the sources.  
Lesson Closure: Always remember that good planning
will always lead us to success. Listening to suggestions
and willingness to learn new things is an attitude of a
successful person.

 Write a research proposal using the example given for a STEM
related research project.
 Follow the format given in writing your content.
 Use your Google drive folder in submitting/monitoring of your
 Paper presentation will be after group consultation .

1. Introduction: sets the context; gives an outline of the proposal
 Research problem clearly defined

 Adequate description of the background to the problem /5

 A convincing research rationale (justification for research) given
 The research objectives stated clearly

2. Literature Review: Provides a meaningful and relevant summary of quality literature

 Has appropriate (relevant and quality) literature been examined in order to provide the background and rationale to research?
 Does the literature review correspond to the aims of the research? ./ 5
 Are major studies and the significant findings mentioned?
 Are sources used accurately and consistently referenced

3. Research Method: /5
 Is the research design coherently structured?  
 The chosen research methodology / approach clearly described / justified / appropriate to the aims of the research  

4. References: Sufficient, relevant and quality sources listed. Necessary information provided consistently in one academic style
5. Language: (Grammar, cohesion, coherence, etc.)
Final Mark: …………/ 25


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